Like it or not race and IQ are not related. Hell, race is not even a concept in genetics...

Like it or not race and IQ are not related. Hell, race is not even a concept in genetics. The two major factors that determine someones IQ is socioeconomic stance and education. Even proper nutrition can drastically increase IQ.

IQ has a lot to do with culture. Jewish immigrants from Europe wanted their kids to become educated and made sure they got through college which is why Jewish Americans are said to have higher IQs. Same goes for Indian and Chinese Americans, we all know how obsessed they are over education. Blacks have been segregated and denied quality education for centuries so its difficult to break the cycle.

Theres even debated on whether IQ is a valid indicator of a persons intelligence. Most IQ tests assess your reasoning and spatial skills but these skills are really not necessary for you to be considered intelligent.

Most geneticists and credible scientists in general agree on this. Even so, judging someone by the colour of their skin rather than the content of their character is retarded. If your greatest achievement in life is happening to have been born in a white family and that's all you have to be proud of, chances are your life is pretty shit and you are an unproductive tumour of society.

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Other urls found in this thread:

hurr durf durr i'm retarded and anti science t. OP

Except there are literally physical differences in the bone structure b between races. Some of that bone structure is skull. If you're trying to tell me having a different shaped brain, even a little, doesn't change the way you think, you're mad.

In reality its the racialists who are anti science. The only real citation for race being a factor in IQ is a book thats been given 0 credibility by the scientific community on the other hand there are dozens of studies pointing towards the contrary that have been peer reviewed and given a stamp of approval by top geneticists.

Some people are just stupid, pooloo. Have you met many people?

Op, are you retarded? Genetics determines content of character. If you won't believe the Bible here's some science

>race isn't real
>yet we can tell what race and sex you are purely by skull shape and size
Lol poo in loo

Raj, your skin is the same color as a negro's but everyone knows your race is a hell of a lot more intelligent than africans (on average. You personally may be the exception).

Pajeets come in all shapes, colors and sizes. Theres really no such thing as an Indian race. We are literally a melting pot.

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The truth is you are lied to and manipulated. Theres no such thing as race. You are just a bipedal simian ape.

Why does OP behave this way? Why are they such fucking cowards afraid of the truth. Everything in his post is a lie. The funny thing, is that you make judging people by their race even more desirable, because at this point, its just kikes, and insecure anti-whites who speak like you.

I suppose that different populations of humans being isolated for 10,000’s of years has produced no difference in terms of genetics. I suppose we can’t examine someone’s DNA through molecular genetic anaylsis and determine almost precisely their exact race. Oh wait, we fucking can do that. For about 10 years now we could do that. There’s even companies like 23andme now. But you’re just an Indian anti-science fag. Also the sociological studies we have tie in perfectly with evolution and the locations of where certain populations evolved.

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>socioeconomic stance and education is a cause, not a result of iq
t. idiot op

>The two major factors that determine someones IQ is socioeconomic stance and education.
imagine just outright lying for no purpose on an anonymous forum


>being proud of being a melting pot
just shit in it mate.

A melting pot would have melted you into the same color.

>no sources for arguments

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>Like it or not race and IQ are not related. Hell, race is not even a concept in genetics.
The 19th century concept of race has been validated by genetics - anthropologists perfectly categorised humanity into 5 or 7 groups which correspond brilliantly with how they diverged. It doesn't matter that where the lines are drawn is arbitrary, the same is true for the colour spectrum, it still allows us to discuss things like the colour red. However, unlike the colour spectrum there are actually quite hard breaks between human populations, in particular between Africans and everyone else.

>Theres even debated on whether IQ is a valid indicator of a persons intelligence. Most IQ tests assess your reasoning and spatial skills but these skills are really not necessary for you to be considered intelligent.
Absolutely false. IQ is the best predictor of success we have. Better than grades, better than ethnicity or sex. Better than socio-economic status. IQ will predict how well you do on pretty much any task which requires a little bit of thought, and even tasks which seemingly only rely on manual labour - yes bricklayers with a higher IQ work faster and with fewer mistakes than bricklayers with a lower IQ.

> Even so, judging someone by the colour of their skin rather than the content of their character is retarded.
Around blacks never relax. Stereotypes save lives and only dumb liberals forget that.

