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Because some of us realize that the corporate conglomerates know exactly how to employ people without getting them benefits, or even enough of a wage to live on....thereby perpetuating the welfare state in order to further enrich their stakeholders.

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let me guess you didn't get a STEM degree

Ever consider that the main problems facing us are not purely economic? Sure shekels are nice, but some things are of far greater value. It's why I chuckle when a communist faggot asks why am I voting against muh economic interests.

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> I should be getting paid 60k per year to do fuck all.


Anyone else here not identify as a millenial?

Become a stakeholder then you fucking faggot.

You pukes never put your words where you mouth is, you make outlandish statements that you don't even actually believe.

those jerbz go to h1bs

those numbers do not account the millions of whites who permanently left the workforce


you need to be 18 years old to use Jow Forums

Because they don't want to work. They want to just take from people who work.

I have been told I am a boomer.

Good point
Even better point
The unemployment rate is misleading. More people are working multiple shitty part-time/temp jobs instead of the real jobs they had in the past. The (((problem))) hasn't really been addressed.

I'm 29 and I make $100k/year bro

It is only a good point if you are edgy teenager.

Are you denying that this statistic doesn’t mean much when most of these jobs are part-time, low paying jobs that perpetuate welfare?

But you wear faggot shoes, so theres that.

>the government should manage the means of production so I can get a fat paying job.

They should tax automation heavily.....

As automation increases.....There will be no new paradigm to come along that can possibly distribute wealth to people.

I’m sure you’d personally prefer people dying off.

You just don't want to work for a living we get it.

You should die off.

I'm whatever a 37-year-old is. Young Gen X, I guess.

I personally have held shitty and good jobs nonstop since I was 15. But a living wage is hard to come by for most people. Why is that hard for you to accept? Do you blame other kinds of people for your unhappiness? I don’t. I just see a bleak future where mass unemployment leads to all kinds of crime.

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This is Jow Forums, anyone over 30 is a boomer.

Do you not even post here?

>So the interview went great, any questions?
>We offer $8 an hour
>But the “””benefits””” (that you have to pay for) are great!
>It will look good on a resume!

An that was at an interview for a job requiring a bachelors degree.

millenials have this notion that they can change definitions on a whim.. you can't find three of them that will agree on what age groups are assigned which gen label. I've been called everything from millenial to boomer even AFTER revealing my birth year.

Found the faggot

The reason why you did not state what the actual job was is because you know that it is not worth more than $8
Muh bachelors degree.

>This is Jow Forums, anyone over 30 is a boomer.
see.. this stupid fuck thinks you can just skip a generation.

STEM degrees are overrated, the market is flooded due to every kind of smart student being told they should go into engineering or comp sci instead of any number of other growing fields with high earnings.

>Found the faggot
it figures that you'd be looking for one

Having a job is great but making $10/hr with no benefits is a very stressful lifestyle. People around me have jobs but they don't have money, they don't have disposable income, they don't have furniture in their apartments.

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I have a stem degree and job, making good money, but even then I agree that working is shit

I spend half my money on my mortgage that is bullshit high because I have to live in a higher CoL area to even have a stem job

And working 9-5 stem is mentally taxing. I don't feel like doing a damn thing at the end of the day while all my low-wage friends are off doing fun shit all day

Jow Forums age obsess faggots are the stupid fucks.

I know very well what age brackets are what, they simply call everyone not with their petty childish boomer hate session a boomer.

Why do you think you are owed a non-stressful life, disposable income and "furniture"?

How much do you think one should make when they are 22?

>And working 9-5 stem is mentally taxing. I don't feel like doing a damn thing at the end of the day

What do you think you are being compensated for?

Just fucking die already you boomer fuck


LOL see?

There it is.

It was an payroll accounting position at a state university

I didnt state the job position because it is irrelevant. The number of hobs with excessive requirements with little to no compensation is staggering.

I know it, you know it, everybody knows it

So many careers are underrated and never mentioned to kids going into college. Nobody tells their kids to become a physical or occupational therapist, but they make good money and can work from any location, letting you live in a cheap area.

>I didnt state the job position because it is irrelevant.

It is 1000% relevant when you want to bitch and moan about compensation.

>at a state university

There is your fucking problem you cunt.

God damn...

Beats me.

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Enough to afford furniture

There are 90 million americans not doing anything. Some are old and nearly dead, yes. Some are too young to lift a 10 pound box, yes. But there are tens of millions of lazy cunts living off their pension/welfare/military bux.

They are contributing nothing.

Btw, this percentage doesn't count the millennials that stopped looking for work.

I never will understand how someone who is well off would come to this shit hole website. Get a real hobby. That is, if you are not lying.

No shit, retard. My point is stem is not cracked up to what you faggots keeping saying it is

I'd rather start a business that isn't me coding shit

>6 million

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Because we're fucking worthless

Because you're not winning the way they wanted you to win. They wanted you to give them free swag, instead of giving them entry-level jobs so they can earn swag.

