I've sucessfully found out how Europoors work

>What do Europoors want
The typical Europoor wants everything in his life to be paid for by anyone but himself. To him, he sees stuff like healthcare, housing, and education as "basic human rights." He wants all the gibsmedats he could get. Much to the ilk of our inner-city ghetto blacks, he thinks he is not responsible for paying for anything he takes. For example, if he were to get a tumor from smoking too much, he would see that burden of paying for it on the society, not himself. This is because he is greedy and sees himself and perfect, therefore, could do no wrong. Instead of blaming himself for smoking like a feign, he blames the tobacco corporation for selling cigarettes and the government for not nannying him not to do it. He believes he is entitled to the life-saving operation and he should be allowed to treat his body like shit and have the common society pay for it. This is apart of why Europe is so bad even though they are around 88% white. Furthermore, to make things clearer, most Europoors are as worse as blacks in wanting everything for free. Apart of the problem for social decline in Europe and this same behavior, to a lesser extent, in the former white colonies.
Not only that, but the Europoor believes he has a "right" to 6 weeks vacation and 2 weeks sick days. All the while having a pension of 100% of his pay while retiring at age 55. This is apart of the reason for such low productivity in Europe. Even though the Europoor gets all of his free shit he sees that he has less of a responsibility to be productive and pay for it. Alike to the American black. Due to this, corporations aren't as profitable in Europe and the government has to tax more to make up for it. Causing a tax bubble and a brain-drain. This is also contributes to the fact that Europe hasn't been able to invent anything new, because productivity is in the shitter.

To be continued.

Attached: debt-to-gdp-ratio-european-countries.png (2400x1800, 322K)

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lol the amerimutt is literally seething

Another first for Greece, stay jelly desu!

tl;dr: Europoors prefer not to slave off to mr. Goldberg for a meager wage and then be in debt for life because of a easily cured illness

Attached: american tank gets stuck in German barricades, 1944 Normandy (colorized).webm (854x480, 1.17M)

>Why do Europoors want this?
Europoors want this because they are the descendants of the lazy. If you were a man in 1850, would you rather go to the colonies to seek your fortune or sit on your ass? This separated the functional of the society from the lazy. The lazy stayed in Europe and lived in what the productive built, meanwhile, the productive went to the colonies (America, Canada, Australia, Africa, New Zealand, etc.) to get fortunes or farming land. This is another reason for why Europe is in decline, the lazy want the gibsmetdats I mentioned before, and refuse to be productive. Leading Europe into an overall decline.

>How do Europoors view the government/corporations
To an europoor, the government is God. It is best to not question the government there, they believe the government is all-knowing and omnipresent. Hence, why you see all of those fliers in Britain that say "I will not descent, I will not talk bad of the government." And they accept these fliers without issue. Once again it is because they view the government as God for giving them all that free shit, alike of the inner-city negro. As for the corporations, they are the devil in Europe. To Europoors, the corporations are satan as the government is God. The corporations will make them work for a decent wage instead of just getting one by sitting on their asses, they think, the corporations want to steal my ultra pension and work until 65 instead of 55. Therefore, the corporations can only be bad. Take note, this is why they are so disgusted with Americans and their relationship with our corporations, because we do not see them as satan, instead as an ally. Furthermore, we do not see the government as God, instead a necessary evil. Europoors will never understand this, for they see the government as their caretaker against the evil corporations.

To be continued.

Attached: labor productivity.png (595x475, 25K)

You're one to talk, burger.

Attached: file.png (769x109, 9K)

>Stay in your mainland and be a hardworking member of society
>Or sail off to some new world where you can be richer with much less effort and spend your days gambling in the middle of nowhere

Europeans were the lazy ones for sure mate.

and this is bad how?

>Why do Europoors think they know everything about the USA
This is because the Europoor is the ultimate armchair philosopher. They have no real skin in the game when it comes to the US, but they think they know more than you when it comes to US politics. This is because, adding on to the Bible, they see the media as the Virgin Mary. Everything that is fed to them by the media, let it be global warming, immigration, gay marriage, etc. It always true. This is because the average europoor has zero critical thinking skills. Whatever the media says, is gospel. That is why Europeans will fight so hard with you over healthcare reform in the US. This is because the media tells them of the evil corporations in the US that stop the government from providing free healthcare. They have zero knowledge of how healthcare works with you and they believe it is completely privatized, zero government intervention. They fail to realize that our employers have to pay our and our wife and kid's health insurance for tax breaks. For the European media, to say that that exists, would help break their conditioning. A true danger that must be kept from the European's ears, lips, and mind.

