Gender and sex are two different things. Sex is your physical makeup...

>Gender and sex are two different things. Sex is your physical makeup, Gender is how you feel inside and what you identify as.

How do you respond, Jow Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:–body_dualism

I don't give a fuck about your feels. If you force me to "accept" your warped world view, we gonna have a fight. Once you pump children full of other sex hormones physically damaging them for live, you're nothing but a criminal waiting for the rope.

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>Gender is how you feel inside and what you identify as.

Latin genus (genitive generis) "race, stock, family; kind, rank, order; species," also "(male or female) sex," from PIE root *gene- "give birth, beget," with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups.

People come on, those are just words!
It doesn't matter how you call it, only your feelings matter!
And if you you are men and feel like a women inside, just go kill yourself because you are a fucking degenerate piece of shit, like other faggots and brainwashed leftist cucks.

Never use the word gender. Always use the word sex instead

Accept reality! If you feel like a different sex than your genitals, then you need help. No amount of drugs or surgery can make you the opposite sex; it’s all cosmetic mutilation.

I identify as judge and call you retarded.

Sad but tru

why I simply redpill them by linking the twitter of one of my favourite philosophers

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Outkiking the kike, I like it. kek