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Why is Jow Forums filled with minorities larping as whites?
Jackson Barnes
Other urls found in this thread:
Austin Turner
said the american
Michael Robinson
It’s fun? I’m charcoal black and make like 10% of the nigger hate threads
Nathan Morris
Diversity is our strength.
Aaron Perry
Based nigga.
Gabriel Nelson
Because I'm Vietnamese and it's fun having people from around the world stroke my cock when the Vietnam war is brought up.
Brody Thompson
Im tanned and i love larpping as a full blownout Nazi because it feels good its almost like an addiction to feel superior
Adrian Lewis
Brittany pls be my gf
Hudson Clark
New York is like 5% non-jewish white. There are more whites in that pic than you'd expect.
Brayden Allen
I dont think they're larping as whites, i think they just genuinely recognize whites as the master race
Camden Powell
Bow down am I right?
Easton Gomez
>Jow Forums creates insane amount of value in the past 15 years
>shitskins are attracted to value like flys are to shit
>shitskins come here but get severely triggered by stuff white people talk about when there is no censorship imposed on them
>for a shitskin this must be the first time they get confronted by unfiltered white opinions
>the cognitive dissonance they experience is SEVERE
>sometimes they can’t sleep for days(I’ve spoken to several pol-shitskins)
>they get addicted to this place because all these things they hear make sense and explain many things in their lives
>they do not admit all of these things but become angry at whites and think that it’s just a game to make them feel bad
>they think the world only revolves around them and whites here do the things they do as a way to trigger them
>so they start playing the game that they assume is being played here
>start posting things explicitly designed to trigger whites
>white purity spiral (causes division in the whites)
>white women hate (causes whites to hate their own kind)
>nigger dick posting (triggered white people’s sexual insecurities)
>attack representatives of white interest politicians&e-celebs
Gabriel Barnes
The same reason you’re LARPing that you care.
Anthony Bell
They can't be white irl. I don't know which part of that is hard to understand. Everyone wants to be white, lol.
Jayden Howard
look we are white you arab cuck here ill show a pic of something i was selling and you can tell for yourself how white i am
god i had be 1/16th german
Nathaniel Stewart
You seem upset
Cameron Martin
I'm just a spic, not white at all, just like pic related.
Parker Green
Based black man please fuck my wife!
Mason Foster
>jew york city
Ryan Wilson
I want to encourage whites to get rid of the minorities. I feel the world is a lot safer under the control of white people than if white people let muslims or mexicans become the majority of their countries.
Easton Scott
>i'm the one in 100 000 trust me goy
stop lying to yourself paco
Owen Diaz
thats cool if this was the 1800s i would let you be a in door slave cant have the cool nergos out in the sun
Liam Wilson
>Got me with the fucking toe meme
Ayden Murphy
I'm just as much of a spic as everybody else here in north mexico.
Eli Jones
because white nationalism is edgy and attracts edgy people no matter what their race is
When you think about it, being brown and praising HItler is not more ridiculous than being a neet or insane white guy praising hitler, the gassing would be liberal and non-discriminatory.
there are even Jewish WNs as if that made any possible sense
Hunter Hall
what state?
Hunter Green
Everyone knows that Mexico is governed by a castizo/Western Euro elite.
Michael Reed
I can't believe how many people believe this is a pol meet up.
Kevin Rodriguez
But I'm actually White though
Jose Edwards
Jow Forums is a board of peace. Nice try JIDF
Jacob Sanders
But i'm just a spic like pic related.
John Mitchell
>literally posting the same spaniard in every thread for literal years because he's this assmad he's a mestizo subhuman
Thomas Long
>The most diverse group of people on the planet are all evil white Nazi but also oppressed minorities who aren't actually oppressed becuase they don't follow our globalist agenda
Do you think you're the first globalist shill to make this post?
Luis Thomas
pls be my gf
Adrian Murphy
Why do you keep posting that one girl over and over and "le white north mexico"? The northern ones are the ones hopping the border and they're clearly brown.
Samuel Reyes
Yes I'm a Jewish demon here to subvert the west, you caught me ;)
Joshua Lopez
you realize that this is only the case in le 56% land right?
Benjamin Ward
>nigger dick posting (triggered white people’s sexual insecurities)
I honestly can't see how this triggers people at all.
David Nguyen
they fucked
Evan Lee
Jow Forums is the most diverse white supremacist group on the internet
Oliver Campbell
post selfie or gtfo
>thinking that he is white because he is from north México
stop using your mom's computer, pirata brinca paro
Henry Mitchell
>Muh mutt memes
user I've been building a Goddamn folder.
Jaxson Myers
Because even they realize that things would be better off if whites were in charge again.
Brandon Walker
Sonara aint to bad, wait till you get to Nayarit and the southern parts of Mexico, everybody looks charcoaled. Unfortunately, I come from the San Francisco of Mexico. Guadalajara, Jalisco. Roasties are called Fresas over there.
