Top 4 billionaires in the planet are white, not jew

top 4 billionaires in the planet are white, not jew's_Billionaires#2018

> but globalism is a jew cospiracy
> but my ethnicity is under attack
> its not my own fault i'm poor, its the system

This white identitarian meme is pathetic.
You ridicule the left for playing the victim, then turn around and do exactly the same shit.
If you can't compete with mexicans you deserve to be poor. Get your shit together people..

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Wasp Zionist Traitors and Jews will be gassed together.

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Someone post the Rothschild infograph, please

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>being so bluepilled you believe the richest dudes in the world are the Amazon guy and the Microsoft guy, and that there are absolutely no billionaires in finance

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Warren Buffett's mom's maiden name is Stahl; a Jewish-German last name. Now only the top two "aren't" Jewish.

you are making shit up

you mean this?

Attached: 1508016129154.png (1089x4677, 1.42M)

>You ridicule the left for playing the victim, then turn around and do exactly the same shit.

No man, they are just playing the victims, while we are actually victims.

lol, all the trillionaires are kikes though, sorry you failed math class but guess who that makes the 1%

anglos ARE jews,

look at them side by side, they have plastic surgery but their one structure is the same.

Have we determined if Bezos mother is not Jewish? His father's bame is jorgenson I believe, but his mother lives on Mercer Island WA which is a third Jewish, and if you search for a pic of her, the nose knows, but I don't know anything conclusive.

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>while we are actually victims.

I'm white, worked hard in school, got engineering degree, millionaire by age 35
jew deepstate didn't stop me.
So what is your excuse exactly?

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There are no girls on the internet, dumb fuck. Can the anecdotes and argue with cited stats

why does that picture exist ?

>Democrats and leftists can't into jewish conspiracies

Just stop.

playing Devil's Advocate here (literally), if Evelyn de Rothschild is the richest then why does Googling his net worth come back with a result of only $5 billion?

you want stats on percentage of high income earners who are white? Are you sure you want that? Might make you feel mediocre

because its made up meme shit

Nice meme flag, you raging homosexual.

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To keep nosy goyim in the dark.

You didn't use the "T".

Back to the oven!

Where da Rothschild at?

>Royal families and dictators that have their wealth contingent on a position are always excluded from these lists.

Ah, never mind

Yeah Jews taking german is ridiculous. Never happened, eh einstein?

All white people are Jews.