Should pornography be banned? Why or why not?
Pornography ban
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Yes, because it’s kike controlled degeneracy
Gay jews run porn
Probably, but I don't think that its absence would alleviate my suffering.
Its not even a big deal tbqh. Most porn is free anyways, it would be nearly impossible to enforce a porn ban. Plus watching porn is a good way to make use of an hour if you have nothing else to do.
>Should pornography be banned?
>Why or why not?
No one is in the position to prohibit another human being from capturing consensual sexual intercourse for money on camera and putting it online.
Simple as that.
I like porn like everyone but sexual activity being one click away corrupts peoples' minds (especially teens) and deincentivizes looking for a mate, destroying society
>good way to make use of an hour
user, I...
it's not even up to questioning.
YES or you get the bullet.
Yea, it lets the kikes abuse our women, and it fucks up brain chemistry:
"A brain chemical, dopamine, is released, giving us the thrill that goes with accomplishment. "
Yes, instead you should marry a good girl and fuck her at least 21 times a month, producing as many children as possible in that process.
>No one is in the position to prohibit another human being from capturing consensual sexual intercourse for money on camera and putting it online.
Idiot, it's degenerate and content that you shouldn't film.
You will become less fertile through watching porn.
Dude all these questions are resolved by the N.A.P
What if I'm black?
It's funny because Mormons (and Utah) want pornography to be declared a health issue.
Do the same with a girl from your race and move to Africa, living the good life in the terrain your perfectly suited for.
Yes, because as an accelerationist, porn is the only thing keep men docile and pacified. Take away porn and and a lot those single men will start slowly descending into madness and murdering roasties.
>degenerate and content that you shouldn't film.
Your opinion.
>You will become less fertile through watching porn.
If a man chooses to watch porn to an extent that it influences his fertility, it his still his decision.
No. But it should be socially unacceptable and people should be shunned for consuming it and triply so for participating in it's production.
Also, redpill other blacks.
Ebola is almost erradicated in Liberia thanks to CDC™
it is*
Red pill pic for info
its only acceptable to ban porn when every man can have an arranged marriage.
but since so many moralfag tradcucks are just white knight cucks they wont admit it.
>it his still his decision.
>implying the fact that it is his decision is a legitimization for itself
>t.liberal hypocrit
You are the dinosaurs of political evolution, your ideas are outdated and not up-to-date, your zeitgeist is your biggest weak-point.
>Your opinion
This is the very definition of degeneracy, turning a basic need into something entertaining and even making money with it, if you want to defend degeneracy you're ultimately a hypocrit.
>muh decision
You know, people have obligations and duties for their society, because humans have developed the system of it in thousands of years of evolution, doing something degenerate and self-detructive will negatively influence society and reduce one's capability to serve it, thus hurt humanity.
You shouldn't do things that have unjustifyable negative consequences, or do you think that murder should be legal?
Yes but it should be replaced with legal brothels world wide
>legal brothels world wide
>Leaf posting
Die motherfucker
nah, just don't watch it
women will be whores
Probation worked so well with alcohol.
>You know, people have obligations and duties for their society
>muh collectivism
You can't control other peoples lives in the way you want to. Deal with it.
No because my wanks are really boring without porn.
No I can't live without BLACKED
Nothing should be banned, including murder. The rest will work itself out.
thanks user, your post gave me a chuckle
should THIS be banned?
>muh collectivism
Is it you Kraut?
Well, I guess you will have to live without roads, welfare, government and police, also:
>Denying the fact that society is something that even insects have have achieved and used for their benefit
Try to have a non-collectivist, decentralized, individualist and democratic family that actually works, protip: you can't do that, faggot.
You misspelled gassed
Yeah, banning porn will not be possible anymore. Every smartphone nowadays has a cam.
Banning the big streaming sites may be a success but what to do about all the torrent sites, private sharing which will for sure occure?
I guess this thing is done if you aren't shutting down the entire internet. But private sharing will then be the big thing instead. Like it was in the eighties and seventies in some countries.
I remember a friend of mine sold porn VHS cassettes to britbongs during this time. because in britain you could not legally buy it.
They even smuggled this to Iran i heard.
You can't ban natural things. It will be on the black market anyway.
No fucking way!
