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Why are they trying to make men who arent currently sexually active out to be evil men who deserve to be fired? Jesus christ.


Potential career advancement for women.

these are the same people that warn us against 'divisions' and 'phobias' constantly.

Attached: (((watto))).jpg (768x432, 67K)

>t. Goldberg

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Incelphobic? Should we meme this into reality?... I'm too lazy too, but you guys can use my idea if you want.

how can I become a nazi lich?

>why do women and jews want to shame white men further
gee I dont know

Well well well. Imagine my surprise.

Attached: 1495813014040.jpg (235x220, 7K)

This has to be fake

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When will we finally leave incelophobia behind?

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what would their definition sound like?

yeah this is just too on the nose lol

it was the sharks fault!

Attached: altrightsharks.png (1388x1440, 1.49M)

We memed too greedily, and too deep

Attached: When you try to take an interest in politics.jpg (890x876, 150K)

We can use this to our advantage.
>Stop the incel uprising! Find an incel and bestow your vacant vag upon him. Let him rail you and relieve those years and years of stress. You could help save civilization, perhaps the world. Think of the power the pussy holds and how its loving grips can bring these incels back to Earth. You don't want to be standing idly by as the Incel Uprising happens knowing full well you could have stopped it do you? How guilty would you feel?

It's a simple power play. Claim you need more support to fix a problem while (more secretly) contributing to that problem to manufacture support.

Keep going and see what happens.
>further marginalize the marginalized
>blame them for the world's problems
>let emotions dictate policy
>(((people))) already demanding a Final Solution for loveless nerds
I've seen this somewhere before and it didn't end well for the oppressors.

I’m an incel, but I respect and support women and white knight for them on Tumblr and Twitter, does that make me okay?
Please sleep with me.


I don't even bother looking at the name anymore.

>expecting the left to be consistent
>at all
These people don't even know what "principle" means, so why would they live by any

Implying CNN is not lying to you , and the demoncrats didnt bring in the sjw as a neocommunist coup with antifa , blm thugs all while pushing lgbt down your throat and brainwashing kids.

>my coworkers are going to know I’m an incel
>they’re going to think I’m dangerous/deserve scorn

This is going to suck isn’t it?

>Human Resource Marxist /gatekeeper: "Your qualifications are impeccable. The engineering manager likes you and wants you to be a member of his department. But, here in HR we do more than just hire qualified people. We maintain a quota to ensure there is enough diversity. Additionally, in your case, we're a bit concerned that your batting average is Zero according to your social media. When was the last time yo had sex?"
New Fag: "Well, I ..."

Attached: Uhhh.jpg (480x480, 33K)

Oh look, a bunch of men who can't get laid are getting riled up. How do we deal with this? Oh, I know, take away their jobs. Being unemployed because they can't get laid will SURELY make them not go crazy.

It's actually mind boggling to me that this strategy doesn't have a 100% success rate, what more could a woman ask for?

If you're not packing 9+ inches you might as well accept you will be an incel for life.

Attached: AuthenticChart2018.jpg (815x645, 245K)

Great, now I'm really fucked.

sluts think 10 inches is too big apparently

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>the civilising mission of pusy

Attached: laughing elephant.jpg (650x650, 89K)

Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful.

Attached: Theodore_Kaczynski.jpg (555x414, 139K)

Above 8 inches you just have to be gentle and not go balls deep, you won't be straight up too big until like 11-12, at which point you just can't really thrust at all

Attached: thenewjews.jpg (890x876, 222K)

we are all incel nazi frogs now

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Basically, we're watching the Femistasi, and the Left push their own brand of accelerationism

>ITT we state obvious things literally everyone knows

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By the way, I don't think the article is real. I can't find it by searching for the headline.

>be me
>get called to HR
user, a lot of the women in the office are concerned you may be an incel, do you mind answering a few questions for me?
Good, so are you a virgin
When’s the last time you had sex
>2 years ago
Hmm, that’s above our approved celibacy term, I’m sorry it’s just not safe to keep you in the office
>proceeds to shoot up the office

It's because you faggots only ever managed to put out some autistic one-liners, what do you expect?
Nobody is interested in your opinions, deal with it you shutins.


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Can i still be a incel even if if i get laid always? I dont want left out

you should move to stage 1 .. read a fucking book


Evil harrasser
>regular guy
Patriarchy enabler
Evil ticking time bomb

Its almost like they have all straight men

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Pretty much. I'd add that Jews despise Western culture for the same reason - it produces strong and beautiful things. The tribe hates beauty because they cannot understand it, being the ugly abominable spawns of satan that they are. Seriously, go look up Israeli architecture - anything nice in that nation was built thousands of years ago by the Romans, Arabs, or Crusaders. Everything they have built is ugly.

Their supreme court, their parliament, even the holocaust museum, Yad Vashem - literally the most important representation of Jewish identity (eternal victimhood) is an ugly post-modern triangle of shit. pic related, this is their Louvre, their Brandenburg gate, etc. two slabs of ugly, untreated concrete.

