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Checked, this is now a digits thread rather than ANOTHER fucking incel thread, give it up shills

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Here is an unpopular possible solution for jews: make yourself a person that doesn't undermine your host nation.

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I love how incel is gaining traction in mainstream media after so much energy was spent forcing the onions meme.

they are pushing the incel topic lately to get another false flag ready.

Digits for the king of chaos.

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can anybody please explain what incel means to a retard?

>benji repeats what the entire media has been saying for a week and a half while also pretending it's "unpopular"
what a brave manlet

Thanks Jeb

Hi Tay

Literally just a virgin.

Ugly niggas can't get a girlfriend

INvoluntarily CELibate

More specifically a virgin that wants to have sex but can't because they are too repulsive to women.

It's a slur to shame sexually unsuccessful men

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How is that "unpopular"? Do those people seriously think that beta terrorists are some huge underground network with actual influence and organization?

Or convert to Judaism, I hear their women have a different value system when it comes to men.
Otherwise, Ben Shapiro would certainly be an incel in the non-Jewish world.

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well he's not wrong

Woah thanks, BEN now I'll surely work my ass off to provide for a slut that will fuck Chad on the side and live off my betabux.

whoa an in depth analysis once more from shitpiro

Incels can do that, but what can Ben do about his height?

Double deuce. Nicely done.

Yes, all those shriveling slut roasties need their beta bucks providers as soon as possible. Make yourself worthy of them.

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That's they way little benny.
Keep dividing and insulting your audience

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Worthiness doesn't imply attraction. If any incel becomes 'worthy', he'll just get used-up skanks looking to settle.

normies are worthless animals, theyre barely sentient

What to women have to do to be worthy?

Maybe the people we have to marry aren’t worth the fucking effort

and i thought Shapiro was a smart man, i mean who the fuck ever talked about marriage?

That's about as retarded as calling flat earthers retarded for pointing out modern taboos(think pointing out niggers are dumb as calling the earth flat 500 years ago). Or as retarded as calling gun accidents gun violence. (which is literally included in the statistic)

Incel: involuntarily celibate. This has no further definition. As it fully describes the condition and any further definition is jewish tricks. Or is that subject to a propaganda tier definition these days too?

Real question for Jow Forums, who actually listens to Ben because they like him other than boomers that also believe Israel is our ally? Only time I ever listen to him is so I can shit post and insult him when I'm bored.

>Makes yourself a person "worthy", whatever that means
>Die alone anyway

>Or is that subject to a propaganda tier definition these days too?
Seems like it is. I only posted the whole definition because it so retarded that it make it funny.

That would be too hard goy!

whelp, I'm of about average intelligence. I missed it, so expect a little less than half the people who see that definition to miss the humour in it and unless previous experience with this shit, take it for face value as the true definition.

The problem with incels is that it is hard to motivate oneself to improve in order to marry a STD filled roastie.

>using the word incel
thanks for helping reddit force their shit memes

If you identify as incel suicide really is your only option.

I want to close that dryer and turn it on


HAHA, You are real?! i thought the whole incel shit was a meme...

I'm starting to think normies are pretty fucking retarded dude. Like REALLY retarded.

These threads are hooks, but if anyone takes this shirt seriously, follow these simple steps:

1) Don't act like a cunt. Chicks hate pussies who're in touch with themselves.

2) Treat chicks with respect if they deserve it, and defend them if some asshole gives them shit.

3) Don't grovel for pussy, act aloof, like you don't give a shit if they take off their pants or not, ifou follow steps 1 and 2, plenty of nice girls will be available.

He's wrong in assuming marriage guarantees access to sex, which is what these men want consistent access to. Ben's a well off kike who had his marriage arranged, he can't sympathize with the average man.

>pushing the msm boogieman narrative of the month

Straya, please never change.

I do, but only so I can shitpost in his comments any time he starts talking about foreign policy. Almost every single time he does it's almost purely shitposting about kikery.


>incel? just marry lol
>depressed? just cheer up lol
>virgin? just get fucked lol

Why are their solutions to the problems so out of touch?

sick, check my 5.

