TDS 289

Just cut the bullshit and hand it over, paylords
Now is not the time for games

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Pls gibs

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gibs por favor

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Patiently wating


>the mike enoch rants about jews for 2 hours how

does this e-begging happen every time theres a new episode?

If its as much of a shitshow as last Friday's shoah you're not going to miss anything.

Yes. You haz?



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gib Daily 56%er pls

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that's alright. i have a long day tomorrow and any material that kills a couple hours will be fine

You got me. Hoo boy.


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>unironically racist radio show
No thanks.

who is this anime girl and where do i get more from her?

is that episode special somehow or youre just a faggot?

you have to pay 50 bucks for each friday episode

Her name is Yuri and you can get more from Doki Doki Literature Club. There's usually a general thread at /vg/.

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give 50$ to hear and fat retard whine about jews, and you provide your dox on top of it.

ill pass i think

She looks like Johny depp.

Cmon anons we know you fucking have it, just cough it up already. Please.

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Christ I hope he's still gone. His face is somehow even more disgusting than his voice

Pls gibs

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Best TDS bit in a while "Uncle A's Google History"

A tribute to the BASED AUSSIE Comedy bit "Bad Ideas"

Nothing is worse than his voice.

>you have to pay 50 bucks for each friday episode

>be medical student
>white classmates are pozzed beyond belief
>my only close friend is a chinese guy
>driving with him to a restaurant one day
>he's talking about how much he hates Asian Americans who do nothing but complain about America but won't go back to China
>he mentions something that he heard Jared Taylor say
>ask him where he heard about Jared Taylor
>he says that all of the Chinese students share his videos when they complain about black people
>later that day he sends me a funny song
>it's the Richard Spencer song from TDS
>tfw we're winning the culture war, but only with international students
Fuck bros, at least our future Chinese eugenic baby overlords will be redpilled.

Haven’t listened to TDS in like a month. Did they bring up Kanye?


Last Friday's show was a pretty good example of why I just get the payshit for free here.

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Hate House is best show on trs.
TDS has been shit the last few weeks desu.

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Wew, I was wondering what that music was that they kept playing on the Shoah.


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The problem is the Chinese, while woke to the ways of the Jews, actually admire them for their avarice and trickery and see them as something to emulate.

It's only fun when Jayoh shows up. The guy who hosts it is awful.

Hi. I love you

see i'd gladly pay for some of the shows on trs, but tds is too inconsistent and too shitposty regularly and it's not worth the doxing risk at all

I actually like Larry. It's best when Azzmador is on

i-is this what is considered funny now?

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>actually admire them for their avarice and trickery and see them as something to emulate
If we want to survive, we must do the same

Is that the Texan guy with the thick accent? He has great stories.

When is weev bringing back Race Ghost: roast to roast???

Be the hero we need

weev is a kike

Why do you make us beg every time? Just coff it up!

Just click on the pic to play the show.

pls respond

Are you just an Antifa fag who doesnt want to pay to monitor what the ebil Nazis are saying?

Yeah he's the racist uncle I wish i had.

no i'm an ebil nazi who doesn't want to pay for a show that has been awful lately

Hate House is abysmal and they just keep fucking doing it.

Now you're just playing with my emotions

All politics aside, I just can't take Mike seriously. He talks shit about individuals and groups (vain stuff like looks), yet he is like in the bottom 1% of looks. Literally looks like a overweight kebabseller yet constantly talks about "5/10" women and ugly people. Is this guy for real, like what is going on in his head, does he even own a mirror.

You have a bigger problem with this than the Jewish wife?

Vote our guy Patrick Little in for senate, or to simply debate (((Diane Feinstein))), give him some support, same goes for Nehlen

Not sure why the fuck they aren't talking about Nehlen and Little more they literally want to create /ourlaws/, laws that help white people

The Jewish wife is like old stuff now, it's irrelevant as far as what he says and does. What is current, is Mike looking worse and worse. Like he literally looks even more like a fat shitskin now than he did a year ago, and he still has this attitude as if we can't see him. Bizarre guy.

yes but the tone is getting increasingly insulting

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>TFW you realise Mike is an incel

So am I. I just listen to the free episodes they have during the week and ignore the rest. Sadly, the general feeling that the show has gone down hill are accurate. All episodes that have a Merchant Minute are still worth it though.

>It's the Sven uses the podcast as his diary segment

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Well, he was married for 10 years and had zero children, maybe he has never had sex and only had the jew around so people stopped thinking he was a faggot.

>he fell for the no kids meme

he had two children with her

I spoke to him about this. He said he felt he had to make those podcasts because he was receiving a lot of money on hatreon. Hatreon is down and he says he feels his time is more effective being spent elsewhere, with all the editing required etc.

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the jewish wife thing proves he is a disloyal person and has a duplicitous nature

not only because him having a jewish wife was a betrayal to the alt right, but that he betrayed his FAMILY, he was making an antisemitic podcast while being married to a jew

this is some very shitty behavior

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HWNDU proved polacks are at least 56% non white
i'm down with that although i'm 100% celt

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Nah he definitely fucked his wife (cmon) but I bet being a Jew she was on the pill all the time.
He's an incel now tho.

It's actually $88 per minute on Fridays due to the exceptional content quality

where are proofs?

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Its not just that he is involuntarily celibate now. The only pussy he has ever known is Jewish pussy. Its a condition worse than being a virgin.

Oh well, he's probably right. It was a very fun show though.

I bet Jewess' are really dirty in bed

I've never fucked a Jew to my knowledge but I'll bet the pussy's probably not bad. I sat behind a Jewish stripper in one of my classes before I was redpilled on the JQ and I definitely would have smashed.

Cmon guys, im sruck at work and ran out of fresh content, please help. Hook us up.

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I agree with you 100%. It's rare that people recognize these flaws here if it somehow doesn't relate to politics, but he is absolutely a dishonest and untrustworthy character that I would never in a million years trust, and neither should anyone else but what can you do.

Just stuff I heard from the forums back in the day. The thing is that Mike always knew he was going to get 'doxxed', he had been creating a narrative that would 'correct the course' once he got doxxed for months prior.


But to thank Mike for all the great content I have enjoyed, I would let him have my TIGHT VIRGIN BOIPUSSY.


Pls post famalam, that’s my favorite segment

Just listen to The Paranormies.

Nietzsche would have been an incel if he hadn't paid that prostitute. Then he got syphilis and went (even more) insane.

You will just have to be satisfied with Alex Jones calling Ben Shapiro a "Filthy Heeb midget". Copy it and put on loop.

Found the evo psych dog talk more interesting than the paranormal dog stuff.

no thats was NYC you fucking numbskull how many times do we have to tell you NY is fuckign dog shit. Its not America its just like CA its not considered the US

Yeah I agree. It was great.

If you enjoyed the music played at the start of episode 4, here is the last remaining (from what I can tell) archive:

yeah...steve o is much better sidekick than that ferengi looking freak!

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I've listened to them all.

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Even the recent dogs one?

i have a friend who is a devout TRS follower, the other day i said "they have a history of being dishonest"

and he actually said "what? what do you mean? how?"

i said "i'm not even going to respond"

it's fucking nuts


Which ones are your favorites? It's hard to top the Missing 411 episode.

I'm dating Abigail Shapiro.

Am I betraying the movement?