Ashkenazi Jews are the highest product of human evolution, prove me wrong

Ashkenazi Jews are the highest product of human evolution, prove me wrong.

protip: you cant.

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Does this mean all other jews are trash then?

it means that all other humans are trash

this, if every human was an ashkenazi jew we would be colonizing space niggers by now

that just means they need to breed with us mutts to spread the genes

Don't all the daughters get fucked?

Verbal iq is worthless, and verbal iq is the only iq boost aski jews have over goyim. Jews cant engineer as well as a normal german goy.
And having your kids life saved by a german gentile engineered cat scan machine is better than reading a book by an eloquent jewish author to your kid as they die of cancer.
Technology-creating ability is the only ability that matters.
A country with 100% lawyers and writers is a 3rd world country.

your "german engineering" meme is adorable
jews are great mathematicians and scientist as well as artists and writers.

If they aren't tolerant and spread the gene pool then we might as well go back to Nazi Germany and ethnically cleanse the Earth am I right?

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>highest product of human evolution
>has to cut foreskin
doesnt add up

Jews lost their nations, they were too weak. They are a scattered people historically hanging on by a thread, surviving only by using tactics too low and dishonorable for proper christians(IE Usury, porn, degeneracy) Europeans survived, thrived and built western civilization, effectively dominating the entire globe.
The jews are good parasites only, they cannot survive without a host nation to leech off, while leeching they corrupt the host nation, eventually ruining it completely. Had Europeans not had their one unique weakness, empathy, the jew plague would've been pushed away long ago
If they can survive on their own in Israel, let the, but they should not be receive endless billions of aid from the US, they should do it on their own two feet

Thanks for the laugh, OP.

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There are many jew

They all fear the same thing

Only the backstabbers have real fear coming for them though, the rest can hand rub in peace.

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i mean u can kill yourself also
ur not a very productive member of humanity anyway, right?

jews are people of great talent, energy and kindness of hearts. if you are valuable maybe you will get some of that ashkenazi pussy

Verbal reasoning is the basis for all disciplines. What do you do when you study engineering? Oh yeah, you read an engineering book. What is the primary tool in reading? Words, you dumb fuck.

Besides, Science > Engineering

my mother is jewish tho

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Ashkenazi Jews overlap with Sicilians. They’re not a race. Pic related.

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jews have created civilization long before you snowniggers even invented a wheel

You’re a dirty kike

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some jews are christian
let us pray with alex jones that ben shapiro finds christ

Ergo, Jewish IQ isn’t a product of evolution

You are mixing nepotism with evolution.

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we must find out what they are planning immediately

jews arent more intelligent, its a myth they spread themselves. jews are average intelligent but completely ruthless against other races

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You know, it took working a MIT for a few years to meet someone that made me feel stupid. There were some really great people with almost super human abilities to solve problems, think geometrically and assess not just the issues being talked about, but simultaneously account for the connected relationships would be impacted ... just fucking brilliant. I wasn't sweeping the floors, but I wasn't quite that gifted. Most of them though, had a corresponding shortcoming in the makeup though. A counterweight visible to all that met them. Autism, personality disorders, and borderline insanity.

In the same way, jews that I've met in person, are often quite gifted with intelligence. But there is a certain bent to it, and just like the MIT guys, a corresponding shortcoming. It's simply that jew use that intelligence to live off the backs of others work, where white people find this to be intolerable at any price. I won't fuck my neighbor to promote myself. Jews will. Everytime. That is why the world hates them. Manipulation is a women's game, and real men would often rather die fighting than hide behind his wife's skirt, shaving pennies from all they meet.

Ashkenazi are Khazar, only reason why they have survived and persevered all this time is because they have a strong unity through their ideology. Instead of sending their kids out to fend on their own they actively supported them to get ahead in life.

Look at this

This is what destroys whites, they send their kids off when they're 18 and don't give a fuck if they survive. Where do you see Jews doing this? Jews are smart in this way because they send their kids off to the best universities and care for them, not cast them off. Jews are only special in the fact that they aren't divided so they can't be conquered.

It’s complicated, Israeli IQ suggests it’s not genetic, but they do genuinely seem to score higher on IQ tests in the US.

Also Jews aren’t a race

Jewish God forbids suicide so you are just a troll

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israeli=/=ashkenazi u fucking moron

thats because jews are the new nobility since they arent allowed to be criticized. Previously the Rothschild jews bought their title of nobility to be able to become nobility, nowadays many successful people claim jewish heritage to become part of nobility simply because theres a limit to how much you can achieve as a goyim

im not a religious

Have you got a source on Ashkenazi IQ in Israel? I can’t seem to dig one up.

But are they humans ? I'm not so sure about that..

