FOX NEWS Neil Cavuto spends 4 minutes on Trump's many lies

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...but doesn't even get started on the real scandal:

NO Iran deal
NO pairs
Tax plan
deregulation of the market
Wall is slowly starting
Cut funding to the CIA niggers in Syria

Yea, he has not lied on the things that matter.

Wow, who needs enemies with (((friends))) like this. Cocksucker more worried about some whore's extortion scheme cnn tabloid shit, than actual issues that affect americans.

That demands explanation

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Cavuto and Charlie Gasparino want open border cheap labor so hey are pissed.

>accused of bullshit
>lies about bullshit
>says hes going to fix real things
>fixes real things
>"G-guys he lied to (((us)))"
Keep on truckin, Trump.

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This is why no one can criticize fox news. They are literally the only major news outlet with both liberals and conservative hosts

Adams is a hero

>thank you very very much

cant stand this faggot desu


Is that stormy Daniel's lawyer!?!

I can only guess his stocks went down and now, being suicidal, he's trying to summon Trump's Curse to put him down.

it seems Neil is trying to get a message to Trump
the truth is, his voting base doesnt care about this shit
this is a direct message to Trump because POTUS is not going to widen his net voting base if he keeps being a retard
hopefully God Emperor hears this and takes it to heart

exactly, im voting for him in 2020 and it's only a year into the first term
AND theres plenty he has done that i disagree with but his positive shit significantly outweighs that

Why does Trump's opposition keep insisting on moral high ground or trying to paint him as an immoral prick? Most of his supporters know what he is. They don't give a shit.

da fuq? Russia hacked hannity

no one is more immoral than cnn, msnbc, abc, cbs etc. for all the bullshit they fed the masses with their own political propaganda and labeled it as 'news'. lying suits them just fine when it will add up a win for them.

Cavuto is RINO

Yeah, brit, that will surely get us to agree with you.

>POTUS is not going to widen his net voting base if he keeps being a retard
>tfw you retard your way into peace between the Koreas

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