If the United States made it easier for Europeans to immigrate over here

Would you do it? Would you help us in our fight to preserve Liberty and Brotherhood and the beliefs of our Founders and Constitution?

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Dunno. You started pretty retared shit and it keeps going strong.

fuck off we're full as it is. apply after the civil war

This country is dead

>preserve Liberty and the beliefs of our Founders and Constitution?
I'm rightwing. I'm staunchly opposed to Liberty and the American constitution.

>I'm rightwing
>I'm staunchly opposed to Liberty and the American constitution.
Then please stay in Germany

no,even if you pay me

Don't wish to burst your bubble but I don't think many Europeans want to live in America. Pretty much a third world shithole over there. This is coming from Bongistan.

>immigrate to a country to get shot by a nigger

Hell I live right above you fucks and I've never been down there even though it's no hassle.

Would an average person care about values and the constitution? I don't think so.

Chances are more people would be more interested about money, how's the tax situation down there? I'm kinda unhappy that about 30% of what I earn being taken away and given away to lazyfags

>sit here in Europe freaking out over 15% (in the worst cases) non-Europeans
>move to a country that's about to hit 50% non-Europeans
No thank you, you don't even have actual right wing parties and have this mentality.

Haha what fuck no i would only come over when the civil war starts to get majority german states annexed by the Vaterland

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American "liberty" is just jewish degeneration and destruction.
Jewish-american media likes to tell us freedom is god, but it really isn't for anybody but the jews

Pic related
The Constitution and Liberty are what we fought for. If he said he wanted to add some things to the Constitution to make sure it's a more solid document and make sure our liberties are not taken away then I wouldn't have said anything.

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Income tax looking good, senpai. I heard that the tax situation is fragmented and there are lots of different taxes which obviously makes things add up

Fuck that, I don't want any faggy Europeans turning the country into the caliph states of america.
Why is it so impossible for a president to just say fuck all of you, america is closing it's borders for EVERYONE, no one comes in, we're pulling out of everything everywhere and having nothing to do with anyone else in the world, you fucks are beneath us and unimportant.

>The Constitution and Liberty are what we fought for.
And we care for neither of those modernist ideologies.

Also your map is very misleading, isn't it? There's federal income tax to add on top of the state income tax.

Yes that is true

I would rather go to the balkans in the south.

When I asked if Euros wanted to come here I asked if they'd be willing to defend the Constitution and the beliefs of the Founding Fathers, I didn't ask if they'd come here and make things worse by bringing their European ideals of no liberty over here. If you don't want to come here and defend and preserve our way of life and help make it better then don't, it's that fucking simple. It's like me going to Sweden and demanding we have accommodations for Americans so I can be comfortable and not assimilate and integrate into the Swedish way of life. The Founders were clear that only those who will defend Liberty and the Constitution should be allowed, not people who think Liberty means anarchy or that Liberty is not worth defending.
To answer your second question I already linked the guy to the other taxes we have.

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No, Europeans should stay in Europe and MEGA


We want to fight for the birth right of our ancestral home. If anything Yanks should be wanting to flock back to Europe for the upcoming shit fest.

>america is closing it's borders for EVERYONE, no one comes in, we're pulling out of everything everywhere and having nothing to do with anyone else in the world
Considering you've been the main propaganda production centre for leftism of the last decade, nobody would object, user.

And I told you, we don't value that at all, so why would we care to move to the US? This isn't the first time there's a democracy fad in history, and we'll get over it soon enough.

I'd rather go to europe.

Effectively, slightly better but not a massive difference. Especially considering you get no healthcare included in your taxes.

Already did bro. One proud owner of a green card right here.

>Euros moving to America
Are you living in the 1910s?

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>I don't want any faggy Europeans turning the country into the caliph states of america
I don't think we're necessary for that.

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delet dis!

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>If anything Yanks should be wanting to flock back to Europe
when it all starts, will be huge smuggling rings to get firearms into europe. If the irish could do it for the IRA, can do it for the rest of europe. Only reason not to blow my brains out now is the possible chance to fight an urban war against the jews and muslims in France. Notice the jews haven't released any sort of military themed first-person shooters set in europe in almost a decade wince now it's a real possibility.


