It's Our Fault

Women follow leadership. That is their nature.
In the absence of true white male leadership, white genocide has become an easy task. It's ridiculous to expect women to understand reason and accountability.

We are to blame for allowing an environment hostile to whiteness manifest. I'm so sick and tired of hearing, "It's their fault, they attacked us". No, it's our fault, we didn't defend ourselves. We must hold ourselves accountable for our current circumstance before we are ever going to begin fixing this problem. As long as we refuse to hold ourselves accountable and continue to point fingers a feminists, Jews or Marxism, we are literally acting like women refusing to be accountable.

Our lack of leadership created this problem. Expecting anyone but white men to protect the white race is ridiculous.
Fixing this problem is OUR responsibility and refusing to acknowledge this responsibility will result in the destruction of our race.

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Ah yes goyim it is YOUR fault for doing this haha hmm yes yes.Why don;t you go work out while Black men fuck your sister,mother and wife with their big black cock.

Something smells Jewish...

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Thanks Rabbi.

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Thank you for the information, Rabbi.

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I'm not a fucking Jew. Fuck Jews.

How about we stop pointing fingers at Jews for trying to destroy us and acknowledge the fact that our defense against their assault has been abysmal. Or are you not man enough to hold yourself accountable?

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its not our fault, dude....

Jews are literally waging war against American civilians, and our government is complicit.

>Jews are literally waging war against American civilians, and our government is complicit.

I completely agree. They are doing that.
My point is, what are we doing about it?

Nice try.

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It's pretty simple. Nobody wants to go first. We don't want to lose our comfortable lives. We couldn't even discuss what is really needed without getting in trouble with authorities.

Powerful couple

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Were complaining online,what do you want us to do get beat up by big black guys

The future of Poland

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Say it with me: GAY BOOMER DADS.

No but seriously, of course it's our fault. Women are hedonistic and emotional creatures, they merely exist and consume and live the narrative that society(media) tells them to live.

She has a really weird head n hairline.


Typical white women,bbc meat

Just turn black and all the white women will be in there knees

NEED to see my sister get blacked

So hot

That's so weak. If this is the only response we are capable of, my point stands. It's our fault.

>Expecting anyone but white men to protect the white race is ridiculous.
But white 'fellow man' cucked themself, i won't fight for whorish women and onions men, that won't regonize any value in tradition, family, country, religion .
I got nice lovely family and uncucked women, the world and white race can go fuck themselfs

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nothern european white women are the most attractive females, west african black men are the most attractive males

white men are the ones to blame for inviting black men to their countries to keep their capitalist elites happy (3rd world immigrants = cheap labour), white women are just acting by instinct, women prefer masculine alpha males

there's a reason why asian countries refuse immigration, asian males are one of most unnattractive races, but they're smart af, they're fully aware of what would happen if they let more masculine men in (see all the marriages between nigerian men and chinese women in Guangzhou)

want to stop this? just vote for anti-immigration parties, but maybe most white males are cucks and enjoy seeing "their" women with superior men

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>west african black men are the most attractive males


It’s not a one or the other situation. Jews and Jewish machinations (marxism, feminism, cultural manipulation via media/finance/education) have a massive role in the decay of Indo-European civilization. That being said, a true Aryan takes accountability for their errors (and corrects them) before engaging in victim mentality. The altruism that the West has shown to invaders is a cancer that must be aggressively extracted from the European psyche, and “all our fault”-style bitching won’t get the job done.

You're putting words in my mouth.

>As long as we refuse to hold ourselves accountable and continue to point fingers a feminists, Jews or Marxism, we are literally acting like women refusing to be accountable.
White men need to stop letting women & social engineers walk over them, and refuse to partner with or have casual sex with women who promote liberalism and its self-destructive ways.
Beta males are the worst offenders, willing to be fucked over by multiple women instead of bucking down and improving themselves enough to hold a woman to standards in a relationship.
>inb4 "I'm not attractive/tall enough for women," make yourself good enough in all other regards and do not bend to the idea of casual sex

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please show me a non-black male more attractive than someone like louis allen III

i'm not saying there are not attractive males of other races, but that best black or pred. black men > best other men

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>My point is, what are we doing about it?

not much we can do when the whole of our nation, and all of the money in the world is arrayed against us.

wh*tebois are weak and childlike.
It's only natural that wh*te girls seek REAL men instead of their limpdick counterparts.

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But a white man's duty is cleaning up after your white wife just finished having the best pleasure you can't give her

Can't argue facts

Wrong about woman. Wrong about race. Your batting average sucks. Decency will win out until some asshole like you nukes the place.


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62,984,828 people voted for Trump. The majority of those votes were white.
We're not as alone as our enemy would like us to believe.

don't feed him

>We're not as alone as our enemy would like us to believe.

Jews are the only race that supports their own people.

Every white person with power and money wants nothing more than to kill as many white people as they can afford to kill.

>Every white person with power and money wants nothing more than to kill as many white people as they can afford to kill.

That just isn't true at all.

>That just isn't true at all.

so, what to do with all of these "Degenerate" whites, huh?

And there is were your wrong i hate to admit it but we lost already I cant see Europe or America ever coming back

David Gandy bruh. Chads sre chads.

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I don't think of them as degenerate. I think of them as led astray. I think of the people who led them astray as degenerate.

