Guys, I just realized something. We actually need manlets to NOT kill themselves. Let me explain:

Guys, I just realized something. We actually need manlets to NOT kill themselves. Let me explain:

>be us
>we get into power
>"The average male height for a huwhite male is 6". Anybody below this gets the rope."
>Jow Forums is happy

Two years later:
>"The average male height for a huwhite male is 6'2". Anybody below this gets the rope."
>Jow Forums is happy

Two years later:
>""The average male height for a huwhite male is 6'4". Anybody below this gets the rope."
>Jow Forums is happy

Rinse and repeat. Do you see where I'm getting at? If we kill all the short people, the average just gets higher and higher.

Attached: cd8.jpg (915x678, 216K)

That's not how it works faggot. It's not relative. The manlet cutoff is fixed at 6'2".

Nice try tiny dancer. Manlet cutoff is 6'3 and has been for quite some time.

OP has a point. If you live in eastern Europe and you go to some old ass houses in villages you will realize how much shorter people used to be. Take into consideration how much women want tall ass men and then take this chart into account, and then add the final recipe - being too fucking tall. You'll need a cane to walk you'll die very soon. The baked product is a disaster. So yes, short isn't desirable, but in the long term we're making a mistake.

I'm really insecure about my height.

>.t 5'7

Shit man. FeelsFuckingBad. What Am I supposed to do? Is killing myself the only option? Fuck... Well.. I know that I am just asking for reassurance but please! Tell me I can at least amount to something!

Attached: Feels.jpg (1536x2048, 604K)

You could kill other people instead.

Is height really an issue? I'm 6'2 but always been jealous of shorter people because i use public transport and they look so comfy while i unintentionally do yoga .

dumb frogposter

I'm a 5'3 male. It was tough in elementary and middle school where the kds bully you and the teachers point and laugh because they hate manlets too. I was only able to survive because I fought everyone who insulted me and my mom yelled at the principles for not punishing the other kids. Together we caused enough of a headache for the school for them to stop the bullying but if we didn't stir up so much shit they would have let it go on

Status/money > Face > Height > Frame

Hmm, as my flag says, im eastern eurofag, and while in school i had a bunch of mates that were manlets. But they got pussy and what not simply because when someone messed with them, they just fucking went apeshit even if they lost. As they say, stand up for yourself if you are bullied even if you lose. From what you said you were on the right path, don't know why you stopped when you ended the education. True most gurls judge by height but you can always find that one girl that is weakend by your madness. I don't knw where i'm going with this.
>Don't rope yourself yet. You still have value.

tbqh a lanklet always got more shat on than a manlet during the school years, as an adult nobody cares because reasons. if you ask this question you need to stop browsing in class or i will find you and kill you

Manlet detected.

King of manlets reporting in.

There are some girls taller than me but most of them are smaller than me. There are also a ton of men smaller than me so every girl I dated so far told me that I am of average height.

If you're smaller than 176cm than you're doomed though.

>176cm and under is doomed.
>t. 167cm.
Aww man.

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Why not just pair up the really hqndsome manlets 5l'10 6'0 with semi attractive woman giants 6'0 - 6'8 problem solved.

>tfw king of manlets

Shit man

It fucking is, though. Humans got taller throughout history.

All I'm saying is: there can't be winners without losers.

Post your best manlets

Attached: fit on a show.webm (460x258, 489K)

Also, female shorties would needed to be euthanized as well.

If a 6' guy makes a baby with a 5'3" roastie, there's a very high chance the kids gonna end up a manlet.

Why is it always only short men who need to get the rope? Short women should be terminated, too.