How can we fight back against the idea that this is what we are like IRL?

How can we fight back against the idea that this is what we are like IRL?

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Other urls found in this thread:

That's exactly what we're like. How can we fight reality?

>That's exactly what we're like. How can we fight reality?

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>white trash
>obviously lives in shitty apt or a trailer
>thinks the reason he can't get a good job is because illiterate mexicans are coming here, not because he is obese and has no marketable skills
looks about right

We don't. We let out enemies fall for the fabricated stereotypes. Jow Forums works in the shadows.

Deal with it fructose fatty

Attached: trumpkinfatty.jpg (976x651, 83K)


By stop acting like reddit

>trump cucks
>literally leftist libtards trying to be edgy

Best thing to respond with is similarly cherry-picked images of commis/antifa/etc. Only brainlets fall for cherry picked shit
>we work in the dark to serve the light

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People that would wear that stupid hat or have a Trump bumper sticker or do anything with that retarded frog created by a leftist faggot are mentally disabled and unfortunately represent the squeeky wheel of Jow Forums. The rest of us - family men. Career men - sit quietly in the shadows polishing our weapons waiting for the day....let them think we are weak, fat losers.

This is what you all wanted, right?

>complains about the squeaky wheel of Jow Forums
>lurks cuckchan

>The rest of us - family men. Career men -
Who have free time to shitpost on Jow Forums at 2pm on a weekday right?

Become infinite

>implying anyone is
Even if you are, why should you or anyone really give a fuck?

I'm like this in real life. I want a pepe cake.

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What do you mean "we?" I don't identify with anyone here, I just come here to rile people up and laugh

Im at work right now. Youll find when you get a real job you can do whatever the fuck you want as long as you take care of business. Stay a wage slave forever bitch.

But that's how you guys are.
Add a couple of brown goblinos here and there in the Jow Forums meetings and that's about it.

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That is how I picture 50% of you though. The other 49.95% are skinny twinks.


Not that guy but i'm on the east coast, so an hour ahead from you, and am already off work becausof a 6-2 workday, so its plausible to just spend all you're spare time afterwork shitposting/lurking

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There is no greater advantage than to be underestimated by an enemy. Let them think we're all morbidly obese incels. It doesn't change the reality that conservative whites are the only thing that keep this country afloat while liberals are perfectly content pissing away tax dollars on minorities who will never give them a return on their investment.

It's better that our enemies underestimate us.

Also, stop picking on that guy. Creative, happy, politically involved. Not everyone can be a fashion model. He should lose weight for his own health, though.


Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake.

I bet since becoming a meme that he's started fixing up his image.

I hope that mother fucker becomes an alpha; he's been pretty brutally attacked.

defending yourself is a pointless distraction
just stay on the attack


Defense will always be a losing battle unless time is on your side; it, however, is not with us at this time.

>Also, stop picking on that guy. Creative, happy, politically involved.
He's an obese loser who lives in a trailer with an IQ of 85

It's a small world that someone in this thread would know him personally. Crazy. How do you know him? Are you neighbors?

I dunno, maybe not look like that IRL

>projecting this hard

to stop being like that is a hard step, first you gotta admit thats for sure how we are (it really is). learn to own up to your faults and fix or at least improve on them, then when they use that outdated meme it will mean nothing.

This guy looks really nice

But he is cute!

We start a KYS for Trump meme. This guy looks smart enough to take the bait.

No you can't retard. White men must work 14 hours a day and those unmarried must work 22 hours a day. No breaks no stopping


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Agreed. I'd befriend him.
Not enough kind people on the world.

no he is fat and s.o.y. (tits)

Guy has time to bake a cool cake and throw a party. Obviously the happiness of others causes you to wince and cower like some kind of subterranean beast exposed to sunlight.


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or this

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Maybe stop being a bunch of nerdy, pudgy, closet racists that get off on seeing photos of Trump and posting retarded frogs all day long? IS what you are. You're not a tall, blonde, blue eyed aryan God amongst men. You're not married, you don't even have a girlfriend. You're not fit, you're fat.

Attached: WHITE AND PROUD.jpg (1080x720, 91K)

Start buying an assortment of guns and shoot up Liberal/Communist gatherings instead of posting retarded selfies. That'll get them to shift their tone right quick.

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Stop caring about how the media profiles a transoxian incense bottling forum and live your god damn life

>Stop caring about how the media profiles a transoxian incense bottling forum and live your god damn life

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