Ask an anti-fascist anything

Ask an anti-fascist anything

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Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Why is your movement more fascist then what you are actually fighting?

What is your definition for a fascist - when is somebody, in your eyes, a fascist?

How accurate would you say this is image wise.

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This thread is posted every day and no questions are answered. Remember kids, sage is an option.

My GF needs tips on sucking cock, do you have any advice OP?

Will you please,fuck off?

Why are most of you so white?

When wil you grow up and get a job?

Why do you and your commie friends keep coming here to larp like you actually normally post on Jow Forums?

how big was the last dick you sucked?

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do you guys still not realize that you're the actual fascists?

This! Answer pls.

Sage goes in all fields

In before bump limit and 1 post by this ID

Faggot memeflag aside for both of you:
Anyone who disagrees with Pantifa is a fascist.

Do you realize that your organization were the very reason Hitler was able to take power?

give us Natalie back murderer

as an anti-fascist, how do you do your part to fight against specific fascist groups such as antifa and general ideological subsets of fascism such as communism

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This is a bot thread.

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Why don't you have principles?
What convinced you to think an ideology makes you virtuous?

Report this fag

sorry brah. Come over here, i will show you my boat.

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>1 post by this ID

don't forget to report

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