I hope one day they discover a tribe of Africans with a high IQ, perhaps the Igbo will be validated as the Jews of West Africa, just to prove to all the retards that it's not the environment.

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> The two major factors that determine someones IQ is socioeconomic stance and education.

So you believe geniuses don't exist? Did Einstein and Stephen Hawking merely have more education and better socioeconomic conditions? What about someone like Faraday, born into poverty in industrial London and couldn't even afford proper basic education.

> Hell, race is not even a concept in genetics.

Purely because of ideological reasons which are being blown apart by advancements in the science every year.

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>being proud of anything
do you even determinism?

Indian race is thing stop trying to be Hwhite

Can u determine DNA with Poo-tech ?

Actually, no. 23andme can show where your ancestors are from, not necessarily what race they are although the two do overlap a lot.

The Kalash tribe who are of European origin are listed as 'south asian'

>trying this hard for validation

poo in loo not on board

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You guys are most certainly not a meltingpot. More like trail mix, thanks to all your castes and jatis.

Kashimirs, Malayalis, Assamese, Nagas, Bengalis and Punjabis are all distinct ethnicities

Indian Americans don’t have IQ. Y’all are taxi drivers and work at Dunkin’ Donuts

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G-factor which is a better predictor than IQ for general intelligence and life success is HIGHLY genetic.
People have a sort of glass ceiling when it comes to G.
Epigenetics has again and again proven that genetic expression for complex traits CAN be altered but to a limited extent.
Diet and nutrition play a nominal role.

Wtf is this

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I am really not trying to be white nor do I claim any European ancestry. I honestly thing Cuckjeets deserve to be shot.

I am just dropping them truth bombs, fellow Chadjeet.

Only real different people are probably the north east people baki sab meme hai it's the mixture of three admixture is different quantities which don't differ by all that much although this argument is bullshit as its people of a land that matter not le race realism races are different
OP confirmed underage

>scientific community
I'm in the scientific community and i give it credence.

people don't understand how important a working learning culture is.
If your parents gently put you onto books or whatever early on you have an advantage throughout your whole life.
If they didn't you end up as an angry whiny faggot on pol, always remember.

His attempt to increase his iq

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My daughter is into cringey Nickelodeon shows wat do

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biology doesn't apply to us because YeeHaWH said we're speshul

The twin study confirms iq is 75 percent genetic it's just that people don't understand that genetics isn't about how the cake is made its judging the final product

>If your parents gently put you onto books or whatever early on you have an advantage throughout your whole life.
>If they didn't you end up as an angry whiny faggot on pol, always remember.
HA! I'm both, what now?

If you can explain to me why most white nations average at 105 and most African nations clock in at sub-60, I’ll believe you. The tests they take are culture and language neutral, so you can’t blame their inability to recognize simple patterns on muh poor. The ape that knows sign language is estimated at a higher IQ than most Africans.

>Hell, race is not even a concept in genetics.
>Like it or not race and IQ are not related.

user you can have offspring with a fucking pygmae, you are much closer than you think.
Genetically even facial structure is nothing but a few allels you delusionals.
Besides what's the point?
Let's assume there is a bare naked retarded 'race' distinguishable by their blue skin.
What's your take? Does them being fucking idiots make you a genius?
How do you know you are not the lower end of another race?
You wannabe scientists can fuck off, this is an 18+ board.

Apes are an oppressed minority. Give them free tax dollars.

Most cognitive neuroscientists are in agreement that genetic expression plays a massive role in IQ. Environmental factors have a nominal effect on genetic expression in regards to intelligence. Geneticists may only be supporting research in which genetic expression is being ALTERED synthetically not via environment.

I really hope you're memeing also their is a channel called toonami which is basically early 2000s cartoon network

I think OP is just an autistic Indian upset that his uncle in Pennsylvania won’t bring him there to work at the family liquor store


>OP comes from a nation with some of the worst genetic pollution and mutation the world has ever seen
>Claims race is not a concept in genetics
>A medical student can tell apart nigger from caucasian bones

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Saus to most african nations clock in at sub 60?

Not unless you have the skull and it will still be hard

If hes a good goy he gets a pat on the head

still we hire indians to do the math no?

