Anyone automatically disrespecting "people" with brown eyes, especially BEADY EYES? I have hard times respecting anyone who isn't blue eyed Aryan desu.
Anyone automatically disrespecting "people" with brown eyes, especially BEADY EYES? I have hard times respecting anyone who isn't blue eyed Aryan desu.
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Non Europeans act like shit towards European descendent people due to resentment and race baiting, therefore we will act like shit back to them and not give a fuck.
Fuck off kraut subhuman.
The title of eternal enemy of the Anglo is for the Spaniards and French
Anglos are germanic you dumb fuck
Germanic peoples will be deported to siberia (were they belong) and we latins will colonize your land.
Submit to your latin owners
Oswald Mosley would have reigned in your autistic fuhrer before things got out of hand, and then helped him and the rest of europe usher in a great new age you stupid fucking kraut.
Shut up anglo subhuman.
You will be sent to labour camps to siberia as a slave.
Lick the boots of your Latin masters homosexual subhuman anglo-jew
you know germany the whole blond vs brunette thing in europe that resulted in some aids being thrown about and a number of emotional outburst from blond women who thought they were being genocided opened up a international investigation that even revealed a american counterpart to your faggotry
you get any more mouthy and you may be enriched. you wonder why they agreed to let muslims and samolis in? to rape your blond ass to death because they are sick of having to spend money on bleach just so you dont screech and do your fucking job at work
thats your option die by black dick or shut the fuck up . a public service announcement form other white people to blond people
What if im a celt? They arent that germanic I thought.
Anyone noticed how big the s.o.y problem is over in Angloland? If they're not s.o.y.boys they're degenerate hooligan subhumans.
You are okay if you are a celt.
A lot of germans are celts as well.
But germanics will go to siberia as slaves
Remember that
Mosley would be spinning in his grave if he could see the state of Europe today. Germany is probably one of the biggest offenders as well so this whole thread is retarded.