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Make my Friday Jow Forums someone post the video of that Asian man ranting about blacks

>I don't think of them as degenerate. I think of them as led astray. I think of the people who led them astray as degenerate.

The second a white person gets rich or in an important political position, their first and only thought is thinning the white herd, out of some "Spartan" sense of having only the "most fit" breeding.

Meanwhile, we are outnumbered, and all of our money and resources are being used killing as many white people as possible.

but what kind of leadership can a woman expect from a Nog?

>Women follow leadership
>Black men have the highest rate of abandoning their spouse and offspring

Really activates my almonds.

>Our Fault


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She is Danish. We literally went to the same high school

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Don't bother I got it.
This is awesome, makes me laugh every time.

White women love bbc stop being in denial,we have to do something

I was referring to the state education and the press.

As a white woman I approve of this message.

Man up Anons!

Cheers mate.

lol? Face looks weird, lips, neck looks weird, ugly hair, shaved body dealbreaker for me, personally I think, men over 21 who shave their arms, chest, legs etc. should be genocided.
He looks like 50 Cents gay brother. Hair and beard doesn't fit.

Only the eyes are interesting.

As a white woman I don't get whats so interesting about black men.

85% of black men are either gay or bisexual

Wake up white boy

Concerned troll is concerned. You'll get no more (You)s from me.

show us your tits

Same here like i want to like white man and i consider my self a proud white woman but white man are just eww they have to step it up somehow(if possible)

>As a white woman...
Bbc larp squad detected. Stop fapping your little white penis, pervert. Your interracial porn addiction is a serious mental illness.

women follow fashion

nigs are fa
mostly because music

Every problem is your own fault. This place is full of whiny bitches that see themselves as victims just like niggers. Either grab the bull by the horns or accept your pathetic fate.

no I did that one time and was accused of being weak willed that I show them just because some online retards demand it.

I'm just curious why. That cliche about black men and (white) women always existed even when I was a child. But I don't understand it.

Neither do I. Not my type, never have been my type. I'd rather be single and alone forever than ride the coal train.

Hey rabbi... Whatcha doing?

Even i'm disgusted by the majority of white males I see, their weakness makes my skin crawl. I can't imagine how horrendous it must be to be a woman and to be expected to choose between that and subhuman apes.

are you a blonde?

fuck off incest scum

>Concerned troll is concerned. You'll get no more (You)s from me.

so, what plans are there to boost white breeding rates except hunting down all video game playing white men and killing them?

>my victimhood is social currency
>how dare you claim my victimhood is worthless

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You probably need to meet new people. I find that good white men are generally already taken but since women are so fickle they leave them at some point, not knowing how good they had it. You'll find one eventually if you don't burn coal in the meantime

Want a hot woman? Chad up.

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yes but very dark blonde, not even sure if dark blonde or light brown

Gross, I never watch bbc porn. Their dicks look like turds

>but since women are so fickle they leave them at some point, not knowing how good they had it.

mind control, my dood....

You guys literally can't win this war, because your enemy has global mind control, and you literally are incapable of even entertaining the idea that they MIGHT.

Truth bomb my anons

>We are to blame

We? None of us here are boomers

Just learn to bully inferiors. It's not hard.

They've been at it all day. Some Canadian fag posted lots of Pew Research Data BTFOing them. Also, posting traditional women makes the shills REALLY REALLY angry, which leads me to think it's a squad of activist black women.

Wow OP. You're spot on. All these people accusing you of being a Jew. BAKA. Are they shills or just losers?
You suggest personal responsibility and they attack you as a Jew. Victim mentality, reminds me of niggers.
Guys, the answer is to never give up and never cuck. Stand up for yourselves. How many of you can honestly say you could be in a room full of SJWs and hold your ground? Never cuck and don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks. Don't fall for Jewish tricks and follow all the advice in /SIG
Something amazing happens when you accept responsibility.... you gain power over your life to change everything. Become the leader that you would want to follow.
MAGA starts with YOU.

Except white women overwhelmingly choose white men.

So you expect me not to have sex until a find a white man that I don't find ugly and just unattractive ? Lol no

Then Big Mediterranean Cock is right up your alley.

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Then commit to your life of degeneracy and leave the white men alone. Don't just wait until you're past your prime and settle with some white knight to take care of your bastard spawn.

I've found this, black guys generally approach me all the time with good confidence. White guys rarely ever ask me out or anything, or they're weird little betas with self esteem issues. I haven't dated a black guy but honestly at this point, they seem to be the only ones making an effort.

Omg this 100% this why i like Hispanic men,not the ugly straight beaners but the ones that look white but brown and unlike blacks they provide financial stability and family values

Ladies, you know the rules.

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Exactly and in my case athletic Hispanics too lol they treat you better than black men so

See Ive got a similar problem with white women. I just can't date them anymore after I made the switch to Asian women. It just feels like an actual relationship and not just friends with benefits.

>all these whitebois pretending to be women

take the pills already faggots

Black guys approach anything with a pulse. That's nothing to be proud of.


Well have fun with that, i don't care about who other people date. My dad probably wouldn't be happy if i dated a black guy but the fact it's kinda taboo turns me on. I work at a mens clothing store so i get hit on a lot, when did white men become so passive? Stop looking at the ground when you pass me ffs. In the end, the bigger man wins, regardless of his skin color.

>My dad probably wouldn't be happy if i dated a black guy but the fact it's kinda taboo turns me on.

Seek help