4billion women and we are Incels why ?

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beta faggots

...and you're a kike puppet. Also, straighten your fucking neck while you're shilling, you'll get a hunchback.

just admit you're gay already and get some chad dick

Because 10s go with 10s, 5s with 5s, but Incels are 1s wanting 10s.

hide and ignore (((incel threads)))

They've been trying to take down Jow Forums for years retard.

why is this even news to you?

There's no excuse for this incel bullshit. Getting laid isn't difficult for Fuck sake, incel is a state of mind and the people that complain about it need to stop being so pathetic and deal with it. Try tidying themselves up, putting a nice shirt and suit on and getting out there and meeting people, if they're anxious then maybe online dating or something. There seem to be countless opportunities if someone needed them, if they're not taking them, it's their own fault.

A lot of those women are incels too.

out of those 4 billion, 1 billion are of breeding age
out of that 1 billion, 1 million are non fat
out of that 1 million, 1 thousand are hot
out of that 1 thousand, 10 have brains, aren't a slut, same race, etc, etc etc etc

modern women are shit
we need to clone pornstars and implant them with AI brains so they're funny and not dumb whores

My celibacy is self-caused. I probably could get laid if I put a lot more concentrated effort to it and made just having sex the only goal, but I think it would be just forcing it. I've tried dating several times but it never got past polite discussion, it just never felt somehow natural to push it further. Either I just haven't met the right type of woman or the whole relationships and sex thing just isn't for me.

They call me Gym Jones.

Ok, now I understand why you can't get laid. Maybe it's for the best, the gene pool can't handle any more of this kind of retardation.

roastie plz, I wouldn't look twice at any disgusting pigwoman from britain

none of you can cook or clean anyway
useless the lot of you

Says the offspring of the worthless degenerates we kicked out of the country.

>"Just lift and take a shower, bro!"

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my ancestors didn't come from the pedo isles

Because im socially akward unless drunk

when you think of all the factors
they need to be single, in the same location, be sane, shower daily, etc, etc

it's really fucking difficult, especially when every woman is a worthless fucking golddigging whore

t. Chink

>incels are violent, misogynis-...

This incel persecution is so hypocritical

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I didnt lift for 14 days


Fuck off shill

Less time on Jow Forums more time on self improvement.

If I replaced my Jow Forums time with working out I wouldn't be a twig. Problem for me is I don't have anybody to race me as motivation so I stay on Jow Forums

there's tons of different people in australia you dumb turk

I'm going to have to start filtering that fucking plebbit word
Getting really fucking tired of this shit.

Even bottom of the bin trash hamplanets have ridiculous standards.

Because you are personally or genetically inferior and will get sorted out by natural selection.