Find me just one picture of a sexy Australian Aboriginal. Just one.
none they evolved directly from Gorillas
ooga booga bix nood
Katarina Keeler
>sexy abbo
what does this mean?
i understand the words 'sexy', and 'abbo', but how do they relate to each other, i just don't understand.
They haven't done that badly. They've been genetically isolated for 60k years on a huge continent with a population of only 500k. Icelanders became ugly as fuck after only a thousand years.
damn abos look like THAT?
Yeah, it's pretty unfortunate. Anyone know their average IQ? I heard it's like 60.
We would colloquially say “there is a nigger in the woodpile” here to that. Or rather ironically say it, because its more like there is wood in the niggerpile. I want blood work on the grandparents.
there are no attractive pure-blooded australian abo or pure-blooded negro females
caucasian-admixed ones can be attractive, like any race
i saw some attractive icelanders
they are blacker than niggers. What the fuck man
That thing is terrifying.
havent seen that gif in a decade, thanks man
not a abo half an abo
american niggerdom exported around the world, thank you cia hiphop ops
How much petrol do I need to buy to have her blow me?
Het aussies, is it common belief over there that abbos are actually a different species of human and not homo sapiens? They look like a relict hominid, like if homo erectus was alive today or something.
you are fucking retarded
they are their own kinda nigger, an aboriginal people if you will
> sexy
> abbo
Stating the obvious here but... Pick one.
You can huff all the opal fuel you can get your hands on.
seriously what do young pure abbos look like?
I'd smash that.
The Australian 56% face.
One of you ozzys stuck your shrimp in the barbie
It's a Merkin photographer so I'm guessing akshully le 56% Burger
A few huffs from an open petrol tank should do it
>literally of those posted that arent ugly trogs are mixed
You would have better luck finding an indian with an indoor toilet
Literally each and every single one
Say what you will about nigresses. Most look like shit and they're subhumans, but you can find a few good looking ones (even good looking 100% nigresses). But it's impossible to find good looking abos.
Thx rabbi, was just about to post this exact thought.
I have nothing against Australian Aboriginal
Better then Ghetto American blacks and Africans.
I remember there was one.
I lived in Aus for a few years, some of the half breeds are hot as fuck, but full blood's look like neanderthals.
You welcome fellow white mate
Still looking for that Candace Owens bikini shot. Saw it, did xxxxx to it, can't find it now.
Samantha harris is a munter
Personally never found a nig attractive period, abo or not
>even good looking 100% nigresses
pure negroes are barely an inch above abos
Abbos: the only race that benefits from race mixing. Iq and looks go up
Islander but yeh, wouldn't roll her out of my humpy. Post weight loss of course - i'm not going Casey Donovan here.
you can't possibly find that attractive user, fucking eww
i'm actually surprised some people actually fucked abos to create those mixed individuals
australians deserve a medal, truly brave people
sorry, i don't speak bogan
Photo's don't do them justice. I'll never forget one I saw at a bus stop in Darwin: legs open, no underwear and.... flies.
what about nogs?
pro tip: you can't
wasn't at casuarina was it.
Thats a damn lie and you know it
>half breeds are hot as fuck
even the half-breeds look like shit most of the time, but i wouldn't expect any less from a brit
Is a beast like this still compatible to have offspring with a European pure blood? Serious question.
African model.
he was talking about nigger 'culture' you mongo
and what the fuck would you know, you stupid memflagot
>Hey y'all, Ahh rekun thees heeya Samantha Harris ain't not bewdiful...
>Bloke in the outback
>notices an old gin with an empty vb stubbie
>she's trapping flies and they're angrily buzzing around in the bottle
>Hmm wonder what that's about? he muses
>2 min later she shoves buzzing bottle between her legs and up her skirt with a big grin on her face...
Jews benefit, so long as they're not the ones miscegenating. And of course, blacks benefit the same way Aboriginals do.
Full blood? They dont exist anymore Some of the more human looking from the temperate areas in the south east of the country were either killed or fucked by the white man, they're not like niggers, their genes breed out quick, all that's left of the full bloods are mostly from the most remote regions, when we managed to get out there and discovered them, no white man would fuck them.
looks Jewish
Fucking gross.
Those are some ugly fuckin trannys
>be burgerflag
>post ugly, obese, night-dark creature that has the proportions of a misshapen baboon and a face that somehow combines features of an elephant, diplocaulus and an orangutan - ALL AT ONCE
>omg zhe is so hodddd :DDDD woah so thiggg :DD
actually, despite their looks they're far more closer related to eurasian peoples than negroids
for some reason australoids just retained a lot of archaic features, they literally look like dark neanderthals
Isn't that veronique boubane, is she really supposed to be a good example of attractive pure african female?
yep. kind of Streisand ish
He was likely a nigger, thus he left himself out and went straighth for the abos. Every single race with the exception possibly of asians benefit like crazy from mixing with whites. IQ always goes up and looks always go up. Its almost like there is a superior race or something.
>only attractive because of their european admixture.
photoshop out his traditional abo track suit and stick his head on some shitty Armour and he could 100% for a lord of the rings orc.
Yes, abos are living proof that racism is pseudoscience. They are unequivocally the most genetically isolated and unique group of humans (up to 65,000 of separate evolution, guys), but they still successfully interbreed with any "race" and their mixed offspring look mostly normal.
>fake hair
I would 2bh. You know, the first thing that comes to mind when i see an attractive abo girl is that some crazy white aussie had to bleach a full abo to get her.
I'd fuck her, if I could dress her up as Dixie Kong first.
even the "hot" ones have weird skin and look all retarded
Half cast or 1/4 cast and even then this is rare .
Most look like mongoloids till they hit 8-% european dna
They admixed with some yet unidentified hominid on their way to Australia (most likely happened in South East Asia) ... could have been an H. erectus variant ... gene signature is there but still unidentified.
>abo woman with a spear.
This is why i hate the left. Spears and hunting a secret mens buisiness.
Still can't figure out how bra straps work
one part european, one part asian one half abo
I'd concure with that .
one 1/10th abo .
60% european 40% abbo
Is it a burger?
I dont have a picture but I knew one in high school. she was half though.
So I guess it it wont surprise you then that most mutts with abo blood are descendant from an abo man and white woman who wanted to try out the caveman meat. Nothings changed in the world.
who the fuck cares what you have to say? get lost.
that's quite interesting
maybe this unknown hominid was related to denisovans?
Mixture with neanderthals and denisovans results in higher IQ generally. Abbos are known for huffing gasoline and 'knowing' when their kid died a thousand miles away by telepathy. They're intuitive, not deep, logical thinkers. Its interesting stuff really.
Peckerwood in the niggerpile.
>Find me just one picture of a sexy Australian Aboriginal. Just one.
Dude, you are filming the wrong end!
Head down ass up!
pic related
Cover the face, pump the base.