As a middle eastener living in kuwait i have to agree with you guys...

As a middle eastener living in kuwait i have to agree with you guys. Niggers and sand niggers are the lowest violent scum on planet earth. I am convinced they have no emotions or sympathy. They're all fucking moneys.

Ok story time
>always been pretty beta.
>i workout but low T doesn't allow me to get too big
>driving home from work.
>See fellow sand niggers in buggees behind me.
>assume they're randomly following the same path.
> i park my car about to get out.
>notice they stopped about 5 miters behind me
> i get out of the car and cross the road to my house
>they start speeding and about to hit me
> i jump and scrape elbows and knees
>they're laughing. One of them throws a rock at me and it breaks my glasses.
>They laugh as they yell shit while im awakrdly running to my place

And the worst part is that i cant call the cops because im not kuwaiti and they treat non Kuwaitis like scum. These guys lurk often outside my building. I hate that im such a faggot i wish i was as violent as my race is

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>driving home from work.

He said >living in kuwait<
aparently the fact he does work, makes locals angry.

Read the last paragraph you low iq nigger

>im not kuwaiti and they treat non Kuwaitis like scum.
What are you then?

Palestnian. Worse i know.

1) Bring food next time and share it with them. They might get perplexed by it. Tell them you just want to work for your family and earn a living.

2) If they still behave like assholes then go to the police, explain that you tried to be friends and they still treated you like dirt.

3) If police don't do anything then quit the job. Life is more important than money. Find a similar job somewhere else.

t. former guest worker in sandnigger land

Your reading comprehension is shit, none of that advice is applicable.
Bring food to share? What am i, an autist?

Kuwaitis are pretty cool, it's the people from other countries that cause problems.

Well then you could always try your hand at jihad

It's a shame because low-T soibois like you should be the only kind of sand nigger allowed into Europe but they're taking all the violent monkeys like the ones you described instead.

I know your pain though, I'm Puerto Rican and grew up among Puerto Ricans. Most of them are fucking animals.

Wrong, the locals are basically welfare leeches who live off oil money relying on foreigners to do both the menial jobs and anything that requires brainpower.

Start carrying a weapon and next time they instigate shit fuck them up with it no matter the consequences.

Fuck off sand nigger, kuwaitis are low iq subhuman savages with no sympathy

Why would they be the trouble makers?
I'm telling it like it is, I used to live there.
Not compared to the worker types.


That's pretty much every gulf country

I lived in Saudi. Used to avoid the locals like the plague, specially the young ones

>Why would they be the trouble makers?
Because they have nothing else to do all day.

It's the workers that cause trouble, not them.
That's why op is treated like shit there, probably by other workers.

I feel ya, user.
Been there, and while the guys I worked with were alright, none were Koweiti. Indians, Egyptians, Pinoys... yes.

From my rare interactions with the Kuwaiti, I feel like they're rich spoiled teenagers that never grow past this.

You might want to leave that sandnigger shithole.

I will after i make enough money. Im an aerospace engineer. The problem is i have a Palestinian passport and getting a visa anywhere outside of the sand nigger world is nearly impossoble.

just throw your passport away and go to germany

My friend in the us Air Force has been stationed there several times and he says they’re all boy fuckers and it’s kind of an open secret
He says they say “women are for children, boys are for fun”
Is this true user? And if so, perhaps you should offer these lads your boipucci next time

I tried multiple times, i had to pass a german language exam, which i did, and they still rejecyed my application

No clue but i honestly wouldn't be surprised.

>Palestinian passport and getting a visa anywhere outside of the sand nigger world is nearly impossoble

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Hey serious question. I know next to nothing about the Middle East. What the fuck actually goes on in the countries there? Like??????? wtf sandniggers????? I only know two things about ME; oil and war.

Itts like normal countries except rampat racism and bully anyone who isnt a local, girls are continuously harrassed on the street, police bullys and beats up people whenever they want, and the people are low iQ savages who play games like "the knockout" game, except here its the stab game. Not even kidding

>and they still rejecyed my application
of course they did, mama merkle only wants the trash of the world to come to germany

But i am Palestinian. I AM the trash of the world.

you know english, german and sandspeak and are educated, you're hardly trash my dude

nah, that's just what welfare leeching gulf niggers want you to believe.
they might hire some nasty poos but even those people have more morals than them
gulf arabs import jordanians, palestinians, egyptians, lebanese, etc to do any engineering or medical work that requires a couple of braincells and teach their lazy kids in their universities, and despite this they are made fun of, harassed, and paid less.
some of their companies literally have native quotas that they fill with literal bean counters.

I actually only know the basics of german. knowing how to say "the cat is in the box" is hardly speaking german

Wow, that sounds lovely... Do you plan on leaving in the future?

Grew up in a sand nigger country myself user, redpilled at a young age that recognizes that mass migration of these inbred apes will lead to the destruction of western civilization. I hope things work out for you fren, have you considered conceal carrying a self defence weapon of some sort? Would that even be possible in Kuwait?

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Do you watch anime?
Do they know you're palestinian?

Yeah kuwaitis are dark skinned with fat staches and no beard. Im pretty white and i dont speak in a gulf accent

you got options: turkey, iran, south africa, latin america, japan, kazaastan or rapefugee your way into EU

We're rooting for you, bro.

there it is

But it is more than what (((they))) want in Germany. Should have pretended to only speak one language and scrawled something about fighting in Syria in poor Arabic on a wrinkled sheet. They would have let you right in.

>live in sand nigger city
>avoid sand niggers

It's like going to a chucky cheese and avoiding kids

The fact you're having a coherent conversation here makes you a nontrashboi

Nice flag

What are you, if not ethnically Kuwaiti?

Never mind.

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true , but the palestineans are sadly the trash of the arab world , people blame muh israel for everything , but the arab world has treated palestineans like trash for propaganda purposes and denied them citzenship even after generations.
It´s a fucked up thing , but it´s not going to change as long as every leftist retard does muh israel as if jordan had not killed as much palestineans as israel.
The retardedness of the arab world is insane.

Hey brother, fellow palestinian living in kuwait here.

Life is fucking trash in this country.

You are literally treated like a second class citizen if you are not kuwaiti.

Asian immigrants have it even worse.

Just know that people like you and i are very common in this country.

Where are you from in Palestine?

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Im from nablus. You?

And yeah i literally see kids here bullying indians. They are not even considered human here.
Plus all our girls worship white guys. Its the most pathetic culture ever!

so Kuwaitis act Jews towards Arabs?

do Kuwaitis follow the talmud too?

It's funny how every one in the world is sucking the palestinian dick but despite them when theres one.

No arabs in general are scum who literally hate and bully everyone below them

I'm from Gaza

i never thought someone like me would browse here.

First time for everything i guess.

>average kuwaiti is pic related

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Yeah man the new rules on renewing driver liscnes and kuwait iqama are fuckung killing me and stressing me like shit.

How old are you/ What do you do?