Anyone else noticing a trend of anti-Jow Forums sentiment in the media growing over the past year?
Anyone else noticing a trend of anti-Jow Forums sentiment in the media growing over the past year?
So what?
Anybody notice the amount of anti Jow Forums propaganda on Jow Forums in the last year? Propagandaception
I liked this place better when it was more liberal. You know, during the bush years.
There's a reason for that.
Im not surprised, it doesn't come out of thin air. They forgot one thing though: angry strangers is how the ovens turn on
Ellen Poa is a charming Lady and a Scholor. Just because she called out your incel radicalization vectors does not mean "the media is after you".
You cant just brainwash socially maladjusted young men to commit Acts of Terrorism.
Ellen is a goddess.
The Left is trying to shut down Jow Forums before 2020 election year.
They realized our Meme magic is real.
le internet hate machine
>They forgot one thing though: angry strangers is how the ovens turn on
Of course.
But they are now attacking some of sub groups within Jow Forums like incels.
they converted this inofensive site in the scapegoat of their faults
we are still alive thanks to be the inofensife punching bag of the stablisment
we are know the incel terrorist today were the nazi fascist and tomorrow we will see
there is not a single truth in the world we are living today is all so putrid and decadent
>The Left is trying to shut down Jow Forums before 2020 election year.
Also that photo proves my long-term opinion that asian girls have the best legs.
this is a purification thread now
damn incels
They hate us cause the ain’t us.
They hate us cause they anus.
As it should be
I wonder who could be behind that shit?
as far as the media have ever even been aware of Jow Forums they have hated it. It is basically the exact opposite of the conventional press, there is no censorship, no narrative, no bars to entry, no accountability, etc.
The idea of people getting their news from Jow Forums or even just from random blogs horrifies the people at the NYT
Is Jow Forums were like "leftists terrorist site" according to neocon media like 7 or 10 years ago?
there's always been an anti-Jow Forums sentiment in the media.
chan was never as blatantly bad as it is now since nazis, conspiracy cucks, beta incel's all go kicked out of their perspective reddit pages and came here. r/niggers, r/spacedicks, r/incel all have been banned so these fags come here now.
The jew is afraid
>knowing which r*ddits have been banned
go back
Jow Forums has always been blatantly bad and everyone ITT is a massive faggot.
>past year
past decade op
The west has not yet learned how to be nationalist. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. The west is not going to be the multicultural societies that they once were in the last century. Jow Forums is going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for the West to make. They are now going into a nationalist mode, and Jow Forums will be resented because of its leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, the West will not survive.
nice gams
women are disgusting pigs
and many women work at CNN
(((Goldberg))) talking about MtG
>past year
you're newfag
whether they realize it or not, they're only drawing more people here.
Maybe blowing up that van was a mistake.
>Anyone else noticing a trend of anti-Jow Forums sentiment in the media
Your witnessing the start of a an (((MSM))) psyop to get Jow Forums hated and banned.
Very similar to how (((they))) get the population accept wars.
Now banning Jow Forums may just be a PRETEXT for something BIGGER.
Internet ID.
Its only going to get worse
>anger the autists
Great plan (((Goldberg))).
>raiding /v/
Who would want to harm those innocent creatures?
just mean they feel more threaten, anons our Ki is rising
>raiding /v/
Who would want to commit suicide so badly?
There are shills but easily spotted, illogical bias in every post. Imo those fucks coming here to shill get red-pilled as well, so even if they're payed to it, it's counter productive, as they'll end up woke for rest of their life's.
Neocons (jews pushing for wars)
Democrats (jews pushing anti-social degenerate projects)
Yeah, that will end well
>hairy armpits
Seriously though, the west is already fucked. What used to be its values are now taboo.
Yeah, the fucking retards are finally catching on as to who's been screwing their shit up.
we SPECTRE now boys
No, the media doesn't talk about Jow Forums because most normal people don't know what it is. It only says shit if a user does something stupid.
>over the past year
Past year? Try past decade
It's been happening since the JIDF days you newfag
they will all regret defending muslims and Negros when they are all getting raped and killed by them it will be wonderful seeing the look on their faces hearing their screams watching their families and children burn
>Anyone else noticing a trend of anti-Jow Forums sentiment in the media growing over the past year?
yes. look at how traffic to the site has risen. the hate drives normies to Jow Forums in droves. They would prefer to never mention Jow Forums at all, but they are forced to because of a catch 22- the more they talk about us, the more normies get red pilled here and become part of our army, the larger our army grows, the more affect we have on the world, the more effect we have, the more they are forced to mention us
The media is angry that a samoan cooking show fan board has more influence over politics than they do.
Mostly on "HOmeland" Also pls note the Toronto fake van attack, was the CIA trolling us.
>The truck driver does it for "the supreme gentleman elliot Rogers"
Also the car crash in Charlottesville was a propaganda attack on us (the alt right/pol)
let them come
they'll become one of us, its inevitable
there scared we will live are homes and revolt in the street
>day of the rope! when!?
They hate the fact that we can anonymously criticize Jews and not suffer any consequences.
unfortunately that's not how it works, bong bro
>at least it's not the patriarchy.png
>Democrats (jews pushing anti-social degenerate projects)
and also wars too
>over the past year
Is that how long you've been here?