What does Jow Forums think of #MeToo?

what does Jow Forums think of #MeToo?

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Exposing the rapist kikes

why aren't we using #MeToo for our own purposes?

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i feel like the woman(??) who created the #metoo hashtag did so just to see if anyone would actually believe that someone once founder her attractive enough to harass

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Who is that with dannyboy?

Jamie Lynn Spears. He's the father of her child.

she looks like she was just crying

Are you a jew wizard? How high up the illuminati pyramid are you?

just a 27 year old mutt who lives at home with his parents

I don't believe you. You're a Jew wizard in Israel. Jow Forums gives me psychic powers.


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Backlash will be funny.

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Shlomo loves it! BTW, what's the mega-perv Harvey Weinstein up to these days?
Enjoying the good life, because he has immunity since he's Chosen by G-d.

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Too little too late.
I'm sure Jow Forums would just blatantly call out Jews, rather pointing out the flaws in Liberals.
Plus, what has happened to these people so far? Only Cosby has been convicted of anything, which was months before MeToo shit started. So far the worst has been removed from organizations or dropped from movies.

Could potentially be appropriated by Jow Forums to redpill normies on the JQ.

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Witch Hunt. No question