Meet a woman

>meet a woman
>she is a different race
>feel natural attraction to her, get along well, would like to share life together
>start a family, many happy and healthy kids, you are great parents
What exactly is wrong with this? Why do race purists get so upset? Most people don't breed outside their race, but wouldn't it be better for someone to pick a partner out of love and compatibility vs skin color? Would race purists actually think it better for a white man to breed with a heroin addict white whore or never breed at all than breed with a solid and motherly asian or black woman?

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This guys such a faggot

Show flag,schlomo.

If she's a different race, she's a female, not a woman. See, if you're dating, say, a ewe, you would not call her a woman, but a female ewe.

as a general trend it displaces and replaces ethnic populations and leads to a world with less diversity.

its fine sometimes, just not as a general trend to be encouraged in society. naturally it rarely happens which is why the state is trying to force it on us and i think thats what most of us resent. not you in particular

>What exactly is wrong with this?

and the state wants to force it on us because they want global centralized power and ethnic national populations are a clear barrier long term to that kind of power grab

hope that answers your question op

I redognize Hideo Kojima, but who's the other? Is he the guy from that Dead Reckoning upcoming game?

Be a shill

Have a small dick

Do whatever the fuck you want.
Race should be looked at like dog breeds. Take what you want and disregard what you don't.

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It's fine as long as you don't mix with lesser races

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Its natural user.
The bad thing is when a country is filled with alien races that bastardize the ethnic group of said country.
One non-white fucking a white person is nothing. Millions doing it is a civilizational suicide.
A country must be pure in a 90% of its genes at minimum

Its Normal Reedus.
He is from The walking dead ans other normie series from netflix

It's fine as long as she isn't black

just don't fuck any black people. bad genes

Not working on the other races though

Mixed race people have much higher instances of physical defects and mental illnesses. Different races aren't meant to mix by nature.

They are different though

Good eye Norman is legend

To late for Spain

Nature kept us apart. Don't fuck with Mother Nature.

I didn't care about it until the mainstream started to push it everywhere. Now I want to preserve my race. Thanks leftists!

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hehe imma fuck ur wimmin and ur not gonna do anything about it you pussies hahahaha

There would be nothing wrong with it given that the nation as a whole was over 95% your own ethnicity. Genetic assimilation must go hand-in-hand with cultural assimilation. That is not the case in every country in the Western World at this point, and ethnic intermixing at this stage would probably not lead to assimilation, seeing as it's perfectly possible your mixed children will have non-native spouses themselves.

When is walking dead guy going to act his age? He's like 60, isn't he?

asian women don't like white men though, not even the southeast asians, they like the citizenship

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Mutt reporting in

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I know for a fact this is not true. Asians love the white man.

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I've never been into Kanye but I really think he is receiving the PlusUltra Transmission from beyond and is now polarized into the side of GOOD.

Basically kanye is going against hollywood, pizzagate, media, mental enslavement and the General establishment.
>redpilling an entire Liberal Bastion

This is a good thing and THEY want to silence this...
>hard to find Entire unedited interview

This is another TOOL and method we have to expose the world to the CABAL!!!

You will Enjoy this... kinda long but school is in session so sit down and get LEARNED

The cosmic great awakening is happening and WE ALL FEEL IT


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Why do Alt Right kids swing on KanyeNigga's nutsac? Show some self respect.


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