How many red pilled women do you know?
How many red pilled women do you know?
I know a black pilled woman. She says the world is getting worse and it's cruel to have kids and subject them to this world. She has negative views of both men and women. She also says if you have a mental or genetic condition it's cruel to reproduce.
>I know a black
stopped reading there
To be red pilled you must first have a certain level of intelligence.
For example some dogs are smart enough to be redpilled. Women on the other hand are not mentally capable enough.
Do you have to be smart to be black pilled? I know a black pilled woman.
Maybe in the states, since the majority of you are retards
It doesn't take a genius to see shit is fucked up desu senpai.
They are cattle who cares
This coming from a spagettinigger. I'm laughing
umm i know a girl that seems to be right wing but she was a roastie when younger
Why bother asking. They wouldn't breed with anyone here. Which is why I love my front row seat to the self cuck-destruction of the white race.
all women are redpilled.
it is idiot men who think they know better but actually are just delusional.
>right wing
he said "red pilled" not "fucking idiot"
Why do niggers and shitskins say retarded shit like this? Why would you want your zookeepers to die out?
T. Woman
>red pilled
The sad thing is that because of that I have no other female friends.
I don't know.
I would never let a non white man touch me
nope, just not teenage or neckbeard virgin.
meet some women, talk to them, socialise, listen, find out that they are actually not a different species, and not idiots like most men.
boys will be boys, but girls will be women - it is actually refreshing to be in their grown up company.
disgusting bologna tits
fucking pig!
>implying women can be redpilled
jk faggot, hail youcis.
I met a "kekestani" chick who is pretty red pilled on the holocaust and a girl who turned out to be a former skinhead who is a gun nut is preparing for the upcoming race war. Net both on fetlife. No indication of beliefs.
Most fetish girls are super lefty though.
>not wearing a bra you dumb faggot
eww. kys.
None. Fucking none. Every single woman I know is a liberal piece of shit.
Sorry but looking at your overran shithole, it would appear that you are the animal in the cage through your countries politically agenda.
You and the people you hate are already second class citizens and thus leaves your opinion invalid.
On the subject of zookeepers dying out. I could care less. The United States has proven that capitalism is the rule of the land and no competent human would risk potential profit over something as basic as skin tone nor would they associate with the white trash as yourself.
Women don’t have their own political opinions. They adapt to those around them. They’re social animals by design, and peer acceptance is paramount for securing resources. They can’t help it, but if a woman is seemingly “redpilled” it’s due to the men around her.
1 but she moved to another state
post spaghetti dishes
If by "redpilled" you mean hating immigrants and right wing? quite many
Redpilled about jews? none
Now I know why I can't get laid, my body is probably just as gross as this bitches
You can't get laid because you're a self hating fatass cuck
post more francesca
She has ugly tits, that's all, even with a bra or without one, she'd still have ugly small hangers
just the youtube ecelebs
but to be fair, this is canada, and there are few redpilled men even
My wife, whom I met after living and breathing pol for two years, is essentially a caricature of right wing feminine ideals. She's intelligent, she's sexy, wants to do birthwork but realizes that her job takes a back seat to being a mother, no tattoos, no drugs, one prior partner (after which she learned to hate casual sex), hates degenerates more than I do, keeps me posted on the North West Front and discusses the JQ with me. Hell, I even ran down that "official pol roastie checklist" in that other thread and the only thing she misses is that she uses kikebook a bit too much for my liking.
Now all that being said, you faggots don't give yourself enough credit for having your heads on straight. Women love to be led and pol in no small part teaches you how to lead via asserting your own view of the world. I don't get it but they love that shit. Find a woman you like and immediately try probing to see if she's worth a damn. The first conversation her and I had contained marital compatibility. Incel is a state of mind.
And she loves this quote
I know a few but they tend to be older than 30.
if you associate with non whites you're not one of us
>"One" prior partner
>Uses kikebook a lot
Yeah she's not as pure or red pilled as you think.
carefully watching one become more and more right wing
sure is pretty interesting
You're dating a liar and You're as naive as a Child
You fools will be alone forever. I'll pray for you.
Lol pray on, you worshipper of a hebrew
Women can't be redpilled