Memo said specifically not to engage with NASA
>no Jow Forums users actually did this
>media is literally grasping at straws
When did you lose trust in ALL media? Fuck the hill/politico
Memo said specifically not to engage with NASA
>no Jow Forums users actually did this
>media is literally grasping at straws
When did you lose trust in ALL media? Fuck the hill/politico
Other urls found in this thread:
we dont talk about operation dragon here
some lulzers came through a while back talking about SQLinjection
could have been larpers, or from some other board nobody here does that shit
>operation Dragon
Seriously you believe Jow Forums cares about NASA?
The earth is flat. Prove me wrong.
>How dare you rig our rigged election
The best part is that its showing all the nornlmies that their experiment was bullshit
>cheat but fucks up cheating
someone is dying for attention, tisk tisk
Hey OP, the media has been unabashedly lying to us since 2013 because of the legalized domestic propaganda and it's funded by the state department with your taxes
100% this was ebaum's world, racist pigs, trying to blame Jow Forums and the board of peace.
Prove it. Everything obama did was legit and he was scandal free, jackass
I believe this. What can we do to defend against Ebaums world?
Low quality troll. Not even gonna give you a (You).
Damn Russian hackers!
Someone clearly isnt on the secret email list
This did not happen here, I lurk all day and most of the night. I doubt the Bogans would do it during their day
Checked. Jow Forums encourages diversity. Why is the media so bigoted to online culture?
Jow Forums was where it supposedly happened
...and hillary Clinton has a 96% chance of winning the election. Are you really this dumb or is it an act?
I found out about this on here.
I read all the project summaries.
Theirs was literally the fucking worst. They 'invented' a fucking water filter. Other teams were talking about launching shit into fucking space and revolutionizing power generation and food production. DEM QUEENZ "invented" a fucking lifestraw.
...and no action was taken. You can be upset all you want but no one actively tried to sabotage these young women. Smfh
I never said anyone did, you retard. I said OBJECTIVELY they deserved to fucking lose because their project was garbage. Not even hot garbage. It was lukewarm garbage, at absolute best.
This was /po/
Its true. There was an EO. Shouldn't be surprised it wasn't contested, but, hey, I'm sure it was for our own good...
Like running guns into Mexico to prove we are a horrible nation bent on arming cartels.
Or like the time he openly persecuted journalists because they ran bad stories about him.
Or like the time they sicced the IRS on political opponents.
Or like the time they weaponized the entire Executive branch to get Hillary elected, then to overturn the election, then to get a sitting president thrown out.
Scandal free, man... was nice while it lasted. Not like now, when we have the lowest unemployment numbers in decades, and actual peace in Korea. When will it end?!
The earth is round, prove me wrong.
Don't forget the time he bombed Doctors without Borders.
Get off my board, newfags.
>When did you lose trust in ALL media?
They never had my trust to big with.
>Don't forget the time he bombed Doctors without Borders.
wtf I love Obama now.
They already have screenshots and about twenty threads saying “we did it”.
A little late to act coy, faggots.
>being this new
What happened, straya? You used to be cunt.
So did team Thomas win?
A panel will pick the winner in a few weeks. Meaning, this whole thing backfired and muh diversity is going to win because ebil wayssistss
3 black women
not very diverse
quite a sexist and racist group desu
What gets me is them not focusing on that black woman's post telling other blacks to skew the vote first. A panel will catch hell for giving g an inferior project a win based on race. If they do it, it is our job to harass the congress about it, since it is our money they are spending.
why didn't they step in when people tried to rig the contest towards black teens? that's why this place reacted.
Nice Reddit spacing, fag.
because it was a trap for us
Classic /po/ false flag. We've seen this before, haven't we boys? We can see through their papercraft and hateful origami.
/po/ will be the end of Jow Forums.
Apparently it’s perfectly legitimate to ask every black person on social media to vote for something they have zero interest or knowledge about because muh diversity.
It would have been fine to make bots to vote for /our guys/, but it got dicked up when votes got removed. They probably would have never noticed voting bots. They definitely saw votes removed, coupled with endless threads celebrating with screenshots of before and after.
