How does /pol feel about the alt right destroyer?

how does /pol feel about the alt right destroyer?

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I've never seen a more blatantly dishonest guy host a show.

i honestly have no idea who this is

>destroying something that doesnt exist
>literally who


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I don't even know what his views are on the alt-right but he can't even treat libertarians honestly.

You asked how people FEEL, dumbass.

fine, now how would YOU destroy HIM?

kosher terorrist on TV subverting the weak minded naive goyim

I bet he takes part in rape and murder of gentile children in synogouge cellars when he's not shilling on jewvision

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why did Marc maron get rid of his mustache?

you should call in to his show and tell him

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The big bugman glasses look so ridiculous. I really don't get it.

you dont even have the decency of posting something or citing his arguments. you deserve to be ip banned but since its not happening. insults and memes will do

I concur.

>insults and memes will not do
thats literally this entire board

watch this for his "arguments"

I'd rather say it in his ugly kike face before putting a few rounds in it.

his blood on my hands would give me an excellent reputation

>John Connor
>Lives in LA
>Nonstop racist shitposting

This is great

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if you can't even do it online how could you irl?

you sound like a violent nigger 2bh

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>mfw I already know what this kike will say long before he opens his butthole mouth

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>too triggered to even watch the video

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I dont have time watching revolting kike liars on jewtube.

same reason why I dont respond to their shill threads on this shithole site.

but you do have time to post on Jow Forums at all?

yes, I do, matter of fact, kikeboi

Oh look another 'attack of the strawman' (((media venture))) No one of consequence believes the merchant media anymore. This is great.


and i bet alex jones broke you of your conditioning didnt he?

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