>be white male
>get 15 years in prison for slapping woman
When was it that you learned society was beyond saving?
>be white male
>get 15 years in prison for slapping woman
When was it that you learned society was beyond saving?
Other urls found in this thread:
He killed her, dumbass
>slapping a woman holding a baby
>hurr durr da man is gettin punished for nuttin
Suck a fucking dick OP he's scum and anyone who defends him is scum. Fuck him and fuck you.
>with a prior conviction
Courts usually look a people's records and set up longer terms for repeat offenders.
Lmao, he slapped her. Nothing more.
If you think a simple slap on the cheek, baby in hand or not is enough to warrant 15 years in prison you are a pathetic sioboy and need to off yourself immediately britcuck.
Our ancestors used to fucking BEAT women. What do you do cunt? Huh? You're just a pathetic coward just like your ancestors that gave up their weapons willingly to see your country become the shit of nightmares.
I doubt it was a "simple slap on the cheek", guy looks like a 75 IQ wastoid.
>be black male
>get probation for brutal gang rape of 13 yo
Ten bucks says he's been a problem for years and local authorities finally got sick of dealing with him.
>He killed her
That's one strong man, killing someone with a slap.
Chuck would be envious