To what extent does the occult influence politics and modern society in general?

To what extent does the occult influence politics and modern society in general?

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considering the El-ite are Sabbatean-Frankists it is 100%.
Put it this way, the Iranians LARPing as jews (Ashkenazi) have spread their genes throughout the royal bloodline and have ended up on the British throne and in the Bank for International Settlements.

shut the fuck up you stupid nigger

all of it

I don't know, ask Tony Blair, who admittedly flops around in his magic circle every morning to get instructions from beyond, or all the other high level people who are into various weird cults and derivatives of all that stuff out of Babylon.

Considering occultists generally seem to be in very good positions around the world and this thread is about how much of an influence they have in politics, I'd say it's relevant here.

Fuck off retard. Funny how nigger dick and mutt threads never get referred elsewhere. >:(

>To what extent
an enormous extent. it's not just "satanic pedophiles hurr durr" either, everyone that is anyone of note are involved in occultism and esotericism at some level. it's the real religion, everything else is just there to keep the plebs in line.

To a point that war conflicts happen, history is written depending on x interests, and people who grows up learning these "winning ideas" after the historical belicism have their ego shaped in the way their societies want them to have, thinking that pleasing their capricious desires is better than a long term happiness were we can all live in peace, free of greed, and solving our very existential emptiness together trough love. But the distraction, the spiral, has been there for a long time now.

Maybe you should take action to augment your complaining. Organize the catalogue by creation date, get first post which tells everyone which board the thread _should_ be in.
We could use some sorting around here, user!

Old jewish magic bullshit that edgy hipster types like to pretend to play with when they are LARPing as Aleister Crowley

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That's just the Kabbalah tho
There is a global pedophile ruling class that worships Satan

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This. Just a cursory look into the philosophy of science, the science of mental health, the social sciences, politics and public policy will reveal that the whole apparatus is inspired by secret knowledge.

The timelords are truly broken nowadays in Yu-Gi-Oh

Holographic Disclosure















The Unmasking









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c'mon now

A lot. All at the top are satanic pedos. You just need to look at the symbolism all around to realize that they are into the occult
Or here pretty much the same, but a bit more up to date

And here some ancient knowledge and occult principles among other stuff
Or here alternatively

The blog has better order and in case of the symbolism one is more up to date with what i know. The threads likely has some additional info because of the discussion.
Would post whst i have but am on phone and if you are interested in it just look into the threads or blog. If you want to see the government being into the occult probably start with the symbolism one

That is a very easy claim to make, but take "just a cursory look" and it turns out to be superstitious bullshit.

Remeber when bill said hillary is speaking to the dead?

There is no way to keep a secret that large. Have you ever tried to organise a surprise birthday party? Impossible. This would be the equivalent of a surprise birthday party that is always happening, everywhere, trying to surprise the entire world.

Satan means opposition.
Sabbatai Zevi and Jakob Frank (Lejbowicz) were the founders of the modern day satanic movement (since 1666) and both were crypto-jews (Khazar/Ashkenazi/Iranian bloodline) who continued acting like Sephardic jews to enjoy the advantages of using the "anti-semite" response when questioning their motives.

Old school magic was a proto-psychology built around tapping into our subconscious and empowering ourselves or psyching out our enemies. It's a tool of great social manipulation and control once you understand the symbolic language upon which magic is based on. But deep down, the influence is negligible because politics and modern society function along a spectrum of power, and magic is simply another tool to acquire or disrupt that power.

Do you remember when hitler spoke about the British and their "big lie" ?
He was referring to their pedovore, cannibalistic and Khazarian roots

Yet a TV host managed to keep the fact he raped kids and hundreds of others for decades with the police and media knowing about it and silent.

Nah, there's no way people more powerful than him could do the same!

It's not a secret. See It's just that average people believe it to be impossible and therefore are unable to see it.

That's why people with criminal minds laugh at the bulk of people who are so easy to trick and manipulate, as if they have a mental block against what could easily be possible.

British royalty*

the interesting part is the Jimmy Saville case was sealed by royal decree until after 2030

Massively I'm pretty sure.

I've been getting into this sort of thing and come to realize reality is a lot more delicate than most people think. With any lucky one day I'll be able to help create a race of cute magical traps.

>literally linking jew shit

You dont have to keep it secret if those that you fuck over dont care and wont listen

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it's not a secret.

You can't even hold to your own occult rituals and check these digits. How are you gonna beat em?

