Rate his presidency

Rate his presidency

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Fuck off with your shit thread, faggot.

Good goy/10

Nine out of eleven

Top Five of the last century:

Worst Five:

Better than Obama, worse than Trump

Kek, good shit user.


Boy king...

Top kek. You're alright, Pajeet.

Kek underrated post from pajeet

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No child left behind was great. Destroyed small towns everywhere and and hellped set up the current psyop President

Came here to see this post

I would be angry if this wasn't one of the first posts

where's the wall?

he did it

The biggest ZOG tool we've had for a president.

3/10. Literally a pro-war neocon. He even did leftist education policy. Not my dude.

Somewhere in the bowels of Congress.

He was one of the best. He defended our country from muslim invaders. Now we need to convince Trump to go a step further and invade Iran and Syria. Go President Donald Trump!

Explain your Reagan thoughts. Been a few threads on him today, and everybody knows he's the most popular president in living memory. Not saying he was perfect.


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member of one of americas royal families whose grandfather should have been hung for treason (was involved with conspiracy to overthrow govt, look it up). by no means a "man of the people" as his electorate claimed.

no child left behind destroyed usa education

invasion of iraq is the reason for syria crisis and the mass migration into europe.

oversaw creation of surveillance state. paved the way for obama communism as a knee jerk reaction.

Literally the worst of Boomers and ZOG
>muh civility
>muh war on terror
>muh endless expansion of the police state

>.01 shekels were deposited to your account and a free shipment of Onions is expected tomorrow at your door

He ruined the American nuclear family by introducing no-fault divorce to the country. This makes him the most destructive president ever and one of the worst things ever to happen to the nation. He started the trend of shipping jobs to China. Ramped up the debt with his ludicrous monetarist policies domestically to fund the military. Started trickle down nonsense which has led to 30 years of wage stagnation, where the profits are siphoned off to multi national corporations with no loyalty to America.

I will always shake my head at how idolised he is. A truly terrible president for everyone except neocon billionaires.

Stop invading our country

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All this, plus his amnesty that single-handedly flipped California from red to blue.