This is a boy

>this is a boy
What is happening to western males?

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So do you spend all day looking at feminine/androgynous boys or something?

what is this? 1997?
get with the times, shitlord

the retarded doctors at the behest of their retarded parents are filling them full of hormones. This is all due to media re-programming them to accept this. The media is controlled by the fucking jews.

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I would give anything to French kiss that young boy

natural selection in the making

infant male genital mutilation stunts testosterone and causes brain damage, so do a plethora of vaccines on the first day of life, then coupled with child abuse (mostly sexual) and the kid is fucked up for life

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Collapse. D/w it never lasts longer than a few decades.

If it's really a boy, post it's dick

we're sliding backwards into paganism
soon pederasty will be normalized

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Ah yes, what we have here is a classic case of Unadulterated Rampant Faggotry.

Next comes genetical engineering. Want to become half fish? Sure goyim, we got a solution just for you!

He looks like river Phoenix what's the big deal. Could be the next Indiana Jones

Post him topless

He has nice cocksucking lips

The entire goal of the elites from day one was to reverse gender polarity, to turn men into women and women into men.


Its a brave new world user. Embrace it.

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preparation for slaughter

I mean who wouldve thought how depraved that other side is, honestly.
Bunch of fucking pedophiles and a mind that is an endless bottomless pit of degeneracy.

10/10 would sugar daddy

western males are not being prepped for slaughter user. this sort of degeneracy was rampant in the ancient roman world and they created an empire. if anything our societies may become more violent because of this. it's a sign of us losing our religion and therefore losing our morality.

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white features look better on females

i see no problem with that

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You're absolutely right, Father Phil McCavity spoke to the boys about this on Sunday.

>White features are the only standard of beauty


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>American education - the picture
I especially love the little jab of Mediterranean and White being different. However, the white guy pic is obviously Slavic.

say whatever you want man, it's not the church that's convincing all these young boys to try and become women. it's the secular world.

They created an empire first, while exercising literal white sharia. The came the degeneracy.

>eye color and hair color are the only two things that matters, 14/88!

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That post is not from the guy itself

Literally just some butthurt loser that picked an ugly blue eyed guy from google to make a nice strawman

Would Jow Forums rek his boipucci?

sure, but not now

i'll wait until he's 16

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Apparently upping their DSL game.

>I don't understand gene markers

Thanks for sharing.

>he doesnt want to be a long haired celtic/norse warrior
The only reason someone wouldn't want this is if they weren't white. Gay space socialism is coming and there's nothing you can do about it.

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well as long as it's okay for him...

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