Could state-issued girlfriends fix the incel problem?

Could state-issued girlfriends fix the incel problem?

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i want a state issued nigger

What a retarded idea.
If incels can't attract a gf then they shouldn't have one.

This is socialism. The free market should determine your gf.

NEETs must compete in order to eat.

I have small hopes for niggers, even less trust in governments (or vice versa?). Sounds like a shit deal all around.

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they already keep people alive that they shouldnt by giving welfare handouts, why not keep people laid that have no business being laid?

Sam Hyde, the prophet, God's blessing be upon him has already foretold that we will get state-enforced homosexuality.


If you read Elliot Rodgers manifesto or google Minassian's high school friends telling about his school days you realize that not getting pussy is far from the main problem of raging virgins. Their virginity is also just symptom of them being batshit insane.


communism for virgins
the problem is the communism
fuck communism

Because it would be EVEN more expensive, duh.
Not to mention degenerate.

Redistribution of pussy

Mon zob.

Redistribution of sex is communism. Here is the real solution.

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Yes it could, but you would have men stuck with ugly or insane thots in some measure. Making prostitution the mandatory choice for the unmarried female is probably better.

just stop
its all so tiring
give it a rest

>would socialism fix the problem with feminism

why they delete this??

We need to go back to arranged marriages.

The problem is the plain Janies of yester year are the land whales of today.
Fat girls are repulsive, disgusting to look at.
Mean while a 4/10 not fat girl is promoted to a 8/10 today simply for being fuckable.

I don't think people die without welfare, user. They shit up your streets even more and end up in the emergency room getting fed at $10,000 a day. Good luck getting doctors to give up that gravy train.

Just skip the state and legalize whoring.

lets face it, women are like dogs and they need firm leadership or they act out and arent happy. this idea of a woman being your equal partner is bullshit and people understood that for thousands of years.

you want a solution? how about chad stops enabling them, gets married, and forces her to lower her standards and stop trading up and end hookup culture.
>but its hherrrr fault
and you expect women to fix the problems they caused?

chad wants hypergamy, women want chad, and normie men want to pretend all this sexual openness is going to benefit them because they refuse to see the hypergamy

>wahhh why cant the state fix my problems

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The internet has destroyed the youth. Too many kids grew up on the internet and have no clue how to function in society.

Why don't you find a woman who is as big of a dud as you?
>B-but I don't want a dud gf

Yea and women don't want a dud bf, either.

Shouldn't we have given them a little tip?

After all, the Americans saved us from the nazis, they successfully protected us against the soviets, they won the cold war for us and they are currently protecting us against aggression from Putin. I wouldn't mind slightly higher taxes so that we could tip our savours a little :3

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Easy to say it as a leaf. You are all faggots anyway.

Thats fucking humiliating. Id feel like shit forcing a girl to be with me.

that could only work as a volunteer program and even then it would be fucking weird.

because a relationship should develop out of pure, genuine and natural consideration for each other and because a forced approach that's done like it's some part of a work contract.

it feels fucked up on so many levels. sounds degenerate too.

*not because of a forced approach

Isn't the average salary for Congressmen $174,000?
How the fuck can you not afford an apartment?

Sexdolls are a better solution to the incel problem.

Like everything state issued they will be ugly and depressing

>that could only work as a volunteer program and even then it would be fucking weird.
How? The incels are incels for good reasons.
The only way it would work is by paying women like it's some sort of social work.
That would be so, so fucked up desu. Basically state-sponsored prostitution.
I don't understand how people come up with these kind of ideas.

This, and it’s not even that tough a competition unless you’re going for the hottest women. But if you’re an incel, you have to trust that you’re not worthy of them. Lower your standards and you’ll definitely get pussy.

but also this

Unironically this

Yeah sure, become a fucking commie. Surely that will make you less pathetic.

To what use exactly? Collecting your welfare checks?

Yeah Elliot Rodgers was a fucking psycho and a huge faggot. I mean the memes were hilarious but if you take any of this seriously you're a retard.

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>shy incel signs up to government program for gfs
>requests the cute blonde with a slim body
>2 weeks later
>knock at the door
>hear obnoxious ebonic mumbling from the other side
>open door
>obese black man in a wig and dress
>"sup user, I bees yo gf you yt mufugga"
>close door
>[angry ebonic noises intensify]
>put on terrorist watch list for refusing to have sex with xir

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Michel Houllebeqcs book Submission is not about "muh mudlismes", it's about how shitty a deal it is to be a western man and all things considered, Sharia is not that bad a deal.

Boko Haram in nigeria is fueled by the fact that Nigerian men have a hard time coming up with enough money to pay the bride price, so they attack schools and kidnap girls there and have them marry their supporters.

It's as if progressives and the cuckservatives doesn't understand what sexual reproduction implies.