Caleb Nguyen
Thats the newyork division of /b/ and Jow Forums
Brody King
I wonder who behinde this post?
Daniel Harris
She's just mexican, plain and simple mexican.
I'm a guy, but my sister looks like pic related
Because she's the most average girl in north mexico? Its a good example.
>el pirata
pretty sure he was south mexican larping as northerner
Adrian Carter
That is still whiter than America.
Josiah Watson
so you're a collector of sorts?
well i have this one of a kind amerimutt OC that i've posted only a couple of times
the value on the market is probably insane cause of the scarcity
here you go lad
have it
Wyatt Gutierrez
how can you say that look here is me holding a moive how can i not be white?
Zachary Kelly
>still posting the same person that is as representative of the mexican population as a british expat in china
Asher Diaz
>that room
imagine the smell lads
Jason Ward
these are the guys calling me a subhuman
Easton Moore
Just a random mexican, like pic related.
my gringo.
Wyatt Morgan
Proxy turks are the ones behind the black
kara boga posting.
Aaron Wilson
haven't seen that image in ages
Alexander Howard
I will save this image and not insult you even though I still feel animosity towards your existence, becuase I am in fact a collector.
In return have this rare and beautiful .webm.
Thomas Lee
>still going
Isaiah Russell
Your relatives should learn how to kill better
>10 gooks for 1 American
Your country is lucky there is no valuable resources in Vietnam worth fighting for.
Jordan Rivera
>look it's the same picture that all of these threads use
Kill yourself and quit shilling desu
Jason Ramirez
Because some minorities are self aware and don't want to see the European-centric civilization that freed them to fall.
Matthew Richardson
he was from my state (Sinaloa), from the ugliest rancho called Navolato. I met him irl, he probably had 100% south mexican genes.
Jacob Perez
Reminder that the idea America lost is a left wing meme invented during the war to gain them political support for the hippy age.
Carter Nelson
She's clearly not random since you seem to be obsessed with this particular girl. Do you have any other examples or just this one? What's the background story?
Carson Johnson
Full photo for people who are curious.
Andrew Johnson
Dunno man. I’m muzzie scum and I fucking love larping as JIDF.
Matthew Roberts
>literally posting the same chick over and over again
You OK there buddy?
Jonathan Fisher
>I'm just as much of a spic as everybody else here in north mexico.
Okay so you are your standard shitbrown spic.
Ethan Robinson
i've seen this webm man
give me something rarer
Cameron Johnson
You mad
Nathaniel Rogers
>14 people
>all of Jow Forums
Jonathan Gomez
i make a lot of spic hate theards and Im a spic
Tyler Phillips
Truth hurts pedro
Adam Adams
This hit me harder than your first insult.
How about this one?
Parker Thomas
I want to rub my peepee on the girl with the wolf costume and the smug face.
Lincoln Sanchez
They ruined it!!!!! Why would you show this?? Those monster's should have their hands chopped off for suck desicration of such a beautiful sand drawing..thing..
Matthew Campbell
Das me
Parker Ramirez
kek, fpbp
Wyatt Torres
i'm more of a cat reaction image connoisseur
you have a rare one?
Adam Jackson
>Reminder that the idea America lost is a left wing meme
>Be America
>Communists control half of Vietnam
>Go to there to """stop communism"""
>Spend billions and take heavy casualties
>End up evacuating as commies surround Saigon
>Communists now control entirity of Vietnam
>b-but we won guys!
Blake Morris
post hamerhead titties
Bentley Long
You're cock strocker sir
Kayden Evans
That's the point user, they build something beautiful only to wash it away.
Think Tetris. It's Tibeten fucking Tetris.
Anthony Flores
William Morris
Bentley Carter
You think you're being random but I in fact do.
Wyatt Parker
>what is a representative sample
That sample looks roughly 56% white which is exactly what you would expect given it was a US Jow Forums meet.
Noah Lewis
Zachary Kelly
Brandon Davis
I would bet my life savings that some of the most hateful Jew hate threads on pol are made by self-hating Jews or ADL Jews larping as Nazis.
Daniel Myers
that girl to the right though. I'd bang her asap and cum inside her butthole
Jordan Moore
I like it. :)
Ayden Morgan
holy shit he use up easy 7-8 lives on that one
Alexander Hughes
Absolutely disgusting
Jack Long
we're not larping, white people are just shitposting really fast so it seems like this board is active
probably half the threads you see are made by the same few people. Remember, memeflags are a dead giveaway that someone is a shill or a stormfront larper
Brody Brooks
I don't larp as a white, but share western ideology of an ethnostate
t. gook
Noah Foster
>Based Firemen.
Ian Hill
The meme flags, proxies, I hate shitskins here as well.
Noah Myers
where are the mammary glands?
Gabriel Allen
Nobody hates nonwhites more than nonwhites.