>implying trolls are religious

If that were true then she'd be able to catch me up on all that child support

First of all, there are other arbitrary segmentations you can find with extremely comparable IQ averages. Second, they are -averages-, meaning any Ashkenazi Jew could be a fucking moron or a genius. Thus the highest product of human evolution are outliers that appear in every single sort of modern human. Realize that an Ashkenazi Jew with an IQ of 113 is still a retard standing next to Thomas Sowell, who has an IQ of 140+. These stats are only important for seeing and averting long-term trends, they are literally meaningless for assessing anyone in the real world.

OP is still a faggot, prove me wrong
pro tip: you cant

>t. judeo-turkish

Enjoy jail you filthy goyim, reported to the swedish police for hatecrime with screencap attached.

great post

Israeli Jews are 3 different ethnic groups, there is no point in comparing "Jewish IQ" in Israel to "Jewish IQ" in the US which is 95% Ashkenazim.

As an Ashkenazi jew i think the main problem with ashkenazi jews is that many of them are liberals and another large portion is orthodox, both trash. The nationalist ashkenazi jews (religious or secular) are based, though. Like empreror Netanyahu.

No its not. Israel is for GODS chosen people, and all the mutts must be removed, including the so called "native palestinian" invaders.

>be ashkenazi jews
>wage a biological warfare literally spanning hundreds of years aimed at eliminating your only true competition
>be able to achive most higher positions in banking and media
>control what the average joe see and think
>On their way to actually achive that goal
>not superior
give me a break, Jow Forums

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how is being inbred to the point of having fatal congenital disorders "evolution" ???
>The results of the detailed study show that today's 10 million Ashkenazi Jews descend from a population of only 350 individuals who lived about 600–800 years ago.

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Do you have a source on the IQ in Israel broken down by demographic groups?

>tfw ashkenazim
>tfw studied mechanical engineering

>mfw I scored top grades in university

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shalom aleichem, brother

Fuck Netenyahu and Fuck Israel.

I’m Jewish on my moms side, and y’all basically have two ethical options.

1.) Two state solution (no Gaza expansion)
2.) Integrate the Palestinians as citizens.

It seems like deportation or an apartheid state is Netenyahus preference.

Awesome that means Puerto Ricans are based

>protip: you cant.

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Gaucher Disease (1 in 10)
The most common Ashkenazi genetic disease is Gaucher disease, with one out of every 10 Ashkenazi Jews carrying the mutated gene that causes the disease. Doctors classify Gaucher disease into three different types, resulting from a deficiency of glucocerebrosidase (GCase) within the body.

Cystic Fibrosis (1 in 24)
Normally, cells in the lungs and digestive system produce a thin, slippery mucus as part of normal physiological processes. In people with cystic fibrosis, this mucus becomes much thicker and stickier, which damages internal organs, especially the lungs. It is possible to manage this condition with medications and daily care, but those who develop this disease have shortened life spans, typically only living into the mid- to late 30s.

Tay-Sachs Disease (1 in 27)
Certain mutations on the HEXA gene cause Tay-Sachs disease, which is characterized by progressive deterioration of nerve cells (neurons) in both the brain and spinal cord. This destruction results from a shortage of an enzyme required to break down fatty substances in the body. There is currently no cure for Tay-Sachs disease.

Familial Dysautonomia (1 in 31)
Typically, symptoms of this disease are already present when a baby is born. Familial dysautonomia is characterized by changes to nerves in the autonomic nervous system. These nerves are responsible for many involuntary bodily functions, including blood pressure, heart rate, and digestion. While there has been progress in developing effective treatments for this disease, people with the condition usually have shortened lifespans.

Spinal Muscular Atrophy (1 in 41)
There are several different types of this disease, but all affect the control of muscle movement due to a decline in the number of specialized nerve cells, called motor neurons, in both the spinal cord and brainstem. There is no cure for Spinal Muscular Atrophy, but treatment may be effective at managing the symptoms and complications.

Thanks for laying down the options you self hating kike, kys

Asalam aleikum

wait what is she a jew
are you kidding me

no really I have to know
my wife looks EXACTLY the same

Why can't they live in Ashkenazistan

i mean its irrelevant, isnt it you fucking american mongrel?
thats why we jews are so much ahead of you subhumans
we care about efficiency and profit not some bullshit.

You are asking us to give citizenship and to integrate the same people who volunteerly voted for Hamas to rule over them in a diplomatic election. Deportation IS the best choice and I won't hear anything else from a coward that lives in the States

Ashkenazi are corrupt white people. They will literally never be better than Europeans at anything, except corrupt practices that reflect their nature. This is like saying the parasite is a higher product of evolution than its host.

I agree.

no this can't be fucking real
that's the final piece in GATE
Jewish artist girlfriend.

oh man I'm fucking stupid
ohhhh man you guys don't even know what's going on

1-(9/10)(23/24)(26/27)(30/31)(40/41) = 21.6% of Jews are genetically fucked
I'm probably ass at combinatorics though

>What do you do when you study engineering? Oh yeah, you read an engineering book

>NEET thinks engineers read textbooks to understand material

Laughably untrue. If you can't understand engineering principles after having them explained to you then you're a dumbass who probably shouldn't be in engineering.