THAT guy gets sandwiches and ladies. If he can do it. You can do it.

Incels are just brainlets who haven't thoroughly thought of a solution to their problem.

As an ex incel, the best decision of my life was to just join the other side, it becomes a sellers market then.


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i think so lowly of women that I am starting to look down on men that can attract women. I'm starting to think something must be wrong with a man if a roastie would like him.

incels arent mad because the cant get women to fuck them

theyre mad because they cant get women to want to fuck them

its the most obvious point yet every retard liberal hot take gets it wrong


Lol, I'm guessing yes but the girls might not like it.

>Could state-issued girlfriends fix the incel problem?

No, they would just race mix the fuck out of everything.


You're just a bitter player-hater

No that just sounds like communism and "muh gibs me dats"

fuck off blacc bagette loser

incels are losers. 3d women are disgusting pig monsters. at least shoot up a school for a good reason like lack of government subsidized body pillows

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Nope, wouldn't do anything. You can't force women to like you, so what would be the point?

Yeah.....just imagine how lazy a girl friend would be if she was a state worker! The L&I claims would be hilarious, would we then pay women unemployment? Fucking KEK this would be the joke of the century!

For you american virgins the governement should kill two birds with one stone. They should allow imigration of the mexicans to the USA, then pleasing the liberals, but in doing that allowing only girls that would have a state isssued husband (your virgin ass). There you go.

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I have no problem with that, but we must also tell women that if you can't treat a man right, you shouldn't be able to steal money from him with child support and vaginamony.

reported to the fbi

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ok schlomo

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Women use the state all of the time. Why shouldn't men be allowed to do it?

>females are wanting and getting state issued niggers through immigration
>incels starve

For once a donkey-fag makes a good point.


Here's an interesting photo of potential sex slaves
(I need to condition myself to be a sex slaver)
Only 3 of the girls actually have souls

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just let them be farm workers desu


girls are not objects that can be issued retard

>20 threads about incels
do you think the shills got the deep state memo?

i need someone to pick my cotton

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this is why we need to incarcerate all the incels

Obviously you should compete for your wife
Maybe even pay for her. So long as women are back in their place.

fuck off

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Posting for my state issued gf

dumb frogposter

>incels all decide to be gay
>fuck each other

problem solved.

stupid frogposter

Now that's impressive. But true. Men do put in alot of effort to change themselves for women. Gym bros being the obvious example.

What incel problem ? It's a social detachment problem in general, the modern world is diseased. Separate humans from natural environment, they go mad, is simple.

Incel was the wrong word, it instantly brings sex into the picture, when often individuals are excluded and on the fringes of society for political, religious or emotional reasons. Incel has come to mean anyone who is agoraphobic or antisocial, due to its "in cell" phoneticism. The left is using it in a purely sexual framework due to their limited mental capacity and obsession with genitalia.

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well hello Pajeet

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State run human trafficking? You have mental problems.

volleyball chicks are the creme of crop. hot athletic long-legged tall beauties. genetically superior women

good legs

Yeah, because surely government assigned rape partners is just what we need.

No, legalized, subsidized brothels where the women are well protected from spergs who can't be trusted to actually treat their government squeeze like a human being, but they can actually get human contact, get laid once in a while, and possibly be a bit less over sensitized to the world in general.

All they need to do is literally go to a hooker, the only thing they are hung up about is their virginity, as soon as they lose that the incel problem will go away.

don't be delusional meme flag
maybe 1 out of 10, probably out of 20, is actually tall
most are short and chubby only picking the sport to make it look like they are exercising

This is the equivalent of forcing men to get their dicks milked on a regular basis. Which would be simpler, just march the incels in, make them jack off into a container while watching porn, and done. Daily.

Sounds bad, right?

uh what? not at the university level or pro level

You mean like in the mudslime states with plentiful numbers of Allahu Ackbarrings all day every day?


what if we're voluntarily celibate

gfs have been basically family issued commodity since fucking forever.

Fuck these last 3 gay centuries.


OMG I love government cheese! Where can a person buy this magic cheese if they aren't poor?

no, homogeneous society would fix it, that's why the kikes jump on it in the media, because they know it.

Well, if jews didn't assimilate into europe after 2000 years, why do you think gentiles would listen to jewish propaganda?

No, it's the other way around. They are insane because they don'y get any pussy

>Could state-issued girlfriends fix the incel problem?
Marriage = institution which regulated the trade of resources among the sexes.
In marriage, men provide money, women the pussy
Men are retarded enough to give women the right to vote also
Women then vote to get men's resources without giving pussy in exchange.
Women instead give their snatch away free to chads, or they turn into some ugly, short blue haired brinwashed dyke that pretends that it doesn't want cock.

So: if the state provides women with the thing they would have gotten out of marriage (money) it must also give away free snatches to men

We know how well run government run agencies are

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