Because this is a board full of closet racists and neo nazi trash.
They stand by him because 1, they're all horrible people, and 2, even if Trump is fucking up they support him because "HUEHUEHUE TRIGGERING THE LIBERULZ"
Why are you here? Just to troll? Personally I don't like trump, but I am a proud racist and I believe Hitler was the perfect leader. The term 'horrible' is subjective. To me, you sound like a horrible person. You sound like a delusional SJW who doesn't have a proper grip on reality. I would never stand by a person who cheated on another person.
Adam Young
Nathaniel Moore
Liam Perry
For 20 years the gold standard has been a blue dress. No blue dress, no story.
Jose Lee
What a great rebuttal.
Cooper Taylor
I'll tell you what I can't believe that a billionaire that has surrounded himself with hot models all his life fucked someone 12 years ago. This is outrageous, we can't let him get the nuclear codes!
Austin Price
Why are you pissing into an ocean of piss?
You made your bed. Now lie in it. This is the face of a society that considered infidelity the norm and degeneracy nothing unusual. You libs are 40 years too late to start caring about morals now.