Absolutely degenerate


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Stunning and Brave

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how mentally ill does someone (let alone a man) do something like this and then have it posted on a national newspaper. Shameful. Mid life crisis hit him hard, obviously.

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>mfw this onions cuck has a stronger beard than I'll ever have

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At least he can have a boyfriend now

>bloodline ends here

He is fat and ugly.

Why can't he try a little harder?


He's got about the same amount of body fat as the average western woman.

You know, fat men can be aesthetically beautiful from a certain perspective but they just had to have him pose like an actual fat sobodypositivexD woman.

31. Midlife crisis. Do you maths.

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people are vain now. thats kinda old (ie, not young and hip)

So, the hippie/boomer idea of "never trust anyone over 30" that was popular 50 years ago? Children never change. When you get past 40 you know what age really is.

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I wish I hadn't clicked on that.

oh my fucking god when you follow the retarded left acceptance logic to apply tot the retard left worldview you ultimately have to celebrate every failure imaginable.

its just ... beautiful ....

Damn you user, I'm eating!

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For a fat fuck like that, yeah he'll probably die of diabetes or heart attack by the time hes 60.

Fucking hell digits of truth. My eyes. Whyyyyyyyyy

old but gold. /jp/ loves this.

Looks like he is making a Masonic 'M' hand sign, like painting in pic. Feet look really small for a man, also. What does it mean?

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