>Why do European governments want defense spending gibsmedats
The reason European governments leach off of the US when it comes to defense spending is because they know they will get away with it and that they cannot afford to tax their populace any more. Their governments realize we will bend over and take it in the ass if they ask it, even though they are a military worm and a political midget. So they do. If we were to take away their gibs then the European governments would be in a crisis. Either tax the people more, who have already been squeezed thoroughly, take away some gibsmedats, or go without defense. All of which would be disastrous. Leaving European governments in chaos. Perhaps destroying the Old Guard of Europe.

To be continued

Attached: nato-budget-trend.gif (753x505, 21K)

>Why do Europeans blame America for everything
This is because of a simple problem. They think they are perfect, but you cannot critique any other people on Earth besides Whites. The only other relevant white nation besides their little collective is the USA. Like how the inner-city black blames the whites, the Europeans blame the Americans for their failure. The refugee crisis, for example, they love to blame us for. Even though they could of easily turned them around.

You realize our ancestors created a superpower in 300 years. They had to build cities from scratch yet in Europe cities were already built, all they needed to do was live in them and work the already produced/invented farms and mines.

Lol, most of you sit with your cock in your hand and browse facebook or re**it when you're supposedly "working"

I have burger friends you can't lie to me

>The refugee crisis, for example, they love to blame us for
Damn how could we, Americans truly dindu nuffin.

Attached: middle east.jpg (594x584, 119K)

1) show flag
2) Then why are we 10x more productive than Europeans?

This is why you need defense spending. We cannot carry your asses. If you had a reasonable defense budget you could of mobilized to stop them. Instead you wanted to leach.

Your debt-to-GDP ratio is 103.8% you stupid burger

i work close to 10 hours a day on a 1300€ salary.. feels fucking bad man..
and im one of the lucky ones, i actually love what i do and work about 5min from home.

most people here are way worse.. what can we do? shit fucking sucks..


lower than 5 European nations.

Actually, it's 105.4% in 2017. So only three European countries have a higher figure.

Well, it is your own fault, take responsibility for your own actions.

And what's your point? The European average is vastly lower than your Muttland's figure.

And Belgium isn't even a country so that doesn't count.

i'm not reading any of that shit m8
give me a tl;dr or fuck off

lol? i have a masters and i work as hell. take responsability? fucking mutt im all about responsability.
i actually earn way more than average in my country you social benefits living parasite nigger

Ours is more fixable. In order to fix yours you either have to tax an already tax-burdened people or take away some gibs. Good luck.

Why do you think Portugal is in the shitter?

>fatmutt delusions

If you werent a retarded burger you would know that the cost of securing borders was never a part of the problem, rather the human rights activist and NGOs (many of which american) were.

>many of which american

There's no reason to be proud about that.

because we were forced to take a currency that literally doubled the cost of living overnight?

or maybe because we are forced by the EU to import shit we can produce locally?

or maybe because we were forced to take gibs to pay for those imports and now we have to pay it back with interests or sell / give away national companies?

or maybe because we are forbidden to export but a little laughable amount of produce? so we have to take yet more gibs?

and many many other reasons..

I wonder why Sweden is so low. Jow Forums told me they were about to collapse...

Japan's ratio is 234.7

> ameritard talking about debts
Yours is about 90% of GDP. More than most eurocucks have.
Not even talking about absolute numbers.

t. Monsanto employee

>ad hominins
typical European brainlets, when they run out of premade arguments they start insulting.

Oh I am sure my government orchestrated it all.

Who brought Portugal into the EU?


Attached: 'murrican denbts 4 U.png (1046x113, 15K)


Men of Europe, I apologize for this creature disturbing your day.

>Oh I am sure my government orchestrated it all.
Yep, ((you))'re behind the destabilization of middle east as well as multiculti propaganda.

Attached: estonia diversity.png (500x725, 449K)

>could of
High school dropout detected
Seriously, the refugee crisis would not be without operation iraqi freedom, you retarded lardass.

friendly reminder that americans provoked the 2008 financial crisis because they were too stupid to understand how loans works.

(((human rights activist and NGO's)))

Attached: 1518649132790 (1).png (801x801, 35K)

you forgot an affordable and reliable justice system as well as infrastructure and free education

not bad but next time don't post from your phone like a faggot unless you proofread your shit before hitting submit for obvious autocorrected words that make you look like the retarded faggot you are, retarded faggot

Isnt the US like 3trillion$ in debt?

>NGOs are American and not (((American)))
is this your first day on the board m8

Goddamn we're fucked.

>30 to 59 per cent is green

Holy shit, Europe. You're a mess.

No, our national debt is $20 trillion. Plus, the governmental entities also have an additional estimated $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities for pensions and social security.

