Cats are the thinking man’s companion. Dogs are the brainlet’s pet

Cats are the thinking man’s companion. Dogs are the brainlet’s pet.

Pic related: my intelligent self sufficient buddy.

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Men who own cats are gay

Cats were intelligent enough to domesticate them self for housing, food and protection.

Kot is cute

and also have stds and wear lipstick while letting complete strangers throat fuck them

>feeds cat and keeps him fully energized
>then allows the cat to go on a killing rampage all day everyday killing hundreds if not thousands of birds over its lifetime
You know how easy it is for a cat to climb a tree and kill a bunch of baby birds?

You and your disease ridden piece of shit should be gutted in the street

>ruinin muh native wildlife

haha survival of the fittest dumb yank haha

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Better than killing innocent children like your dumb mutt does

t. Soiboy

I'd be more worried about insect die-off lowering the food supply for birds.

Only vermin-killing outdoor cats are cool. Indoor ones are faggots and only for women and betas.

That cat pulled some noice skidz

>Men who own pets are gay

cats are good if your farms storehouse is infested with rats, and the scarecrows are not keeping the birds away from your crops, the dogs are good if your house needs intruder alarm, they are even useful in home defense, also for hunting. keeping either as nothing more then a pet is just wasteful, or you are trying to use them as a substitute for a child,


So what? Am I supposed to feel sorry for birds?

Um sweetie...

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Why are dogfags so insecure?
>spend 90% of their day shitposting about cats, cat owners and "toxo" (remaining 10% spent defending pitbulls or "pibbles" online)
>use dogs as a substitute for children, constantly fawn over their "furbabies" like deranged psychos
>bring their dogs with them causing scenes everywhere they can possibly go for narcissistic gratification
>demand everyone and anyone accomodate them
>rely on their dogs to "protect" them from strangers

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> MFW it's a cat pic thread!!

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>they are even useful in home defense

not the best counter-example...

what the fuck did you do to this innocent image

I like it when Americans start using Aussie slang. Feels kinda nice.

are you implying that a dog cant be a coward? because that right there is a coward.

Lol have a cat n kids but this man is spot on.
Baded how low can u go?
Death row what a brotha know

It says a lot when the most expensive and sought after dogs are fucked up inbred mutants. A lot like their owners lol

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dogs and cats are cool. oh wait that doesn't fit the retarded, tired agenda that OP has, to fight about cats vs dogs like a fucking retard brainlet simpleton mong.


>Know autistic kid teacher
>She has a dog and a few cats
>Tells me having a dog is like having a hyperactive highly autistic kid
>My sides everytime I read about cats vs dogs threads

who's this ruddy-cheecked old poof?

Checked. Which part, noice? I picked that up like 20 years ago hanging out with potheads / car guys in high school.

Anyone have any fashy dog names? I’m getting a puppy on the 18th and he needs a fashy name

No your gay felines are apex predators unlike you little cunt....

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actually catfags are more intelligent and nonconformist..... anti-science libtards btfo!

Hemingway. As manly as they get. He loved cats.

>Cats are thinking man's companion
>Toxoplasmosis hinders your ability to think and react faster

Nigga please

Lemon tree is better, but kots is fine too.

How many people get tox from cats each year? 5? Now how many get rabies from some dirty mutt? Thousands? Cool argument.

too bad i've had more actual women on my dick than you've lived on this planet.
My cat is better than you

I like these threads because I have an excuse to post a picture of my dog

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>>Toxoplasmosis hinders your ability to think and react faster
Hasn't been verified, only theorised.

>Hemingway. As manly as they get.
do people actually fall for this meme? his entire life was an insecure performance. both zelda and stein called him a fruit.

dogs are like niggers, except less aggressive

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That cat is not self sufficient. If you stopped feeding that cat it would die on the streets


I like cats but this is so true.

I had a lab growing up. Was a great retriever and guard dog. Wonderful to hunt with. She died in ‘08. Recently rescued a cat. He’s basically a roommate. Total Chad who gets more pussy than I ever will. We get along though.

Pugs are the only animal Jow Forums needs desu.

Yeah, that's right

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Hitler had a dog


Cats have been turning people gay since ancient Egypt. Dogs are to keep the cats away.

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this is true
cat people are always much smarter, more considerate, independent and funnier

dog people are always starved for attention, need constant reassurance, needy, laugh at simple jokes

Hitler also killed himself like a litle bitch


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God forbid

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>survival of the fittest
>Genetically engineer a natural predator, feed it with industrial processed food, heal it with modern medicine and chemistry, then unleash it against birds who have to strive every day already to survive
I thought cat lovers were supposed to be smart.