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>we need even MORE fucking foreigners
Just because they're white doesn't mean that's good. Fucking krauts and Micks are half the reason the beliefs of the founders were forgotten in this country.
As an old-stock American, I'd rather all of you filthy faggots fuck off.
Small numbers of Brits and maybe Nords and those of the Low Countries can come, though.

>moving to the US right before the second civil war kicks off
I shiggity diggity doo

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You may not value it but there are already plenty of Europeans who do. Being able to speak your mind and being able to own a rifle without massive government interference are two things that some Europeans would find wonderful. You're implying that every single European we took from our founding to now has somehow never like Liberty and the Constitution, you may be right that some never got it but the ones who did and the ones who were socially ostracized have fully integrated and love Liberty. You're country was the first to give Free speech and you took it away, yet the Swedes here don't ask for the Swedish system of welfare and lack of liberty, they became American. And being an American is more than eating burgers and speaking English.

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Ireland is the size of Texas. An American Republican Army would be massive and my ultimate goal.

No. I wouldn't fit in there, I wouldn't get along with Americans and I don't want to abandon my homeland.

The US has a spic and nigger problem, not a muslim problem, you're mixing up two different issues. that's why I don't want europeans, don't need MORE problems.

We can't make it white only. Maybe if we put an IQ test requirement of some kind. You really don't want to be here unless you're going to fight in our upcoming civil war.

All signs point to it happening within the next 20 years. Probably sooner.

Fuck of Nigger America has infected my country with unholy amounts of poz. I hate America more then any other country in the world. Can't wait till the reconquista.

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I'm starting to like America more and more or should I say hate Britain more and more but I have hope of a crusade and don't wish to abandon my homeland for a nigger infested shithole. However I do like funs, freedoms, BBQ's and American beer. ROCK AND A HARD PLACE user

>We can't make it white only
Au Contraire

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>Would you do it?
No, I need some basic needs cover just in case, and you don't want Hispanics so I don't think so
>Would you help us in our fight to preserve Liberty and Brotherhood and the beliefs of our Founders and Constitution?
We did, worst decision ever, we should support England instead

What a coincidence, I hate the Irish. You ruined this entire country, we don't want you.

We would need a supreme court that would side with any racial restrictions. We don't currently. I don't even think we have the voting bloc to support such an idea. You're better off going for things like IQ and other requirements that at least make it so it's at least white/asians/kikes only coming in, since they're the ones who would pass those tests.

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It's kinda cute what Americans "think" about ... well, anything. It's like you guys are a bunch of retarded children.

America was fucked since it's inception retard.
"Hur dur we fight for liberty and breedom"
The American founders destroyed white ideals like hierarchy and authority, I'd say the Irish greatly helped the Americans we influenced the degenerate American society with hierarchically Catholicism.

>You're better off going for things like IQ
Yeah man, make sure you have MORE near-sighted incel nerdics. That will totally help.

If you argue that the Founders were in favor of it then opponents would have to argue against the greatest men who ever lived. It's not a good look for anyone, you can't argue against the Founders.

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So Amerimutts were always retarded?

>you can't argue against the Founders.

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Hell no

Want to go shopping?
>get shot
Want to go for a walk?
>get shot
Want to leave the house at all?
>get mauled by nogs
>then get shot
Want to drive a car?
>get shot by police

>America was fucked since it's inception retard.
The founding ideals of this country are older and more robust than your entire nations lack of history.

Almost certainly. I visit twice a year and I love the US. Much better than this shithole in almost every way.

Sadly I don't have skills that would allow me to move to the US.

I would immediatly, i'm tired of living in this shithole. I can't even defend myself if someone breaks in my house, it's retarted

Yes, do you give neetbucks? I will be over to spread my white seed to lighten the completion of the 56%

>The Constitution and Liberty are what we fought for.
Maybe some did. I'm sure many others fought for reasons of blood and soil - because their friends and family were already fighting so they were compelled to do so too- and not for some ideals which could and would be perverted anyway at some point in the future.

Just don't live by niggers and you won't get shot

>America saying someone's country doesn't have a culture.
I live near a building that was built before your gay continent was discovered.

>The founding ideals of this country are older and more robust
We had a better law system at the start of the first millennia that you have ever had.