>Infringing on our inalienable rights because you're too weak to not touch yourself
what do I a 26 year old virgin who will probably not have sex in the next few years do then ?
get a job and become more confident
get an escort
not even joking
lost my virginity at 25 to one and i feel better than ever
sauce for a friend
I'd say its fairly impossible without an obvious totalitarian state especially these days when everyone has a camera in their pocket and sql injection still works on nasa
i'm no neet
risky disease business man, not comfortable touching a cum dumpster
is this why girls like brown people so much, Jow Forums?
i got aids, with a condom. fuckin bad luck brian in this bitch
holy shit...are you serious? Do you really have AIDS? Why aren't you dead?
story ?
>be an incel til 24
>get escort because internet.
>super awkward for me still
>wear condom
>be careful to not let my bare dick touch her
>like ocd afraid of it
>get aids anyway
life can be a bitch huh?
I'd just recommend you get a min wage job and fuck some waitress there. seriously. escorts are probably more likely to be diseased.
No. We shouldn't ban things because it hurts your feelings
You nazis are the same as libtards t b h
I tend to agree with this. I do think degenerate behaviors should be shunned socially but it shouldn't be a governmental matter.
seriously after getting the disease and working shit jobs I've noticed so many girls flirting with me and I just would feel awful to fuck them now and I don't want to tell them about it. wash dishes at a bar. girls there are sloots. still might get aids from them, but better than fuckin prostitutes
what the fuck is happening here?
is she abusing he handicap brother or some shit?
nothing should be banned but it should be left to the locals to decide on what will be allowed and not and allow locals to perform vigilance courts and justice.
No, it won't solve anything exept poor 40 year old man's won't have access to cuck porn.
This, one fucking not so delusional and possible post, good job
Yes we should definitely ban it
>girl on girl
>guy on girl (POV) not interracial
rest should be banned.
Ban porn and prepare for the Incel revolution
No. Just interracial and cuckold porn. Thats just blatant psychological warfare. The people who make these monstrosities should be executed via intestinal raping machine. A dildo that goes up their ass and out their mouth. Death by sodomy.
no, most beta cucks end up in the friendzone
but a few women want full control over a beta cuck
so they harvest one, and stimulate them with dopamine, so they can abuse them
the beta cuck of course loves domination, they are very subby
And you just want to say some shit like
>if there is a God he will have to beg for my forgiveness
but you realize it's your fault for not listening to God's no sex before marriage law and you don't want to be a bitch too
just don't get an escort kids, it's not worth it. I realize the chance is small but you will wanna die and start over err day. don't let them shame you into disease.
all the money in the world wont make you feel better and I'm still too much of a coward to suicide.
don't escort faggot. you can do better
> 1 post by this ID
I also come much harder when I fap to porn. It was not worth it. I felt like had I a chance before. Now only aids faggots bugchasers will want me.
if it gets banned then wtf else am I supposed to do
I recognize that dogfucker.
Yes. Create a new black market for the jews to control
Who is it? I need sauce
I don't spoonfeed, especially not on Jow Forums.
Better hope some faggot spoonfeeds you to spite me.
Think about it this way pol, if you ban pornography then you're way more likely to get your incels uprising
Thats what you get for hiring out of the bargain bin, faggot.
No it shouldn't but more education concerning the bad effects of porn should promoted.
Translation: "I have no idea who that actually is"
As a former porn addict it has terrible consequences on your life. It should be banned from the supply side, nobody is bothered for having it. Just no more of this tube site bullshit.
Then you should kys.
what if im an adorable white femboy
you have no idea you fucking idiot incel poop leaf
I like to fap to porn but I wouldn't mind a ban on it. It is to easy to access it now with all the technology. Plus I can't stop sexualizing women and wanting to have sex with them at the most minor contact, preventing me to have normal talk with them.
> i wouldnt mind losing some freedoms
It should be banned. It's poison for the mind. People are only now beginning to realize it after reaching the depth of the depravity.
>Should pornography be banned?
>Why or why not?
It's how I make a living and I don't want to go out into the world and get a real job
Yes, because it's corrupt mental and physical
High end porn. Yes. Worst shit possible
Hentai. Its a fucking drawing. No
Homemade. this is fine. People making b movie level porn is fine.
Instead of raising him up , she abuses him . Gas them both .
I'm in the same boat, I just want it banned at this point
it has no huge consequences for my life, I just find it's a time sink lately and when I move in with my girlfriend, I'll stop hopefully
Pornography should not be banned because I will immediately go Elliot Rodgers on you fucks.
go right ahead
i will start making it myself and selling it for absurd amounts of money
prohibition is great
Ban porn and kick all incels out of the workforce
Yes. Because Jews.
has nothing to do with kikes, has a lot more to do with demand, there is a porn industry because people like porn. Whether or not one is morally opposed to it is usually based on religious grounds
who is this semen demon?