God bless President Trump and the country that he loves

>I need a living wage
Always means
>I need my poor life choices to be rewarded financially
Pro tip, if a teen can do your job we will pay you like a teen. Just because you have 6 kids that doesn't entitle you to a higher wage

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'Employed' is not the same as 'will at some point be able to retire'

A university needs faculty. How is an accounting position at an institution raking in millions not a serious position? What the fuck do you do for a living?

You cannot even be honest.

Why should anyone listen to what you think?

I am well off, I come here because it is one of the few places where my power level does not matter.

>posting this much faggotry
Even for b8 this is terrible.

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It is exactly what people say it is, you were just confused and did not realize that actual work was involved.
Like a women you just thought it was some cush sit on ass situation.

The idea that some jobs are for teenagers is an ancient one that stopped being accurate when your country started exporting all the factory work and importing tons of low skill immigrants.

Wages aren't matching inflation faggot

I don't care if someone 'contributes' to society or if they sit on their ass.. as long as they don't expect me to support them. I myself am one very lazy motherfucker but I've never needed financial help of any kind to support my family.

>Some are too young to lift a 10 pound box, yes.
plz explain

In the 1950s you could buy a house at age 26 by working on an assembly line doing nothing but tightening the same bolt to the same nut hour after hour.

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Just because he is getting paid well doesn't mean his job isn't mentally taxing. I will admit that 9-5 hours are the fucking worst. I've worked numerous types of schedules throughout my life,
>12 hours a day, two days on, two days off
>8 hours a day, five days a week
>10 hours a day, four days a week
>Work two weeks straight, two weeks off

Out of them a five day work week is the fucking worst because you never feel like you have time to unwind. You don't really have time to get anything important done before or after work, and the weekends don't allow you time to unwind since you are often forced to do shit that you would normally do on the weekdays but you don't have time for since by the time you get home from work and get changed out of work clothes it is already 6.

I would probably say a four day work week was probably the best, work days didn't feel much longer since I wouldn't be able to do anything important on a workday anyway with an 8 hour work day and three day weekends are really nice, Friday you can do chores, Saturday you can unwind, and Sunday you can mentally prepare for returning to work the following day.

You'd have to be a fucking retard not being able to find work in 2018, simple as that. You are never going to find highly educated people crying about lack of work.

If you don't have discipline enough to study, then you definitely should not be on this site crying as you obviously waste your time when there are more pressing matters in your life.

>wanting to afford furniture is dishonest

I dont understand your perspective on life but you seem angry and unsatisfied

Its not your fault you are incel
Girls just dont like bitchbois

shitty weather outside today and trolling Jow Forums is more fun that Farcry

There you go.. that busted mindset.

What the company or organization makes has nothing at all to do with how much you should be compensated.

I don't work for a living I am homeless.

Meh. It is what it is, but honestly you just sound like an angry man-child

>People that don't agree with my just entered the workforce yesterday views are just baiting.

>when I have to work less it is better

No shit, you don't say.

Ok, I just think you could spend your time in a better way if having more resources to expend. I come here because it is entertainment for me that is affordable. Not because I can't say nigger in front of whoever you are hiding from here.

travel to any white middle America town. McDonalds is staffed by high school kids, plus a couple geriatrics.

>you seem angry and unsatisfied

Na that is just you projecting.

Fuck off boomer kike, you ruined the country not us.

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Go die

You are a 14yo incel living with your parents

I'm not saying that teenagers can't do the job, I'm saying that without these jobs paying a living wage there are not enough living wage jobs going around.

>In the 1950s you could buy a house at age 26 by working on an assembly line doing nothing but tightening the same bolt to the same nut hour after hour.
in 2010 I bought a house at age 23 by working on a production line that makes Ziploc bowls.

>shitty weather outside today

Texan detected.

Muh boomers.

Because those jobs aren't exactly helping people move forward and increase their social status. You cannot even start reinvesting because there is nothing left to reinvest.

I literally made 20k this month. Yes. This month.

And I would not rather be anywhere else than shitposting pol.

t.sandwich artist

Unemployment doesn't say much if the jobs they're employed at are wal-mart tier shit party time jobs.

> incel

Mindlessly regurgitate some childish catch phrases some more, it only makes you look like a teenager.

This, but but but but subway should pay me 60k per year, I need furniture.

Because they're stuck working at shit-ass dead end jobs because that's all that's left to get in this fucking country after kikes shipped all the blue collar work overseas in the 70s and 80s

You must be a boomer, right goys?

Wow. That's amazing.

I wouldn't call them overrated but STEM is crowded as fuck with retards. In not talking about grades either. There are some genuine idiotic people getting jobs because all they know is how to take test and do problems given to them, which naturally means they get the high GPA but have no clue on how to do anything outside of the educational setting.

Which is why I will never buy GM knowing the group of people who ended up working there.

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should I have to pay my Friday night babysitter a living wage?

I appreciate your level of emotional investment in this. Its silly in the cutest way, you pathetic waste of life

No I'm 30. Stem is not a meme.

That is implicitly part time. If you had your babysitter working full time you probably would be paying them a living wage.

Cool story now show me a city with a manufacturing base that can employ several hundred thousand highschool educated workers and elevate them to the middle class.

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But you had to work like 8 hours a day or more?

The struggle is real.

Why are you still living in the past?