Why is Germany so rich?

They get paid 10x for the same job. Not fair

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they are whiter than you, Mohamed

Britain is better. So is Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Switzerland.

i'm more mohammed than him nigger

But my country has no niggers whatsoever (only good thing going for it)

shit I thought Belarus was some arab country

betray putin just like hohols

>Britain is better.

Nah, it's not. Almost all jobs pay better in Germany or Austria, it's just in UK numbers are skewed by enormous amounts dolled out in financial sector. In most cases you will get paid a fair bit more for the same job here, than in UK, and in the UK you will most likely have to live in London so all your money will be pissed away on rent.

They also pay 10x more for rent, food, gas, EU gibs, electricity, etc.

>56% Education