>dropping them truth bombs
Still no information backing up his claims.

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Come on Pajeet. Don't treat this board like how you treat your streets.

(((established science)))
my iq is everything, there is nothing more the the mental characteristics of humans than how fast you can identify a pattern.

>hurrrrrr evolution stops above the neck

>proud of being white

Are you retarded? Being white is something you have to live up to, and once you've done that, then you can be proud.

His argument would be along the lines..
>Africans are not exposed to intellectual domains and often are bred for manual labor
>if we raise an african child in an American household from day 1, it will have an average American IQ or greater

That's a gross generalization, but to answer your point:
Those are not mutually exclusive; G*rmany will be non-white by the
next generation, but you still dominate European industry.

9/10 bait

>evolution, and natural selection stops at humans

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the really important question here is
did you poo in it?

Every time I see posts like OP's I think it's just somebody who tried to study this stuff, couldn't grasp it (or more likely was just too lazy to) and instead goes for this cop out, catch all, buzzword sounding answer of "nothing matters we're all the same but we're also diverse".

It's tiresome, anti intellectual bullshit.

So much this. So fucking much.
Whenever there is some news about a disgusting genetic abnormality case, it's always from India.

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Saved, also anzu is a boy

There are 5 domains of intelligence (g)
- Vocabulary
- Spatial Ability
- Memory
- Processing Speed
- Reasoning
These categories are all highly correlated and give the best predictor of the g-factor (highly genetic if not 100%)

Yeah I agree, I'm just bored and I was hoping for an actual debate.

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>gross generalization
>on pol
racism is a gross generalization as well, just saying
>non-white by next generation
theres a reason we don't want greeks do the math

When you are born you have a certain genetic propensity for intelligence, based on intellectual stimulation and nutrition at a young age. But there is a limit to this and you can never rise above that spectrum of possibility. You inherited those genes that allow this expression. Prove me wrong and link a study saying otherwise.
The problem people like you have is that you think the exception is enough to say that the rule has been invalidated. 50,000 years of genetic isolation is a long time for differences to accumulate, just not enough for a speciation event. Why would the environment not play a huge role in natural selection and development? There's a good argument of how the environment caused the creation of civilization in Europe but not in Africa. There are factors that are selected for by evolution that get compounded over time. If a European did not prepare for winter, they died, it doesn't matter how strong they were or how fast they ran. That has existed for tens of thousands of years, do you honestly think natural selection wouldn't start to phase out certain traits over others in the broader population? This is without even touching on the likelihood of the multiregional theory of evolution. You realize that there is significant evidence that we could and did breed with Neanderthals and Denisovans? Most people consider Neanderthals a different species from us and they have very significant genetic variation divergent from us. They were separated for a longer period of time than Europeans and Africans, but it still wasn't quite enough for a speciation event.

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I think Pakistan has much more prevalence than India. We have a lot of both in the UK and Pakis account for a massively disproportional amount of deformed births.

> Although British parents of Pakistani origin account for 3.4 per cent of all births nationwide, they also account for around 30 per cent of children born with recessive gene disorders.

I don't know if Indians have this same tendency toward inbreeding in their culture but it doesn't seem to manifest here. It might also be that we tend to get higher caste Indian immigrants whereas any old shit from Pakistan seems to come over.


>Hell, race is not even a concept in genetics.
Having different genes is a concept in genetics.


The Warrior Gene refers to certain copies (alleles) of the MAO-A gene that have been linked to violent anti-social behavior. One such allele, called 2R, is 55x more common in niggers than in whites:

>Studies have found differences in the frequency distribution of variants of the MAOA gene between ethnic groups:[32][33] of the participants, 59% of Black men, 54% of Chinese men, 56% of Maori men, and 34% of Caucasian men carried the 3R allele, while 5.5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carried the 2R allele.[23][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40]

The reason a large number of niggers act like violent apes is because they carry the violent ape gene. This supports the hypothesis that niggers are genetically inferior subhumans.

All it took me was 30 seconds for 2 links.
It took you people 3 thousand years and you're still struggling to find a semblance of civilization.

