If you do not follow any of these ideologies (or a variation of) you have to gtfo Jow Forums

Jow Forums is third positionist

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adopt the fourth position fag

but islam is a khazar jew creation and moho was a jew too:
>The Sadducees fled the destruction of Jerusalem into Arabia.
>Mohammad was a Sadducee
>The Pharisees evangelised all through the Roman and Persian Empires
>The "King in Exile" or "Exhilarch" remained in Babylon when the faithful returned.
>After jewing the Persians Exhilarch had all the money confiscated and were driven out (this becomes a bit of a pattern)
>Exhilarch and about half the talmudic pharisees fled into the caucuses (become Ashkenazi)
>Exhilarch's daughter marries Mohammad and half the talmudic pharisees flee to Arabia
>Exhilarch's grandson (Mohammad's son) returns to Persia at the head of a Muslim army and conquers it all.
>Mohammad's Sadducee son conquers Jerusalem.
>Both proclaim themselves to be the Jewish Messiah
This is the foundation of the Shia/Sunni split. It's still just Sadducee/Pharisee fight.
>All the Pharisaic converts all through North Africa herald Islam as the establishment of the Messianic Kingdom of Israel
>Convert en-mass and throw open the gates of all the fortified cities to the Muslims
>Roman Empire in Africa falls in under a hundred years because Jews do what Jews do best.
>Rome and Europe kick all the Pharisaic converts and Sephardic Jews out of Europe.
>They all go and join the Ashkenazis in the Caucuses
Islam is the final beast empire of Daniel.
Muslims are Talmudic Jews.
Islam is Zionist Talmudism
Ashkenazis (Israel) and Sunnis (Saudi Arabia) both hate the Shia (Iran) because the Iranians claim to be the only legitimate line of Jewish Kings (through the Exhilarch's daughter) and so the only ones from which the Talmudic messiah can come.
>Fun fact, when the Muslims conquered Jerusalem they built two temples on the Temple Mount.
>The Dome and the Al Aqsa Mosque
>For almost 1200 years the Al Aqsa Mosque was considered the rebuilt Temple of Solomon and was where Jews went to worship.

Whatever you say schlomo.

>Was Ben-Gurion suddenly struck with missionary zeal?
>He was just acting on knowledge that he and Yitzhak Ben-Tzvi, the president, has talked about for years. Most of what we now call “Palestinian Arabs” are descendants of Jews. Among the Bedouin that could reach 100 per cent.
>Ben-Gurion’s efforts didn’t go anywhere but give him credit for the thought.
>Tzvi Misinai, a software pioneer, who has devoted his life to assembling the facts on this issue, says that 90 per cent of Palestinian Arabs are descendants of Jews and 50 per cent know it.
>This would explain some curious phenomena.
>When the Jordanians took over Judea and Samaria in 1948, they found no mosques there. King Hussein built the first one.
>The Crusaders when they came here found that the Arabs here spoke Aramaic, not Arabic.
>Both facts would be explained if most of the “Arabs” in this land were really former or crypto-Jews.
>When the original Arabians invaded, the population was comprised of a majority of Greek-speaking Christians and a large minority of Aramaic-speaking Jews.
>The Arabians did not colonize the Promised Land because they saw that this population was not hostile.

Flies are missing from the irish flaggot

wrong, i'm pure balkan

Capitalism is not a 4th position lmao. You are a normie ideologie that help spread homosexuality and jews with "muh individualism"

Shutup snowchink

Only a jew would say that.

The IRA Did Nothing Wrong

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I do not follow any of those ideologies and i will continue to post here.

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I don't know much about them, but they fought against the anglo.
The british empire was so jewed (they literally created israel)

Commie faggots the lot of them.

removed all the absolute shit tier ideologies

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Don't divide us up. Everyone of these ideologies are far better than both marxism and capitalism

>empire so jewed they created israel.
Western world at war with islam for 1000 years finally. Finally win holy land with superior aussie crusaders. Decide to use victory to eternally btfo the mudslimes and give it to the jews.
The only people pissed about it are the muzzies.

Daily reminder
if you use a meme flag you are a faggot.

>ira was militant arm of the communist party of ireland
Mate your fucking retarded and larping with a meme flag.

shut up
is right

Primo de Rivera did nothing wrong

Then remove yours faggot

I think its a paki residing in bongland

Jewish here.
I came here to claim this thread since my people have been posting on /pol way before any muslim.
This thread is now for me, and my people.
Please leave.

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Most of the ideologies I removed are closet commies though

And thats the reason whites are cucks
>omg schlomo is so based he btfo mudslimes and made them come to the west
>thanks to schlomo a diaspora muslims named PAKI boga fucks my wife
>so le based

Whites are the most cucked race on the planet. Stop letting me fuck your wives god damnit

Wtf? It literally means arab national socialism

>american education.
Mexico is a real country burger not a made up no mans land where spics just poof into existence.