>Europoors want this because they are the descendants of the lazy. If you were a man in 1850, would you rather go to the colonies to seek your fortune or sit on your ass? This separated the functional of the society from the lazy. The lazy stayed in Europe and lived in what the productive built, meanwhile, the productive went to the colonies (America, Canada, Australia, Africa, New Zealand, etc.) to get fortunes or farming land. This is another reason for why Europe is in decline, the lazy want the gibsmetdats I mentioned before, and refuse to be productive. Leading Europe into an overall decline.

No. Pussification happened after the War. Everybody wanted a social safety net after all that death and destruction.

oh no we have dignity and basic human rights!

oh no my tap water is crystal clear and consumable without a filter oh no!

Based Sweden
Bin the Finns

I'm poor but I will never have to worry about being denied proper healthcare oh no! I'm such a nigger guise

I can get an education for free and recieve money from the state so I can focus on studies? oh no!

And that's just public debt. US total debt to GDP was 347.5% in 2017.


Attached: gfd.jpg (1178x195, 75K)

If I don't feel well mentally or physically I don't need to worry about becoming homeless because we have a welfare net? OH NO!!

>and 2 weeks sick days
just 2 weeks? I have coworkers who had 12+ months in the last three years

Why is norways debt so big? They are investing oil money into funds, it shouldn't be that big. i know some debt is healthy but they are just below sweden, doesn't make sense.

>Not being proud of getting free euromonies
T'es sérieux François ?

>didn't read the thread

fucking left-tier text amount

could you translate the word: europoor into something coherent please?
i dont speak retard.

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Lol honestly I'm glad Europe didn't let us join when we asked.

This. After WW2 European men feminized until the present day where they are almost unrecognizable as males, hence why their women are so attracted to nigger immigrants.

tfw your country isn't in harrowing economic turmoil
Why even live :(

>the human rights activist and NGOs
Yes, because what the world need is obviously more people... idiot

more people = less pollution, duh
more people = better living conditions
more people = less strain on the worlds resources

it's all so simple to you lefty knuckleheads

Actually try some reddit spacing you weirdo it will make your tldr readable

Are you sure you replied to a right post? Because I never implied anything like that.

>yes you must work 50+ hour weeks and have few vacation or sick days
>an American making fun of countries for their healthcare spending
>MUH protestant work ethic
You're an embarrassment

Attached: healthcare_spending.jpg (480x354, 56K)

me too

Fun fact, the EU was created with massive help from teh OSS/CIA.


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>The typical Europoor wants everything in his life to be paid for by anyone but himself.
Implying the 56% mutt is any different...

Yeah if we joined Europe would be filled with muslims and you would lose your identity I bet. Good thing that didn't happen. Oh wait.

Turkey doesn't belong to Europe mate, that's why you failed to join.

> Be American
> Break Finger
***Enters Doctor Sheckelberg
> 'That will be $150,000, Goy'
> 'Also, you are obviously traumatized by this experience, so here is some Xanax and Prozac. I have put you on a repeat prescription, so this will be $300 a month, Goy.


Attached: a011SHARTTRIGGERED.png (615x624, 131K)

If you mean geographically, Cyprus has 0 soil in Europe yet is a member.
If you mean economically, well you saw OP's picture.
If you mean culturally, then yes we are different but so are Italians and British, or Greeks and French.

Things like universal healthcare are much more appealing when you live in a homogeneous country because you know that it is your people who are receiving the benefits.

In a mutt country like the USA I do not want universal healthcare because it will all be used on niggers and spics while white people will just pay into it (even though that is already happening even without universal healthcare).
Since there is no racial or ethnic homogeneity, everyone is divided and only looking out for themselves.

It is sad that most white people will never experience living in a place where everyone shares their culture and values and where it feels worthwhile to care about the greater good of their own kind.

Actually, when the safety net is strong, everyone benefits.

For example, London is a disgusting cesspool of human society filled with scum, but the Murder rate is only around 1.3 per 100,000. Whereas in somewhere like Flint, where there is no safety net and public services, the murder rate is 45 per 100,000.

I mean culturally, of course i do, silly rabbit. And wasn't a big part of turkey not joining freedom of press and human rights aswell, Guess human rights doesn't go well for moderate muslims either.

Cyprus is culturally European. Main reason for low public dept for Turkey is the fact that it has always been classified as trash tier lender (simply can't get loans on reasonable rates) and it has always received a fuckton of development aid.

that's right bong, bleach your asshole so it stands out as more attractive to the muslim migrant dick trying to decide which european country to fuck in the ass chooses you over the others. you can see how well that worked for Sweden over there with his social welfare programs

>higher the debt the more immigration
>swedes are cucks and the only exception
big think

check the % Black in Flint and London :^)

>and this is bad how?
because it leads to stagnation brainlet

What do you know.
Work is tough.

Estonia once again proves to be the greatest country in Europe.