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Dogs can be used for guarding the house and hunting.
Cats cannot be used for jackity shit other than "aww that kitty is so cute, I want to cuddle with the cute kitty". Cats are the pets of weaklings and women!

Hilter also was a drug addict and killed himself, faggot.

My dog has floppy ears and barks at everything coming in range of the house.
It's like an alarm system.

Cat are niggers
They live in your house and expect payment, food and water and offer nothing in return.

Cats, humans and dolphins are the only mammals that are known to kill for pleasure (beside needs for food).

Plus, when a cat brings you a dead bird on your doorstep is a sign of affection. They are bringing you tribute as the leader of the pack.

Cats are the old roastie's companion, hence the term "catlady".

This is like manlets trying to reframe the heigh discussion by calling tall, godlike men "lanklets". Pathetic.

>needing an animal to protect your livelihood
Do you let him fuck your wife too?

Go ahead and turn in your man card. you're a fagot

When cats take to pack-like living, they will sometimes do that for each other, seemingly to keep the weaker members incapable of hunting fed. So there's a line of thinking where dropping off the dead bird on the doorstep is some variation on the instinct that the owner is perceived by the cat to be incompetent or otherwise more in need of the food.

Ah sorry Achmed, I forgot your religion doesn't allow to own dogs

>My dog pays me with autism
I always kick my dog in the belly if he fucks me up with his autistic barking

No, because I'm the boss here!

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>t. shitskin shitalian
Try again, Abdul.

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dogs are fucking stupid
they can't tell apart friend or foe

bark at trees, bark at birds
shit on the ground, don't even dig a hole
sniff butts of other dogs
need walks everyday
piss on everything
can't hunt

only a purebred shithead would want a dog

Famous cat owners:

Mark Twain
Winston Churchill
Katherine the Great

Famous Dog Owners:

Michael Vick
Adolf Hitler

>believing communist propaganda

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My cat is a nigger

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of course a kraut, the defeated nation par excellence, thinks it can run its mouth on such things. all superior peoples have esteemed the cat, if they have esteemed domestic animals at all.

Agree. Cats leave you alone and don't bother you so much. They still jump on you at the right times and purr though as if they know that petting a cat relaxes you. Also, cats can be trained, had one that had different meows if hungry or thirsty as the bowls were in different rooms behind a door. Got his throat ripped out in a catfight while being a chad. Indoor/outside cat. F

Whats this sympathy for birds? Birds are assholes.

Who are 2 and 3?

Those are both very handsome cats!

Its called training your dog to not be a dick.
I have a jack Russell and a pitbull

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Unironically this

Cats are Jews of the animal world

Chris Cornell from Soundgarden and Chester from Linkin Park. All three suicided.

Sage this slide thread

>we also estimate that a further 44 million birds are killed annually by feral cats in highly modified landscapes, and 61 million birds are killed annually by pet cats, summing to 377 million birds killed yr− 1 (i.e., just over 1 million birds per day) by all cats.


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Isaac Newton
Taylor Swift
Ewan Mcgregor

to Cat Owners

I got him as a rescue, Most affectionate animal I’ve ever owned.

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>bark at trees
Your dog is autistic m8

Gas the birds. Cat war now.

Dogs are so inbred and genetically defective, their lives have been reduce to half.

The most extreme forms such as your pic and those little bullshit women dog breeds that they carry in their purses, are so deformed and defective, their braincase is too small to support the size of the brain that they suffer nervous system impediments such as seizures and other disorders.

Dogs are literally comparable to the genetically stunted stalker human slaves from Half Life 2.

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>Mark twain
Zionist responsible for WW2
The best man to ever live

>They still jump on you at the right times
they understand human emotion.

>muh bad owners not bad dogs
fuck off.

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I walk by the neighbor's dog everyday, and he's still not smart enough to realise I live next door

dogs are idiots
they drink out of toiletbowls

>this much shit from an inhabitant of a penal colony

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How many dogs have you owned?

Sure, Satan.

Fuck off Mike

ooooh poochie withthe yittle brown nosie i love you pooch

You drink out of toiletbowls, nog.
You dont even own a dog to know what it's like to train them.

Go over the home of any girl with a dog. They ALL have a story of how the dog ripped used tampons out of the trash and ate them or chewed holes in their period panties. Fucking degenerate filth.

Nice slide thread bro