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>How are you gonna beat em?
With Gods help

Sure looks like it

trip of truth
we are God, time to organize like one

Oh shit, I didn't even realize I got trips.
> Eight is the number of Jesus, whose name in the Greek adds up to 888
also Donald J Trump make up 888 in gematria And while we are at him

Donald John Trump means translated
Ruler of the world blessed/sent from God, Trump (like trumpcard)
Appearently there were 8 presidents before washingtonm making Trump actually the 53rd, just like in a cardgame the 53rd card is usually the joker aka Trump.

On his first day of in office he was 7 decades, 7 months and 7 days and won the electoral vote with a 77 vote lead due to 7 faithless electors. He was born during a lunar eclipse and during his first year in rulership a solar eclipse went through his whole „kingdom“ followed after 33 days (an important number in the occult) by the september 23rd prophecy again followed 7 years later by another solar eclipse crossing his "kingdom"
Sent by God, or groomed his entire life to win on that day in that specific manner? I rather believe the first one


the entire leadership of the UN and the EU are luciferians

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Everything becuse you have to accept that they want to change your will

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When you wonder what all the symbols purposes are
Think about everything as a frequency or wave on the most basic level. Emotion has its own wave, so does facial expression. Now usualy the emotional wave frequency of being happy influences the facial expression wave to change its frequency to smile. However this also seems to work vice versa
the wave for the facial expression changes the wave for the emotion. Important here is that one wave can influence another. This doesnt only work with your own waves, but can be transmitted to others too (people cheering others up or dragging them down). Now symbols on one scale are also just waves that are sent out and influence other waves.
The right frequency on the right material might affects its weight, or the effect of gravity on it and depending on the wave/frequency pretty much everything.
I believe this is the reason why (((they))) put their symbols everywhere. Those symbols send out waves/frequencies that effect those around them and possibly reality itself. think of the pyramid, the 666 in all the logos, the all seeing eye and whatever else there is. they all, on some level, are just vibrations, waves and frequencies, influencing those around it. And i believe that to be the cause behind the shapeshifting too. If they are then actually offspring of the fallen angels or them themselves no idea, might as well be that their character/characterwave is just very similar to those which sometimes causes a reception error.

Also this could be the plane on which magic works, the right words, movements, symbols, words or just thoughts create the right waves to influence reality and this is likely the reason (((they))) put them everywhere. And on this plane Saturn, like all planets and stars, are influencing us as well

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these symbols have multiple purposes though. For one it singals safe havens for fellow initiated. they need some advice, contact or whatever they cant ask anyone? go somewhere with the right sign, make the secret handshake, and you either get some help, or it will be an awkward greeting as the other guy doesnt know about it, but you dont get in jail.

On a metaphysical level i believe encoding the 6s or the 33 for that matter helps manifesting something in this layer of existence. Like snowflakes and icecrystals form hexagonal shapes, or cells, how carbon is the base for life etc. you can use that principle for your brand, or your company, or even your will.
33 stands for Gods promise, and what is a greater force for creation or manifestation than God promising it will be? So (((they))) abuse this knowledge by encoding stuff symbolizing the promise, the 33, the star of david and the 6 (3+3=6) for worldy pleasures and riches

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Anyone seen Mark Passio's work? (Or rather Great Work)? Seems pretty gud. I watched his Demystifying the occult seminar and part 2 Satanism.

Are you by any chance the same guy from my history thread yesterday? Some burger there also said he has good stuff

The Great Work is Peter Tsim's channel. He just chops up bits of Mark's original podcast "What On Earth is Happening" and makes clips out of them. All of Mark's long seminars are on his website, you should get them from there and donate if you like them.

Whatever makes you sleep at night faggot

Different guy.
Youre right that is a different channel, but I think Mark referred to his work as the Great Work at least once in his lectures. Anyway I would suggest if you guys want to check out his seminars, if you dont have 11 hours to spare, open the videos in hooktube, click the gear icon and move the playback speed to 1.4x or faster depending on how well you can follow along
Pt 1
Pt 2

Mark unironically is one of the most genuine, masculine unsoyed, and well researched dudes. Its sad when we live in an age where a guy on the internet can be a better father figure than our own.

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Hasidic Talmudic Lurianic Kabbalist Chabadnik jews are at the absolute very top of the international conspiracy.

So, to an incredible extent.

I have seen all of Mark's long seminar's several times. Too bad he stopped doing his podcast and releases content sporadically.

Bill Cooper explained it quite well.

Considering Satan rules this world, all of it.

On his facebook he said hes doing podcast soon again I think.