I’m fine with myself. I want nothing to do with a trash religion/culture that promotes a superiority complex.

LOL. Tay Sachs. Done.

they can't make art and can't invent.

yes, they are very good at usury, legality and greed.


prove me wrong.
theyre not cromagnon like white people are.
they're neanderthalic.
a completely different species/bloodline..

protip: you cant.

Or you could just let them have their land and stop expanding the Gaza Strip.

You guys are putting fuel on the fire.

There is a surprisingly high percentage of people with Ashkenazi heritage who otherwise know themselves and identify as white (Jews are white). Consider the large percentage of Dutch with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry.

And I’m not a coward. I’m just not loyal to “Judaism” in the least.

you will lose anyways. you might suppress the shitskin Muslims with the help of the USA and the EU but if we fall you will get genocided.

All the people I hate most will lose in the end. If we win we will restore Europe back to its traditions and honor and if we lose the shitskins will slaughter all of you jews and all of our traitors.

If we lose i only hope to be long enough around to see enough traitors/jews screaming and hanging.

I hope they will start with the slaughter of the traitors. There is nothing worse than a traitor and there is no salvation for them. I hope it will be far worse than the Mexican drug gangs treat their opponents. The imagination alone makes my cock hard. I really hate traitors

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Are you fucking kidding?

>they arent allowed to be criticized

That's all you fuckers do her is criticize us. Non-stop, 2 or 3 threads at a time. Muslims post thread after thread about durr Jews as they run over Europeans.
All I read about are a few liberal Jewish asswipes that your politicians are stupid enough to listen to, when common sense says don't import foreign shitheads

When DON'T you not complain about the Jews?

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At this point we’re so integrated that the pathological altruism is already appearing in Ashkenazi populations. The religious ideology is turning soft and the world is unifying. The best will naturally rise to the top. Don’t buy the hype that we’re the most successful solely because of nepotism. It’s like when blacks claim a conspiracy over non-Jewish whites. We’re smarter on average, it’s as simple as that.

>Their land
The Palestinian Identity is the same as the Pakistani one , artificial and created by foreign powers for political interests. "their" land in the rest of the Middle east, not in Israel.

Then don't about how you're so proud to have Jewish roots, you flaming queer.

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You’re probably more Jewish than you realize.

>you will lose anyways. you might suppress the shitskin Muslims with the help of the USA and the EU but if we fall you will get genocided

oh baby boy, you really dont know the true power of Malik

You're comparing Jow Forums to the public space, moron.

There are more of us here, you’re not alone. Let the loud ones be loud, it’s a good cover. We all want a better planet.

literally false, everything you wrote.

you wouldn't know it, though, of course, because you live under complete zionist propaganda 24/7. imagine how you think the north koreans are brainwashed...that's you.

It's because they have a bond. Sorta like how the mafia has a bond.

>t. inbred kike faggot with a disgusting soul and a visage to match
absolutely disgusting. your people are a fucking embarrassment.

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So that's a yes. Thanks meat sack. I will let non-ashkenazi jews they are trash.


There was no such thing as "Palestinians" before Jews worked for the creation of Israel. Prove me wrong.

you forgot option number 3.....

wipe out a shitload of "palestinians" and force them to finally accept a solution to living side by side instead of using their "poor palestinian" excuse for causing non-stop drama for 50 years

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when talking about Jews, people here sound exactly like American blacks talking about whites

Still doesn't negate my point, even Samson had to die himself in order to avenge his enemies.
Most important thing, even if shit will go down, it will only happen in quite a few genrations, and you and you ilk will never see that moment coming, you will die hopeless
ata yodea likro ivrit? ani besach hacol zohek im hagoim :)

Jews stole Israel. It's in the bible. Jeeze don't you read.

The Jewish phenotype is ugly. All they did was breed with smart whites and have natural selection take place for the dumb ashkenazis when they were oppressed in Europe.

Enjoy your taysachs you fucking vampire. If you are so great why do you have to feed off the goy? Why can't you live alone? You are a parasite. Maybe a great parasite, but a parasite none the less

am i understanding you correctly:
>you are jewish
>you want a better planet

Then do 2 things FIRST:

1. convince your OWN greedy assholes to quit infiltrating foreign nations, infiltrating their politics, and doing backdoor deals to institute jew-owned banks. stop the usury that comes from you OWN people.

the united states was not founded on a fake Federal Reserve™ system. Jews made that. Congress is the only body authorized by the constitution to print money. Inflation and "bubbles" and predatory lending and corruption are byproducts of the federal reserve.

2. Stop infiltrating foreign gov'ts and forcing innocent people to die in fake wars for Israel.

these are you own people's problems. Fix those and white nationalists (and muslims for that matter) wouldn't have a problem with jews.

there was such thing as palestinians and palestine beause israel. prove me wrong.

you lose.

identities die and new ones are created, what's your point?