Mystery Pooper Found

OH Shit they got him

"A US education chief has been charged with repeatedly defecating on a high school football field and running track.

District superintendent Thomas Tramaglini, 42, was identified as the "mystery pooper" of Holmdel, New Jersey, after staff set up surveillance cameras.

He was arrested as he returned to the scene of the crime at Holmdel High School at 5.50am last Monday.

Police officers are believed to have observed him evacuating his bowels before confronting him as he began running at the school track."

>>>Evacuating His Bowels

Attached: Mystery Pooper.jpg (500x422, 36K)

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thats a bit unusual. hard to say how he will fit that into his updated resume.

Link to Bowel Evacuation Article

White people are weird as Fuck

Ah yes, the "running past your own public defecation at 6AM" fetish. Classic

im going to his court appearance next week
what should i yell before getting kicked out

I've never even heard of your country. Sounds muzzie much; why arnt you in Britan yet?



>That image.
That face doesn't look apologetic at all. I think that he might have wanted to be caught.

had a giggle

you wont get kicked out, youll get arrested.

>hey whatcha doing supernintendo?

protip: enjoy your next ban, hopefully you'll have learned your lesson.

Bring Metamucil

You know he is on paid leave right? It is not even a joke these days for administration to get away with shit. Fun note: They are not a part of teachers unions.

>PoX logic
50 billion Indians do it, silence, one white person does it, hur dur muh wypipo !!!

You think that ANYONE wants to shit in a public school bathroom?

Nuff Said

This is weird. I just remembered there was another recent story like this in the states. It was a woman jogger I think.

They clean them after hours, he was pooping on the track/field at 5:30 am. Bathrooms were shiny and clean.
She got caught, blamed brain damage, stopped poopin.

>>>evacuate bowels

>>>evacuate (one's) bowels
>>>To defecate. Hang on, I've got to evacuate my bowels before we leave the house.

>>>See also: bowel, evacuate


good point. i had to shit on the hike and bike trail yesterday. the toilet had no seat, it was one of those solid alumnimum units like in jail. the floor was wet. the bottoms of my shorts got wet and pissy from the floor. it sucked so bad.

Does Jow Forums know anything about some new trend with joggers shitting right before the go for a run?

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Story at-a-glance

When you eat a meal, the food moves through your gastrointestinal tract via a wave-like movement known as peristalsis
Another type of movement, segmentation, occurs mostly in your large and small intestines and is thought to facilitate absorption of nutrients; how segmentation works has remained a mystery
It had been theorized that alternate excitation and inhibition from the enteric nervous system was responsible for segmentation
New research suggests segmentation involves both nerves and muscles working together to generate a rhythmic movement that facilitates nutrient absorption
You can gain clues about your overall health by noting characteristics such as shape, color, consistency, frequency, and smell of your bowel movements

According to this medical journal its naturally occurring reaction

Therefore Evacuation Is Needed Daily

The journal continues......

How You Poop: Secrets Revealed

When you eat a meal, the food moves through your intestine by peristalsis. During this movement, your muscles contract and relax, allowing food and liquids to be mixed together and move through your digestive tract. Peristalsis acts much like ocean waves, and helps move fecal matter through your digestive tract for elimination.

Another type of movement, segmentation, occurs mostly in your large and small intestines and is thought to facilitate absorption of nutrients. How segmentation works has remained a mystery, but it had been theorized that alternate excitation and inhibition from the enteric nervous system was responsible. The new study revealed this is not the case and segmentation may occur "after total nerve blockade."

Instead, researchers found segmentation patterns emerge when two sets of "pacemakers" work together to create a rhythm. The process involves both nerves and muscles working together to generate a rhythmic movement that allows for nutrient absorption.1 The study's lead researcher compared it to the movements generated when you drop a stone in water:2

"It's like when a stone is dropped in water, it creates waves or motion that pushes things along, but when a second stone is dropped in the water, the movement changes to up and down, appearing to stay in the same place."

They even have a graphic chart in the article

Be careful.....the Brits are studying your shit

Attached: How You Poop.jpg (501x606, 47K)

what went wrong with American education?

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No one wants to teach shitty kids, parents dont teach them shit about respect or rules. So good teachers say "fuck that" and go private schools. All while public schools need to fill ranks and hire questionable molesters, old people who stop giving a shit and these blobs who have no real life skills.

Attached: poop.jpg (600x315, 35K)


>White people are weird as Fuck

Attached: CzcSMweXUAAaJvj.jpg (624x351, 45K)

This would be two chinks helping their baby shit on a plane

Attached: 2B6E947D00000578-3200696-Two_adults_surrounded_a_child_who_was_defecating_in_corridor_of_-a-5_143981 (634x812, 89K)

>>>'Pooperintendent?' Police say N.J. school admin is mystery defecator

Here they describe the act as defecation

In the other article it said Evacuating His Bowels

"Your honor there is a clear difference in this case as Evacuating His Bowels could also mean that he was trying to Gas the Students" .... "I move my bowels to clarify the difference between Defecation and Bowel Evacuation"


Attached: Open-Defecation.jpg (750x300, 39K)


Attached: defecation-750x406.jpg (750x406, 61K)

>whitey amirite?

Attached: 1352860824_03981700.jpg (375x285, 25K)

Does he have any Indian ancestry?

WOW great source checking, leaf. Truly amazing journalism

>LA Beach

Jesus christ

white incel shits on pitcher's mound
>AWW HELL NAW not one of us!!


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whiter than you bobby

He’s an Indian spy who has infiltrated our school system

NJ Democrat Shots Up School

Eminem got old as fuck.

a lot of over the counter supplements make you shit like a maniac. it's probably some weight loss or energy shit

I will do to Merkel's grave what he did to the schoolyard. I will dedicate the rest of my life to shitting on her grave as soon as she is dead.

In his defense, this was in New Jersey

To be honest, I always have to shit when I go for a run.
Nature shits are always awkward so I get really mad if there's no toilets nearby or anywhere with a toilet that's open.

>American education
Stop writing their memes for them faggot

The Simpsons really has totally lost it.

How does that happen?

say whatever you want about the amerimutt meme, at least it got them to start policing themselves

>U r gay
Literally gay