Ylyl: Jow Forums edition

Ylyl: Jow Forums edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


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The left can't meme

Typical nigger logic. "I support the spread of genocidal Soviet Communist ideology because the American white man hurt my fee-fees after he saved me from starving in an African mud hut and then killed his brothers to end slavery".

fuck first post made me lose and bump

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It's called Jow Forums humour, you philistine.

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I lost

This one is the only one that made me laugh, thanks finbro

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Wow. That nigger speaks Vietnamese?

Attached: D1DAAEBB-7B77-47FD-B4BE-464F09697AB2.gif (230x175, 1.94M)

the autism is so intense that even im having trouble understanding this lol

How did he know what theyre saying?

>filtering hoss
That was quick.

Attached: Niggerbook.jpg (1272x1800, 456K)

God, it fucking boggles my mind how people can have such a bias view of history. So you're telling me the WHITE Presidents before never had assassinations and/or attempts done on them before? Abe and JFK saw through their terms? Fuck these morons.

undeniably want to read this...

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Unironically this...

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This one is electrifying.

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hosst to this


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Coolest nigger in the village.

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my sides have been laid to rest

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funny if true

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>another mutt doesnt understand how an ice tray works

every vietnam soldier nigger knew "maydang" was nigger in vietnamese

only bookuh was a more popular word

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I have an ice maker I dont need to wait 5 hours for water to freeze like a moron watching paint dry. fuckin leaf.

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can eye fist uranus

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rat asking for a donation

>look mom I posted it again!

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no label

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Did someone put that poor thing back in the ocean where it belongs?

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what is this type of screenshot called?

No Syrian ever called me Goyim.

Your move.

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Where can I get one of those bomb detonators? That's awesome.

Attached: 1506714940841.webm (853x480, 2.69M)

>race mixer
I can't find my sides, and I already saw this in the NASA Kwayns thread this morning.

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Can I c u p?

Attached: I am the law 2.webm (720x404, 2.03M)

Shaming people for searching to learn something that wasn't taught to us because we're not faggots using X's and I's rather than fucking 1234567890
Suck a dick if you can fit another one

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This is the bomb


Made me chuckle, thanks Danebro

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it is

I'd titt fuck the shit out if that woman.

Fucking lost.

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cat knows, ps4 is the soimachine, but sony pays millions to make you think the opposite

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I lost

desu baka it can't be good for the console to throw it around like that. The cat did nothing wrong.