Chads and Staceys are the future of tech.
Chads and Staceys are the future of tech
wtf an incel?
Who will code then?
Stupid chink
Someone from Reddit.
She is a status obsessed whore, not representive of silicon valley at all.
She tried to play the feminist harassment card against her hedge fund employers, failed horribly.
She got kicked from reddit after a failed tenure.
Her husband is not only a nigger, but a convicted scamming nigger.
She is just riling shit up to get publicity for shekels, ignore her, not even the chinese community cares about this dumb whore (they have enough hardworking engineers in the valley to dismiss notions of racism)
Why doesn't she fuck off back to China.
If you're trying to push another "incel" into murdering the Liberal bastards that deserve to die, then you're in the wrong place. Murdering people in the name of political motivation is the FBI's and CIA's job. Now fuck off.
They don't want coalburners in china
Chut up
Serious question.
Is there any good career right now that has not and will likely not be infiltrated by high amounts of Staceys?
>we are entering a second coming of the dark ages. However this time it won't be the churches fault, but the cultural left will be the cause.
That's like 90% of silicon valley tech workers
the fuck are these liberals doing? suiciding their support base? Do they not realize that most men are incelibate, and especially the kind of men who work in IT and academia - literally two of the strongpoints of liberal groupthink?
whatever, don't interrupt your enemy when they make a mistake
>Implying Chad can't code
Self-employed trades
That cunt needs to be raped and have its sex organs cut out.
They no longer need technological advances. Only social ones
>le sparkie meme
Shit work, shit hours will unironically be killed by some chad turning tge power on while your working the wires. Chad will get promotion you will be dead.
>Chad Stevens
I was just about to say, most real tech guys are Steves.
Reminder you WILL have to have proof of a girlfriend and a facebook account with 1000 friends to get a good job soon
>voluntarily redpilling millions of white Californian males
>just to single handedly destroy sillicon valley
Roastie roastie dangly beef
Pubes and spunk between your teeth
Vag looks like a smashed kebab
That you'll give to any lad
That's happy just to try his luck
You'll bend over and let him fuck
Tall ones short ones fat ones thin ones
Rich ones can even shag your bum
Roastie roastie stretched out ham
You'll never find a decent man
Let's take away the source of income of people who think they have nothing to lose. Whatever can go wrong.
Did she take 5 minutes to think this through? I wish she was still reddit CEO just to see the logical conclusion of her idea applied to reddit.
She's trying to crash the system with no survivors then
Commie gooks = worst commies
Spamming these shill threads aren't going to accomplish a damned thing, you kike puppet.
>she doesnt realise that the ceos of big tech companys were incels before they got rich from their tech company.
Yeah, because people will listen to that disgraceful shit
involuntary celibate or some shit. She basically doesn't want ugly males to work in silicon valley.
>work in an office setting
>40 hours a week
if you're a residential electrician you were too retarded to do anything else
Is she pretending to be this retarded or does she actually need help to get dressed in the morning?
When you take a break from Jow Forums and you come back, you really see how retarded the opinions on this site are.
what a detestable whore
Its one of them fancy new words like alt-right it has something to do with hitler and kanye.
>implying you need to code to be a tech company
Residential sparks a shit, electrical engineers are the true alpha tradie.
>hey you, big company
>you probably have X type of employee in your company
>what will you do about it
This reeks of retardation. Yeah no shit a giant corporation has all kinds of people working for it. And the Tweet implies but does not say there's something wrong with it. You'll notice the left always implies. They never just come out and say what they mean because if they do everyone sees how idiotic and wrong and evil they are. Fucking cockroaches.
is the answer contractors?
The answer is contractors.
There’s something oddly attractive about her
Lift engineer
incel - involuntary celibate
basically all virgins that didn't choose to remain virgin as a live choice.
>Chads and Staceys are the future of tech.
Enjoy your beta uprising/race war.
Also, does anyone find it interesting that some chink is telling western companies to fire their nerdy white employees?
Anyone who thinks these yellow rats deserve anything but a bullet is a part of the problem.
she'd look divine in a gas chamber
if they kicked out all the incels wouldn't all those tech companies go belly up in a week? Most women don't want to do programming, they want some bullshit title position that allows them to feel important without actually having to do anything.
I love how incel has broken into mainstream.
People with high standards
Hi spineless anglo cuck-boy.
no the answer is black girl magic
So nobody? Everyone can get laid. It's just for a lot of people it's not worth the effort.