Oh yeah and his site is like you said, and donate if you want but i doubt he cares that much about raking in goybucks compared to waking people up, he probably would rather get an email or something more personal. Still good to support him financially or buy his junk from his site. Fake ass Christians was a pretty good presentation as well, i personally found a new respect for the "good" freemasons, the "esoteric" christians, and he makes it pretty clear how religion is used to control and has been corrupted. He reminds me of Styx a little bit, ex satanist turned "De-occultist"
True that. He is right on target

>the chabad lubavich kabbalah zohar is-rah-hell-i talmudic rabbbis
That guy is great, is he not? Glad to see it catching on.

>t. nufag
Welcome to Jow Forums desu, check the archives for Rothschild, human trafficking, and pizzagate/pedogate. Lots of decent information in those threads

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oh look an american poster

/an/ ==========>

Absolutely, follow the work of Tracy Twyman, she browsen Jow Forums too.
>Talking to demons
>Satanic Ritual to destroy the universe

It's all Kabalistic blood rituals and summoning demons. I know it sounds crazy.
Ya'll might find this interesting, probably one of the most important podcasts I've heard besides Mark's work on Natural Law.

looks like the album cover of a shitty eagles tribute band

You still use money with occult "larp" symbols daily....

Well, Mark has his band and and installs electronics as a day job, but i donate because i want him to do more presentations. I try to support the True Originals whenever i can

Mark Passio honestly kicks serious ass, his Fake Ass Christians presentation had me in awe. I never knew about the Flavian dynasty.

>fake ass Christians
Yeah it was really insightful until he started going off about statism and how Christ was really an Anarchist, usually like his stuff but I think he really missed the mark on that one

Government is a cult. From local to federal.
>pic related

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He's great

Don’t believe your lying eye, believe MSM
>pic related

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JFK seems to think occult secretly controlled government. I agree with his statement
>pic related

Source: JFK secret society speech

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Prepare to be redpilled by the legend himself

>and donate
Okay Mark....

>fuck supporting people who create content

ok bud


That is just the Jews though, not necessarily anything outre.

Military industrial complex is NOT just the Jews
>pic related

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Hugely, at the higher levels occultists are basically studying high level conology, the trade of the political class.

George Osborne's coudin for instance runs a sex cult, Assange grew up in one too

donkey, sickle, left is capriocorn, saturn, binah
elephant, hammer, right is sagittarius, jupiter, chesed

The 7 hermetic principles pretty much tell you in cryptic terms how to influence/brainwash people that are emotionally/intellectually stunted. Masonicucks and other occult orders have a cryptopsychology component to them; self mastery also teaches you how to manipulate those that are easily molded by peer pressure and authority figures. There is a reason why the left and the right wing are easily subverted by jews and their fanatical puppets.

Adventure Time unironically has some esoteric mysticism and magic symbology in it. Lots of the episodes have some psychological moral to it and Finn is somewhat of a Christ like character. It lines up with how the occult teachings and stuff are based on allegories for understanding spirituality and consciousness. Yes, i know, S o y venture time, fuck you go watch it after learning the stuff Mark passio and others talk about, and it might make you think.

And who lobbies to get the neocons in power and supporting Israel, who in the media covered up the funneling of weapons to ISIS and al Qaeda, it's Jews pulling the strings

Good catch. Have you seen Mark's presentations about the Wizard of Oz and The Matrix? After i powered through his lectures, i recently rewatched Revolver and it suddenly started making total sense.

Anime has better symbolism in it. For example the first episode of No Game; No Life
When the MCs get transported to the other world the roomurns into a black cube entrapping them (in the world they felt like they dont belong) which then opens up into the cross, opening the cube and releasing them in their personal paradise

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Another one is at Konosuba where the realm of the gods has the ground as a checkered board, which the masons also use, standing above the duality of this world and seeing the playing field by ascending through their knowledge to become gods/players themselves

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Not even. If they had come out during Zexal-era, definetly, but today when everyone and their grandma runs easy accessible non-destroy removal in their extra deck, they are a joke. Not even the recent support is going to help them.

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I haven't watched cartoons in ages, I noticed once on Adventure time in a library scene there were mystic symbols all over the books, it was definitely a dog whistle to someone about something.

It doesn't. And Kabbalah is stupid.

Oh yeah I watched the Oz one the other day, I should rewatch the movie now. Ill check out the other one on the Matrix


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It was a joke mate

I control politics

WOAH there

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Good for you

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I was confused for a second because Anglos are Germanic.

>OP's picture
>Sefirot tree

Jewish "mysticism" is absolute garbage. Kabbalah is sand gypsy autism.

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