*a better legal system

>I live near a building that was built before your gay continent was discovered.
And I live in a country that got its independence from Britain on its first go

Fuck no.

who cares

I'd rather the USA learned to do its own work TBQH

What about the people live next to you, or in your nieghborhood they could be serial killer or someone running from the law who know you might be next on there list, or your children,

>And I live in a country that got its independence from Britain on its first go

Wow good for you, i'm sure having a large population and having Atlantic between you and England had nothing to do with your successful revolution.

The revolution in the US reflects badly on America. We Irishmen had a reason to revolt the Brits were a foreign people colonizing us that's not true for America you betrayed you race, monarch and church because muh tax.

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Sorry to say, but your country is beyond repair. You already live in a dystopia. I'd rather die then move to the US... and I live in Romania.

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>i'm sure having a large population and having Atlantic between you and England had nothing to do with your successful revolution.
Actually it didn't have as much to do with it as the fucking French saving their asses. The revolution would have failed pathetically if France didn't save the day for them.

And today Murrika is the main force behind all the "lol france always retread sheeeeiiitt" jokes. Hope the French learned their lesson.

Irish (inducing niggers and slavs) have a lower homicide rate than white America.

It’s not. Just more non-whites. Most bongs like it Bc they get laid for their accents.

This. If we ever had to actually fight in a war all these “patriotic immigrants” would go back home.

fuck no, not even if they gave me a house and a well paying job. I'd rather die as a wageslave in my own country.

Shit we should be asking about a right of return for ethnic Europeans trapped here in this burgeoning Brazil.

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Here we go fighting again.

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In a fucking heartbeat if i was younger, but knew what i know now

Bad idea, they'd bring their cuckoldry and socialism with them. Let eurofags rot in their horrible culture and decisions

This map always makes me chuckle. I see something new every time I look at it.

> If the United States made it easier for Europeans to immigrate over here
I would consider it. I do appreciate the US free speech, gun laws and lower taxes. Dislike how "diverse" the country already is.

>t. Some fag who goes to Texas tech.

I would't mind working a couple years there and paying taxes because I'm somewhat qualified, or helping you shoot other dudes because of NATO, but keep your country mate.

>who think Liberty means anarchy
But anarchy literally means liberty


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Says the bigest exporter of degeneracy and (((culture))) on the planet.

If you haven't noticed you have a grave nigger and spic problem, so no. Start the cleans and we we will see.

>Majority of Americans were neutral during the Revolution with little being Loyalists and Revolutionaries
>France came to our aid after seeing we're worthy of it
Our Founders didn't even want revolution, we didn't vote for independence until the Second Continental Congress where it passed unanimously, in the first one it failed horribly. The Continental Congress existed to have better relations with Britain but it didn't work out so we had to fight. Shows Euros don't know anything about who we are.

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100% God Bless America

(((The Founding Fathers)))

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Yeah. The political spectrum over here is not at all to my liking and the general attitude of the population is "I want it and I want it without having to work for it".
The only viable parties I can vote for here are a communist party and a left-wing party. when my political views are far right. I want to own a gun and be able to say what I want without the police cramming me into a jail cell for thoughtcrime. I want a written constitution which clearly states my freedoms and sets them in stone, unable to be robbed or twisted by corrupt sellout politicians. I want to live with people who actually feel offended when some hippy prick torches their native land's flag.
I'd preferably like to live in a red state with plenty of rednecks. They seem like simple, hardworking people who know how to have fun and enjoy life.

Your country is rough around the edges, but I still consider it to be probably one of the best in the world, if not the best.

there's only the Mutti-land left where you live

Bean queen

Merkel will be gone soon when she dies of old age in 20 years haha

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>should the US allow in a group of people who willingly let their nations be invaded and their livelyhoods revoked and continued to vote in communist scum
No, read the fucking sign(does not apply to Finns, Dutch, Estonian, or Australian applicants)

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>that's about to hit 50% non-Europeans
It's funny because the statistics say a very different story cuck

All the whites need to come to the US. We will push out all the shit skins and jews. batten down the hatches, and close our fucking borders. Then we annex Canada and make one uber white country.

European white countries are grouped with too many shit skin countries. Its a lost cause over there.

come home white man.

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We did just fine without Jews until the 1830's

what do you mean by “the beliefs of our founders”?

I'd rather white people come here over a bunch of niggers and spics, but it's not like I want a bunch of fucking Greeks or Swedes coming here and turning my neighborhood into some European shit speaking their foreign language.