Indians have a thing in their religion which prevents cousin marriage while Pakistani are mostly into cousin marriage, secondly almost Indian converts are low caste a certain section of the Sikhs is high caste due to various reasons apart from that almost 80 percent of non hindu Indians are low caste

> (highly genetic if not 100%)

It isn't useful to think in these terms of X% environment and Y% genetics. It will never be 100% determined by genetics. You can malnourish (or physically abuse, neglect etc) a genius child and cause them never to fulfill their potential IQ, but that potential is absolutely limited by genetics.

The abbo skull is absolutely primitive. It still has a fucking browridge. And the longer rather than rounder braincase is a characteristic of archaic hominin populations like H. erectus. I'm honestly surprised that this hasn't caused a lot of debate, although at the same time I am not because of 'muh raycism.' When I first saw this I was fucking astounded. There is very significant debate within the scientific community of when exactly 'modern' humans arose. We call some very archaic fossils 'modern,' which just goes to show the arbitrary nature of biological classification. Once again, before the 'muh viable offspring' argument, there is evidence that whites bred with Neanderthals, Asians bred with Neanderthals and Denisovans, and Africans bred with some 'unknown' primitive hominin population (I saw one study suggest H erectus, lmao).

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Indian's mutants come from them living in a literal garbage dump.

No Mehmet it's simply the lack of pre screening before birth, iirc some scandi country has zero down syndrome birth due to this

Why does my sister have a 145 IQ while I have an average one? We grew up in the same house.

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Cognitive Dissonance: The Thread

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That's an actual garbage dump.


Oh wow a Greek talking about poverty.

>unironically demands the EU to pls gibs dat fo free

If Greece was wiped off the face of the Earth, nothing of value would be lost. Y'all are barely related to the Ancient Greeks anyway. All of you are Turkish rape babies.

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user... I don't even know where to start
>will create a nonwhite majority in the 20- to 30-year-old age group
This is much different than what you said retard

>“This will add between three and eight extra persons per successful asylum seeker, which means that by 2020 the total number of this group will be in excess of eight million.”
Nonsense, we had a big discussion over exactly that topic reunification.
You may be able to bring your wife but not your 20 brothers user and even that will get difficult by the day. Fortress Europe is slowly becoming reality, not even leftists arguing about border security no more. Frontex, closing the balkan route, silently reinforcing eastern borders while openly proclaiming different etc. this is the other side nobody talks about..

>Working on a rough figure of around a million invaders coming to Germany every year for the next few years
From when is that article? The camps are empty over here user, that surge in 2015/16 was..well n 2015/16.
Now watch your beloved Donald light up Iran to flood us again.
That said I take an educated iranian over any german trash any day.
you monglet learn to read, big difference

No I quite literally mean genes may have a 100% influence on intelligence.
I understand the logic of you argument, for there are outliers as you outlined, but it isn't fair to include them in our analysis.
Supposed that everyone was on an equal playing field. Would everyone have the same IQ? No, because certaib individuals genes will turn on when the brain processes information relevant to intelligence. This is purely a genetic factor.

>first sentence
Stopped reading there

My dad works for Nintendo and he says race realism will be DLC for the Republican party in 2018.

what the fuck I have this
Is something wrong with me?

I didn't say anything, wrong ID. I just remembered seeing an article claiming the same thing the other user was posting about. I think you people will start to close the border soon enough, but enough damage has been done. I fully expect massive amounts of violence in the coming decades. Good luck.

I don't think you do have one, not to that extent. Hard to say without seeing though. But I would be very interested in if you do have one or not.

but beauty and race are

There are many studies which prove that environmental factors change DNA. This includes active thought.

My argument is that all animals of sufficient complexity have the ability to actively change their DNA. If DNA is a limitation factor then I argue that it is not static limitation.

Basically you can improve yourself with effort.

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This is something that I have heard about, but its too new to actually use in debates in my opinion. I agree with what you're saying, but I don't think most people are ready to make that leap yet. And I think it can only get so far. Blacks won't just gain the group averages of whites through effort, we've had a very long selection process for our own characteristics.

Also, don't have the studies on hand, but apparently there have been studies that show that IQ is basically set once you're an adult. It's very very difficult to raise even a little bit, but relatively possible to drop.