Also people need to stop thinking this place operates in a vacuum. We all know their are shills here. Leftyfags, plebbit, shartblue, cnn, whatever. Anytime people here make a “movement” it’s usually reported to the media, etc. rather quickly. Back in the day when /b/ still did this stuff they were smart enough to take the planning off site. It’s just too easy for the shills to use the archives and point out all dem ebil waysistss.
>heh nothing personal other kids with superior entries but we are gonna give the prize to the black children because we had an open vote that we were already rigging in their favour that was then counter rigged.
>no Jow Forums users actually did this
>mfw I fell for it and voted
So sheboons rigging it for themselves to win is fine but having it pointed out on Jow Forums is shenanigans.
You dummy
this. ebaums have been getting away with shit for YEARS.
remember the time he got a boner and pointed it at a reporter?
i wish i was making this up.
filmed (and suppressed by) cnn.
They all act like retarded children
why is it a problem when Jow Forums tries to rig it as a reaction to the sheboons trying to rig it? are we trying to research beaming ebt to space or something?
also didnt redchanit just vote for the people who were in 1st before the baboon brigade rolled through?
I miss the time when Jow Forums could do things without the world realizing... This is why Rules 1 and 2 were invented, folks.
The contest was to be decided on a rubric, the vote was just one part.
They attempted to skew the vote.
Just eliminate the vote and juge the projects on merit. That is what I, one of the 4 chans wants. I cant speak for the other three chans. kek
>non-blacks does too good in contest
>"E-eh, t-tell everyone its rigged and I will make sure a nignog wins so we can get good press"
Jow Forums had nothing to do.with it. Also check your privledge scumbag
Top kek
>black teens' family members try to rig contest in their favor appealing to other black people on the basis of their skin color as well as gender and not the merit of their science project
>black people who know nothing about the contest start voting for black kids in droves via social media, unfairly swaying the vote in their favor
>Jow Forums discovers this, does the exact same, except votes against the black kids
CNN did analysis. They clearly didn't see the niggers project to filter H2NO.
obvious slide thread is obvious
>blaming website where anyone can post anonymously
What is to stop any group from doing this and pinning it on "us"? Nuffin.
One of the recycle arrows is pointing in the wrong direction.
You are a faggot, prove me wrong
expectations subverted
And why does it have chlorine listed with lead? Do they want lead and chlorine in their water? Or do they want unchlorinated water? Either way they will die.
We need to shut down ebaum's world to protect our children and fellow poc citizens.
Their PURE HATRED OF POC can't continue.
shut the fuck up you stupid cunt
If the earth is round why is this flat?
wrong pic
Ya op youre the worst fucking reddit spacing you tool
except the faggots will just follow you there. what do?
Why didn't those black teens get another internet group to help them win the contest? Now affirmative action is helping them out again.
>reddit spacing
holy shit, just kill yourself in a dark corner and do the world a favor
The users of use the anonymous boards on Jow Forums to launder blame.
Jow Forums is a board of peace
I thought we were voting FOR the nigresses so they could fuck-up a multi-million dollar NASA mission. Oops
>Every random fucko on Twitter is alright to manipulate the polls
>Jow Forums bad!
These people don't seem to give a shit.
Under rated
>nigs try to skew votes in the favor of their incredibly stupid and downright retarded schematics by seeking the public support
>Knowing that NASA will let that shit roll because they are spineless cuck who are thirsty for any subvention so they'll go all out on political correctness, even if they are clearly cheating
>Peoples who actually follow the contest and are interested with what peoples are coming up are enraged at seeing how these niggers are defrauding the vote with their retarded plan that is simply allowed to go unopposed because ''m-muh skin collah, cracka''
>Do a little detective work, find out the polls is managed by some code monkeys who are using outdated (I guess?) programming to run that shit
>The hacker known as Jow Forums step out of the anonymous crowd, start playing the 5th symphony with nothing but the sound of key strokes upon a keyboard while simultaneously inserting code into their website
>Manage to get their votes down to minus 20 before NASA pull the plug and are reminded yet again why giving subcontracts to punjab and co. is a bad idea
>Your father wanted to abort you, your mother didn't
They sure argued for a while
this kind of backfired. i hope they make up for it by sending those three qweenz into space by themselves with no instructions or return plan.