Stop Talking About Race and IQ

Stop Talking About Race and IQ

>“Scientific data can’t be racist.”


>using racial data to make genetic arguments isn’t scientific. The world isn’t better off if you run ahead of science, waving the flag of innate group differences. And if everyone is misunderstanding your attempts to simultaneously link and distinguish race and IQ, perhaps you should take the hint. The problem isn’t that people are too dumb to understand you. It’s that you’re not understanding the social consequences of your words.

Apparently we can make the connection if we say ancestry rather than race though.

These people are getting themselves in quite a muddle over this stuff

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>These people are getting themselves in quite a muddle over this stuff
Making a good argument for a falsehood is very difficult and tends to get muddled.
They can't even CONSIDER the science, because it brings them to the wrong conclusion.

What is it what the tribe, and the tendency to write literal instructions as headlines.

Good point. Proves they're not out to inform, but to control people.

Yea I understand the consequences pretty well, this world demands improvements, progress in all ways and racial focus does exactly that. If we ever want to go into space and become a space faring species then we need to trim off the bloat with racial/IQ science.

The west's solution to this "ethic" problem is by giving niggers food and turning a couple of natural living million niggers, into 2 fucking billion niggers who do not contribute anything at all to the planet. The asians, chinks, and many other races who are now overtaking the west do not care, nor do they think like that. But hey, feel free to give out whatever resources that we still have left in the west to create 3 billion niggers...while the chinks are still rapidly militarizing, doing genetic experimenting (also on IQ) and much much more...while we here in the west are focussing on gendered bathrooms and false rape accusations lol

Goyim need guidance I guess

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>social consequences
Fuck off.

Why? Jews are proven the smartest race on the planet behind Caucasians and Asians next.


>These people are getting themselves in quite a muddle over this stuff
They have to deny reality to deny race.

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>It’s that you’re not understanding the social consequences of your words.
Gee I forgot, if science goes against the Church then it's bad science and not real science.
Science should only be viewed through the subjective lens of the leading religion. That's what the scientific method is iirc.

This goes counter to our national ideology. It also has interesting consequences if taken seriously.

Whites think it means they are better than blacks. But really it will mean that the US should import the elite gene pool of all nations, and fill the country with them, including many Asians and Indians and middle easterners.

>Stop Talking About Race and IQ

And subsequently alter whatever social and cultural code is needed to make the high iq newcomers comfortable.


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>We need to X
>X and that's a good thing
>How we should feel about X
>What we should be saying about X
It's certainly a trend.

Middle Easterners wouldn't factor into it because they have nigger-tier IQ's.

Every. Single. Time.

They want people that will pick tomatoes and care for your boomers instead though

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Lol no, faggot

What a COHENcidence...


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So they want to control what we say and you are one of them.

They know how we like to be talked to

>using racial data to make genetic arguments isn’t scientific.


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>no, x is NOT ok.. here's why
>ok everybody.. it's time to stop saying x is y

Because if people knew Jews are smart and rich they would no longer get to play the victim anti semitism card they love to play anytime they want.

Very interesting that anyone that uses statistics or facts or studies and actually uses the knowledge is a white supremacist. Maybe because the other races are too stupid to make the connections?

They're fighting themselves with this

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>tldr hate facts
>muh twin studies in same household don't describe heritability between races
>isn't aware of adopted twin studies
>trust me goy, I used to argue for this

>Race and IQ
Ineresting how the JEW is happy to talk about THEIR genetic superiority (untrue)
BUT, doesnt want use goy talking about it, or comparing other races?
Hmmm... probably actually a SNEAKY (((reverse psychology))) technique to get people divided over race MORE.

REMEBER, the KIKE WANTS Race division as per "The Protocols".

IMO genetics may limit maximum potential,
BUT ENVIRONMENT plays are FAR bigger role in general IQ

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