'In twelve years from now, you will not recognize Berlin.'

'In twelve years from now, you will not recognize Berlin.'
- Adolf Hitler, 1933

Attached: yung_adolf.jpg (800x685, 35K)

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You know at some point it's hard to blame him for militarizing Germany so much when there's a gigantic industrializing militaristic and imperialistic hyperpower just one country over and nobody else in industrialized and developed Continental Europe seems to give a fuck about it.

Germania would look so damn cool

Attached: 1524239291760.jpg (1835x652, 748K)

Being a passive hunter gatherer primitive waiting to be dominated and conqueres by other tribes certaintly was not answer for Germany, neither was having Jewish anti German subversives destroying their society.

>hitler was defending europe by invading all of it I swear it was 44d chess guys

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Why didnt hitler conscript 40 million german men to continue tge fight?


W..what am I looking at? Why would this be a street name?

Attached: stares.jpg (960x624, 47K)

I mean he wasn't defending Europe, he was trying to defend Germany.
And really when you're stuck between the USSR and National Socialist Germany it really isn't about "defending" but about survival and extermination.

Der aktuelle Name der Straße geht auf das Invalidenhaus zurück, das Friedrich II. 1748 zur Versorgung der Kriegsversehrten aus dem Ersten und Zweiten Schlesischen Krieg errichten ließ.