What's up with all these degenerate advertisements on pol, of all fucking places

What's up with all these degenerate advertisements on pol, of all fucking places

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>How to vacation like Luke Skywalker

Also, why'd you visit pornsites, user? Targeted ads, tells you mostly visit degenerate sites.

>Mine are mostly JewTube ads.

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>what's with-
You are. You fucking degenerate faggot. Now burn in fire.

I dont visit porn sites lol. If I did, why the fuck would I start this thread?


I live nowhere near California

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Porn ads along with manchild dream vacations. Shut the fuck up, incel.

Ok I can tell you're a shill lel thanks for the constructive support u fucking faggot

Anytime, user!

>on the internet
Go back to plebbit

Nah. I think they're linked to what you turbo virgins here search. I dont search anything in California and Colorado, or porn. And that's all that comes up in these ads

you watch too much porn

clean your room bucko

You can change the fuckin font you pleb

I watch no porn or else I wouldn't be posting these. I also get advertisements for states on the other side of the country, which I never searched ever

Unironically consider suicide I know women who understand the internet better than you

Advertising on pol would make anyone not already degenerate look bad.

Change the font

What are you talking about? Fuck off

Huh funny because the ads on different boards are different than other boards. I come here and B and get spammed with porn. Ifs almost like everyone here is an Incel

>It's not me, it's everybody else
Just stop. Go watch the usual degenerate shit you're into, which is dreaming about thots and how your hero Luke Skywalker likes to vacation.

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>just stop
Stop why? Because its pol and b that gives me porn ads but not on other boards? I think it's you limp dick incel faggots causing these ads

I haven't seen ads on the internet since 2007


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no one cares faggot, neck yourself

You’ve probably never seen a toilet either

Maybe I've been here too long...

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It's bad enough you're lying on an anonymous Vietnamese rice enthusiasm image board, but lying to yourself is what's pathetic. Hence, "just stop"

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