Why have communists been so much more successful than nazis in history?

Why have communists been so much more successful than nazis in history?

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They haven't?

They lack morality. Marxism extinguishes God, and therefore logic, creativity and emotion.

Because they are much more evil.

Nazi control everything. We are just currently in a Nazi-light period of history.

The commies only managed to take root in shitty agrarian dictatorship countries, against the predictions of Marx that the industrial nations would be the first to turn to socialism. So instead of using the "revolutionary potential" of the industrial working class like all the commie theorists predicted all these despots depended on rural peasant retards.

On the contrary, fascism managed to take hold of wealthy, democratic, educated and cultured great powers. Damaged and humiliated ones, yes, but still leagues above the commies.
>They lack morality. Marxism extinguishes God, and therefore logic, creativity and emotion.
Brainlet post

"Yes Yes, Those white capitalist pigs are the enemy"


It took the whole world to take down the nazis. Commies disintegrate when left alone.

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