Women are dumb whores who will always attempt to try to rationalize anything wrong they do as not their fault. But trying to control them is inevitably futile because the cucks will, or at least seemingly, always outnumber the alphas or even somewhat normal and rational behavior; unless there is a serious restructuring of society, Waifubots are the only pathway forward and I’ll explain why.
Women can't and won't ever care about society, it's not in them, they are innately designed to actively oppose it, advocate for increased government spending on them and their habits; because there is no woman that will ever go her own way, she'll merely replace the men in her life with the state.
The natural state of male/female relations is hypergamy. You know, 20% of men getting 80% of women, the alphas at the top and the betabois under them, etc. This was how we lived for a long time, and it worked out decently when we were just swinging in trees or living in caves.
But that's not sufficient for society. You can't have a society function where you have a massive "bottom of the pyramid" of men who have no access to women. What reason do these men have to work hard? All they need is enough to get by. No point in working hard when you don't have a family to feed, and you don't care about the long-term survival of your people if you're a genetic dead-end with no children. Marriage and monogamy were necessary for society to function because they made sure that all/most men out there had access to women and reproduction, and therefore put effort into building and maintaining society. Furthermore, a society traditionally did not want a large underclass of disenfranchised young men, because that's the sort of thing that leads to a coup or other type of revolution.
“Incel” behavior is simply a reaction to the what I’ve outlined above which all points back to single motherhood when you dig deep enough.
the blame rests entirely those (((people))) who enable and promote this behavior.
Evan Baker
I like your analysis. I always secretly feel the feminists are right, the rise of civilisation did change the dynamic and oppress women, removing their ability to fully choose a mate, at least the complete extent that they used to be able to.
However this was needed otherwise society would not work.
William Butler
>all this ass posting >muh dick
asians = niggers
Connor Cruz
>Furthermore, a society traditionally did not want a large underclass of disenfranchised young men, because that's the sort of thing that leads to a coup or other type of revolution.
this is my favorite, it is also the day of the rope. employing women and shitskins on the white mans dime after he built society, then they say it is his fault for things not working and he should man up and, again, work for the benefit of, again, roasties shitskins and now their mongrel offspring adding final insult to injury. i don't know how to put it in words but it is my favorite scenario and it is here now. not with a bang but with a bing bing wahoo 1up and an AR15
>white women won't give the incel any attention so he hates them and goes to trade in his white card for a gook
Landon Ross
Ban birth control
Gavin Phillips
You're a retard. It's not about a lack of sex, anyone can masturbate; rather its about a lack of love and closeness with another being in a manner that only a female x male relationship can bring about.
Stupid fucking normie nigger.
Alexander Ramirez
only teenage faggots believe in "love and closeness". fuck off you weakling
So MGTOW wasn’t working out too well huh? You don’t honestly believe Jow Forums is sexless do you? Or is this projection Or is my post projection Or am I a big faggot?
Justin Bennett
please stop jewing the incels.
Noah Hall
asian women are bro tier
Angel Long
It's not about looks, it's about leadership skills and THESE manifest themselves through certain facial cues and your voice. Most women aren't even careless. They are basically everything faggots stand for but with good looks and a pussy. They primarily want to raise GOOD children.
Thomas Johnson
So 1% of chads breeding 100% of women making them single moms supported by the state, paid for by incels who are 99% of the male population?
>bullied through school >called a faggot >drops out of society >gets radicalized >incels are gay lol SLAAAAAAAAY >QUEEEEN YAAAAAS >gets raped and killed by one >FUCKING MONSTERS HOW COULD THEY DO IT??!?! the absolute state
Ryan Williams