>abolishes usury
>allows foreign usurers in because economy demands it
>still pays interest
>money leaves the country

Woh! you guys sure showed those Jewish bankers!

>adopting a position

By doing so, you automatically out yourself from Jow Forums since Jow Forums is about the discussion and interpretation of free speech and comparison of ideas.

Being a tool of an ideology (which is what the label indicates) means you are no longer an individual and thus should be killed.

Nope in amuttica. I am using my islamic shekels to study here. I just use the trip to bring more people to the thread

Saddam Hussein had communists executed so removing ba’athism may be unfair.


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>This thread is now for me, and my people.
What a wonderful empty thread to build my home in.

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Most people here don't kmow what communism is. Its a STATELESS society where people work only for the collective. There is no sense of nation and that is why communism sucks.

>He didn’t get the joke

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>whites are cucks because they dont care about sand people
Islam the religion of incels where they cant get fucking laid so they rape or martyr themselves for their virgins.

where is ISIS?

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>iron guard


Whites are so cucked that they made kikes take a shower

I say we give them a nice warm Ba'ath

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Hmm furey muff, carryon

Salazar deserves some respect.

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Fuck off zog creator. Go back selling out your people for zog

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Hew now. I don't appreciate you coming into my thread, and posting ANTI-SEMETIC images. Please take your hate, and intolerance out of the Jewish people's god given thread.

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Assad and Hussein are shit tier leaders though they are kinda like Putin - the only ideology they promote is totalitarism and nothing else of substance. Must be sad for the Syrian and Iraqi people to have to choose between jihadists and subhuman dictators but such is life

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>Doesn't include BuF

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KYS poo in loo. This board is strictly Juche

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Oh I forgot about it. Can't really make my mind on it since I haven't read much about it

Nah i got it, its a shit joke and burgers are the worst educated in the world my joke was funnier.

Assad won the election in his country in a landslide and it was internationally monitored. ZOG btfo

Mosley was the spirit of Britannia incarnated.

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>Trying to revive shitty dead ideologies

fuck off with iron front only the falange and fascist are taken seriously. nat soc is a joke

>Third positionist
>not just being old boring bullshit republican politics

Potatoes BTFO

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Based anglo.

where's monarchism
if not I'm cool with italian fascism

Mosley was the only good A*glo

Monarchism destroyed fascism


The italian king ordered the arrest of based mussolini. He also prevented mussolini from implementing a full fascist state

It didn't. Monarchism allowed fascism to be born. Google Mussolini and his rise to power. Pakis dont know shit

Mosley was Anglo-Irish funnily enough. Anglo-Celt master race reporting in.

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The right which wishes to preserve everyhying even injustice. This is the most retarded statement i have ever read. The world is not a just place to live it is random and harsh and incredibly fair. Trying to fix the injustice in the world is the equivalent of attempting to stop the planet from revolving around the sun.

I follow ur mums fucking gayism is that. Good one OP?

The virgin churchill vs the chad fash


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mosley was an irish sympathiser and tory who bent and twisted his principles crossed the floor and joined labour. A man without principles is no man at all.

The king literally betrayed mussolini in 1943

Based Romanian

multumim capitane

>irish sympathiser
This isn't a bad thing.
>A man without principles is no man at all.
A man who continues to support a position he no longer believes in is a man without integrity.

Multumim capitane!

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B A ' A T H G A N G

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statist faggotry is the cancer that is killing Jow Forums

the ira is socialist you doodoo head

You lolbertarians were only here because of le trump

I don't know much about them but third positionists believe the philosphy of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"

Us muslims were supported Nazi germany, but when they fell, we had to support the soviets (until they fucking betrayed us in afghanistan)

what on earth would be discussed if no one had a position. the useless blue helmet continues to be a useless blue helmet.

Based fake australian

>adhering to ideologies
>not thinking for yourself
you have to go back

>le based individualism XDDDDDDDDDD
This is exactly why BLACKED is a thing

cheers man. i am in part an ausie though, my garndfather was an ausie, fought in the pacific then korea. glad the old guy killed some commies

Communists are real assholes. I thought they would support our anti jewish cause but they cucked and attacked afghanistan.


better dead than red i say

Daily Reminder:

Don't lecture others on politics until you figure out what toilets are for, goat fucker.

>Stop letting me fuck your wives god damnit

Except my wife is neither a goat nor a 12 year old boy, so I know you're not interested.

Based sandnigger

Bump let’s get this thread going, any fellow mosleyites?

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Reporting in Anglo-Irish!!!

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I follow the best form of Fascism

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>literal sandniggers
no thanks you race mixing cuck

You forgot the ETA dumbass.

Woah woah, who said bathists are race mixers? Fascists and third positionists believe in racial purity to better communicate to other races without tensions, race mixing = banned

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multumim capitane


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