This is the synonym of removing whites from silicon valley but without sounding racist. She knows most of them are white söyböy manchildren.
is she based or what?
Funny how discrimination is only OK when it's against male virgins
She looks incel herself
This dirty whore of a thoth just posted this. Sad communist, hope it dies in pain and suffering, without anyone loving that dirty whore.
Someone who doesn't get sex regularly, that's it.
Why do retards confuse virgin for incel? Has nothing to do with it.
why does she hate pajeets?
What is lockout/tagout
Lmao if incel means involuntary celibate can't I just say I'm voluntary celibate? Do I get special snowflake points if I say I'm asexual and identify as black too, maybe even say I'm dog-kin?
Yes, but you are most likely coping. For example if you watch a lot of porn you're obviously an incel.
whatever she is, is irrelevant, she's a pawn and this is a jew political maneuver.
Oh yeah mate I'm virgin as fuck, and a literal sperg too, what I'm worried about is losing my future job. Surely when this incel genocide happens I can just say I'm a fag/asexual?
>knitting is programming
yeah I like to program for fun and my sister likes to knit for fun too but I can take my programming into the workplace and make six figures while my sister sells hand-knitted scarves on etsy for $20 a pop
>sewing is engineering
women were so bad at sewing that a straight white male had to invent a sewing machine
>baking is chemistry
in the same way that cocktail mixing is toxicology
mods are just blanket banning anyone who replies. Have to get rid of genuine Jow Forums users to make way for the ngo shills.
I don't see it. Do I need to squint?
Not enough Whites in China
Haha there is no way to enforce that.
Computer security, especially high level hacking. Girls brain just can't do it. You will be 100% safe. Google any big name IT sec company and it will be a huge sausage fest with 0% whores among their ranks. That's the White Mans job.
>incels supposedly flip out because society rejected them
>let's reject them deliberately
Well said, this is chinks openly maneuvering to have white ejected from their own companies.
Chinks already out-number whites in Silicon Valley companies:
Whites of course will do literally nothing about it because they are selfish cowards.
So, who's gonna do the work there?
there's a woman in this city's school district who handles security and she has an oscp
Read this post i made a couple months ago:
tfw no taneesha or sabrina gf
Just to give you perspective on how well she runs a tech company. She was forced out at Reddit and not for being like us.
No, they'd just replace them with Chinese immigrants.
Infact, that's what they are planning on doing with this shit.
yes I work for the school district, she's a superior of mine
But Chinks are even bigger incels
This so much. Pajeets are probably the most incel group of them all, having ever even seen pussy.
Mutt education right here... I was talking HIGH level security. Find me one women who actually knows its shit at netsec? You may be able to find 1 or 2 but that's it. It's the white mans job.
I’m finishing up first year of civil/structural engineering and I’m shit scared, our class is about 30% female
Once we choose masters I’m sure the women will go for less technical ones but I’m still scared
Should i be scared?
LOL. Silicon Valley would be a fucking ghost town without incels.
You stupid fuck, it doesn't amtter that they are incels or not, "incel" is just a new term for white men. They want us removed from power.
Stop debating pointless semantics and start figuring out how to purge the fucking chinks.
I don't watch porn anymore and I don't think women are worth it. All the guys I know wind up accidentally knocking them up or having their money drained away through marriage or trying to get lucky.
>Her husband is not only a nigger, but a convicted scamming nigger.
isn't he also a gay nigger?
What is it with the incel meme?
Why did everyone start using it all of a sudden?
Any fucktard can walk off the streets and get a job in security in a school system.
While I was in school there was a kid who googled bugs for login software my school had. He got a job upon graduation and about 3 years he was leading for the entire county.
Mind you this happened in a top 25 population city for the US.
This and Boy Scouts. At some point Males are going to shirk the responsibilities of building and maintaining civilization. The day of the shrug is nigh.
You already see it. Trains are no longer run on time. You'll see sewers and drinking water backing up and more boil water warnings. A few years later more bridge collapse, even new bridges. Vital infrastructure no serviceable. Things get worse and worse. Food becomes scarcer. People more withdrawn. Everything dies with a wimper and not a bang.
>I can't tell if he's referring to the real Newsweek article OP posted and how stupid that is, or if he is taking a jab at pol, or if he's just a dog fucking leaf
Incels = white males.
Read between the lines. This chink is trying subtle method of removing white competition.
Lmaoing @ ur butthurt José