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Here, you dropped this

Well, staying with incels specifically, despite incel meaning involuntarily celibate a significant amount of them are incels as a direct consequence of bad life decisions (e.g. being obese, being NEET, worshipping Hitler etc etc) or having unrealistic expectations (Demanding a 10 when they're a 4 on a good day). This doesn't address those that lost the gene lottery and are just fucking ugly, are too short or too tall among other variables decided for a person at birth and aren't controllable which are the true incels, so they take the former which are incels as a consequence and lump those who are incels due to circumstance and put them all together and paint them with a broad brush. Once that's done they can offer vapid solutions that shame the incel regardless of why he's an incel. The same thing is done to others as you pointed out in your post and other types of people too.
>Fat? Get fit lol
>Socially awkward? Grow up lol
>Poor? Get a real job lol
It's easier to paint with a broad brush and blame the person for their lot in life even if it's seriously just bad luck, bad genes or unfortunate circumstance than it is to look at people on an individual basis and offer meaningful and helpful solutions. It's not all that dissimilar from those of us who say that a woman who gets raped deserved it 100% of the time making the assumption that she was dressing like a whore or at some point in her life burned coal, therefore her rape is a consequence of her life choices and not just rolling fucking snake eyes one time.
TL;DR - Typical shaming tactics that liberals employ as a first and as a last solution are easier than offering real solutions to anything.

I'm going to try get some significant numbers, but don't expect too much.

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Great, my turn

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Checked, rollin

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I think most incels are people who were raised poorly. Probably their needs and development were neglected or misdirected by their guardians.

In addition, they have have had other special needs as a result of being heavily introverted and being mildly or highly autistic. A long the way they probably develop other mental problems like Border Line Personality disorder and severe depression.

The vast majority are not hateful or violent; just very lonely and isolated and suffering as a result. However it is easier for the media to just throw them under the bus.

>a person worthy of marrying another person
i.e. not a Jew?

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>live for others
>stop telling people what to do.
Pick one.

Is Shapiro victim shaming?

singles. fired.

Yes, they do.
There is no limit to their retardation


I can smell how much of a faggot you are

Lol why does this kike even care? I miss the days where talking heads talked politics instead of abruptly commenting on Jow Forums garbage online. Its like when people make cryptic Facebook posts out of nowhere and only them and a select few people (maybe) understand let alone give a shit about but its there for everybody.

The libshits and sjws and shapiro do this shit all the time just to get twitter validation after being assblasted here. Pretty gay senpai

>gets a girl due to Jewish in group preference
>laughs at white people who are victims of culturally being pressured not to breed with members of their own race
Take it from a Jew. All my parents grandparents and aunts and uncles and grandparents constantly put pressure on me and all the other guys in my family to not date girls that aren't Jewish

Do they actually imply just a virgin when they talk about "incels", or Jow Forums made up things again and they simply imply people who not only virgins but also hate womyn n' shiet.

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They don't know yet. its like every other pointless discussion they start over a buzzword or happening where they just bitch into the aether until someone takes offense and they strike like a hungry toilet looking for turds.

>They don't know yet

Jow Forums or SJWs?


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The sjws, celebs, e-celebs, pundits, kikes, institutions. Jow Forums is one of the only places on the net that knows wtf he's tweeting about and he's dangling bait offsite to looking to spread awareness of a non issue and stir up trouble over it. They always do this shit.


Shapiro is making a big mistake, even giving the incel thing any traffic. For somebody who is supposed to be so smart, he's pretty fucking stupid. It's the obvious flavor-of-the-week attack on non-leftist-thinking straight men. This board is flooded with it.

Conspiracy time: did you notice that "incel" as a word started rising in popularity exactly after s-o-y-boy got banned?


American education

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Incels are the new nerds
in a few years its going to the "cool" to be a incel

The new type of people the television told us to hate, right after Russians, hackers, Russian hackers, misogynists, racists and people who don't have a TV licence.

His wife is ugly as fuck lol

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It makes you wonder what types bother to come here and flood it into consciousness to begin with. We got nothing to gain from it but some people do and its transparent as fuck

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Do the MGTOW shake:
Self-improvement for the sake of yourself.

Which is amazing considering the word means unfuckable.

Would it be acceptable to write stories about the dangers posed by unfuckable women?

Do the female app on Steve Buscemi. I'll be waiting here.

The only thing I can figure is desperation. Probably the worst insult to a man is to call him a failure as a man. Leftists are probably still butthurt over the basedboy thing, too. Incel will NEVER spread like a virus like basedboy did, lel.

And the whole "onions" thing was some retards spamming it on the board just to turn it into an article and hope it shook things up (which it didn't and it died) meanwhile "so᠍yboy" is a normie term now and the perpetrators are pissed with no real retort except trying to make something out of "incel"

Remember that Chris raygun and Lacey green were fucking while forming opposing armies across the internet... it means something.

Incels who whine about being incels are like fat girls who cry "WHY WONT 6'2 RIPPED MILLIONAIRES DATE ME???"

The jewlet is right

Checked god bless


>make yourself someone worth marrying
>still can't get a gf because 21st century women only want shitheads

Why the fuck is everybody obsessed with 6ft2
That's my height and it's not a golden time and I want to kms every day.

I'll answer the height question for every guy who wonders about girls, "are you taller than her?" if yes you're golden.