Attached: memorial-Yad-Vashem-Jerusalem_0_730_486.jpg (728x486, 132K)

they didn't ask if you are celibate by choice so you can sue them

*cough* a-user how would one go about making a piss bomb. Just asking for a friend...

Why this is the best timeline ever.

They are finished.

They have exhausted all their other strawmen to the point that they are trying to mainstream "muh virgin" argument.

They have nothing left.

When this dies out in a week or two, it is finally over.

>Where were you when the JIDF was kill?

Just when you thought you were over highschool bullying.
This generation is out to get you even in the workplace.

It's not a real article.

Fucking reactionary mongs


I'm just below 8 inches, probably about 7.5 and the majority of girls I've had sex with have struggled to take it.

It's as if just changing a few words in that title would cause some kind of massive outrage...


Every Fucking Time

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>Reductio ad absurdum

Attached: whosjewingwho.jpg (500x392, 281K)

more sweet bait from some kikeburger.
this is all retarded.

>No link


>tfw you're on 4chins
>tfw all 4chins are icels
>incels are racist
>incels are white men
>actually be minority female

What then?

Use ur cooter save a shooter

Uncle ted was pretty based on the Left

Attached: Ted Kaczynski on Leftists.png (1200x1620, 152K)

this, you already its going to be some shekel hound.


Attached: duvPOqO.png (854x480, 559K)

Checked. And maybe you should seek women instead of girls

These are the people posting on Jow Forums?

Attached: incelsasd..png (734x278, 483K)

You need multicoloured non appropriating hair, and you'll be success.

What if you’re a volcel?

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>Men being entitled to sex with women

Wow and I bet they use the term "snowflake"....


Does anyone have that image where someone posted a screencap of how a tribe of jews got kicked out of the fucking Guatemalan jungle rainforest and someone replied saying "somewhere in the world, there's a grass-skirt wearing native Guatemalan squatting in the rainforest going "fucking jews""

How in the hell are they latching on to the 'incel' meme just now?

It's been around for years, but somehow now it is important.

Do they finally accept we've been running the memes, or what?

Good, neither should you.
The only principle you should live by is what can realistically bring about your vision for a 'principled' society. It's the only way.


>be at work
>mandatory penis inspection day
>they don’t find the latest strains of HPV on me
>now it’s known I haven’t dumped a fuck in any roasties recently
>get fired
>can’t find another job because everyone knows I’m a terrorist
>try to cheer myself up by seeing Capeshitters 27: Volume 2 Part 5 at the theatre
>no singles policy
>security guards tackle me and carry me out
>didn’t even get to buy a $10 bag of popcorn

Attached: DC3C122B-0FEB-4FA9-862F-20B912385716.jpg (228x221, 24K)

the prophecy
is fulfilled

first you take your scrotum and stuff it in your anus

Attached: C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1453148136339.jpg (419x444, 56K)

>further marginalizing a group of people who already feel marginalised.
This shit should end well.

Attached: 1501093688616.jpg (550x560, 75K)

Marxist HR Bull Dyke Jewish Lesbian:
>"The reason we called you in to the office on a Saturday is just to do a sort of surprise, butt routine Penis inspection and ask a few questions about your sex life; or a lack thereof whichever is appropriate. This is Officer Hambeast Ogrehand and he will tell you what he needs you to do."

Attached: 1520720753328.jpg (693x663, 63K)

>no link
>no results with google

No one thinks like this roastie.

Should've rented a Cinema Falcon so you can at least sit in the Singles Section

Do they not understand that these men WANT to be with women, but can't because women reject them.

Why are they openly mocking a group of people for essentially a disability?


Memes writes themselves

notice how they all have nigger eyes

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To be fair I've been with my girlfriend since we were both 22, we're almost 30 now so aside from her and a couple of Milfs most people I did have sex with I would class then as girls and not women.

Which one of you wrote this? That must be a Jow Forumsack.

Yes and the only thing that's obvious is that the holocaust is a hoax.

A faggot.
It makes you a faggot.


Link? Nothing shows up for me.

>"user, while we were conducting a Penis inspection on you, we noticed that you still have a foreskin. We've decided to let you go from the company because we feel that you're an Antisemite."
Just push my shit right the fugg in, Hokai

Attached: 1506744476038.jpg (600x800, 175K)

>why are you not out on tinder spreading promiscuity and sexual diseases, goy?
>why are you not out on facebook outing all your personal information, goy?
>why are you not mixing up your genes and throwing your entire lineage into the toilet, goy?

Why is it so hard for people to see through (( them )) even now? It's basic tribalism at work and (( they )) are undermining everybody while propping (( themselves )) up. Enough is enough.

Attached: 1523040952623.gif (655x444, 1.52M)

Water balloons my friend. Keeps you off of ATF watchlists.

A lesbo might fuck you if you transition.

Checked. This could be some dangerous shit they’re playing.