

Attached: 1525006472426.jpg (1024x631, 131K)

But my kid isn't lost.

Cool. The land where Happy Hour starts at 0700.

>But my kid isn't lost.
But you are
Because this is hildawg country

How is that effort to sober up the old hag going? Do you guys have her down to a half gallon of Vodka a day yet?

back to the Animal Shelter ya stupid dawg

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I can't believe you faggots get paid to do this.

when do i get my paycheck

it doesn't make sense.
Lost kid? This be Hilldawg County!

Like, do kids get snatched in Hilldawg County or something?

trump kiddies get lost here alot

they get snatched by them nig nogs

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So, is someone asking the frog with the shotgun where their lost trump kid is, and the frog is responding "This be Hilldawg County"?

>excuse me, shotgun toting frog with hair, have you seen my...
>uh, yeah, my lost kid
>...right,but about my kid, have you seen him?

I can't make sense of this, it's too weird.

how can you get lost in a place that doesn't and will never exist?

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She exclusively sacrifices newborns to Moloch for youth. Your kid is probably too old for that.

Awww yeah Hildawg thread. Post your best Hildawgs

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She won the popular vote

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Hillary Clingons teeth are disgusting

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post your hilldawg memes

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Will she put the alt right out of their misery?

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your the kid

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explain this then

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OK, but then wouldn't it read:
Lost, kid?
Instead of
Lost kid?

>spend money to stop pedo shits
wow how is this possible

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You can't stilbawg the hildawg

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Reminder? Trump is president lol

also the left really can't meme

This is a Hildawg board now

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a reminder that hillary lost and is not president?

Attached: hill100.gif (600x720, 719K)

Exactly, Jow Forums has always been a christian national socialist board of peace that voted for hillary.


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Hilldawg memes are like somebody’s gay, faggity children. Weird, uncomfortable, and you feel very embarrassed for everyone involved. Jesus gross.

Hilldawgs are unironically less cancerous then Reddit trash who blindly praise everything Trump does.


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they are intentionally bad user

What a deplorable thing to say

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>old pepe dragon image
>dragon energy
b-but meme magic is a meme right?

That The holocaust was a choice

Attached: hill86 kopie.png (672x446, 245K)

Im just saying hildawg memes are ironicly used by lefties

It's her turn!

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I thought this was going to be about Hillary trafficking in "lost" children.


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that works too

no, this thread is property of hilldawg county
only true hildawks are allowed
h*ck off

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I'm all out of Hildawgs. Anyone got any more?

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>Implying the left made any of these
This truly was the best election ever. Surely we are going to be horribly punished for it.

>your the kid
The state of burger education.

Yasssssss kween SLAY!

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Boomer newfag detected

>anons get paid to post stuff against the ruling class.
How dumb are you?