One incident

>one incident
Why do libs and normies assume they are all experts on incels, Jow Forums, the "alt-right", and disenfranchised young white guys?

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Other urls found in this thread:

because my masters in african american gender harry potter studies says i do, shitlord

They hate us because we've learned to live with our condition and move on with life.


>Instead of helping incels, how can we ridicule and mock them, possibly instigating more violence?
>reddit, the front page of hate on the internet
i never thought Jow Forums could be outdone

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incels within incels within incels. incels interlinked.

They have to "make" the news one way or another. They will literally say anything without research to get articles out. Journalists have no work ethic, no moral and no credibility nowadays.

>liberals alienate even more voters
fine by me

>I deserve free help because I'm an incel

Look at this welfare nigger here.

Because there were no guns to blame this time.

It gives them an artificial sense of power and a socially sanctioned format to scapegoat and vent their internalized hatred. It is the 15 minutes of hate you saw in 1984. Jow Forums and Incels are the current sanctioned object of hatred.

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>Jow Forums's slow descent from chatroom for the esoteric into incubator for hatred
Lol, they don't know shit about how this site used to be. It's basically dark-reddit at this point. The days of true depravity on Jow Forums are long gone.

>incubator for hatred

Why would they need to be experts? They're political agenda pushers, not your therapist

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Jow Forums is merely contrarian, in the days of bush we were far left, now we're far right

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Get a load of this:
>more esoteric section
These journos are lazier than union workers. And I've had the displeasure of being in a union environment.

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>Jow Forums's slow descent from a chatroom for the esoteric into incubator of hatred

Holy fuck this is comedy gold

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>They hate us because we've learned to live with our condition and move on with life.
Jow Forums hates you too. Go get a hooker, beta

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All boards need to make this happen again IRL this summer.




A lot of people who browse here myself included have long term gf's.
>It's a Jow Forums is one person episode again

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>Living in a country where prostitution is illegal.
And you fuckers claim to be free. You don't even have basic human facilities.

lol yeah remember back in the good old days of 2008 when we were media darlings?

>you will witness Jow Forums being shut down in your lifetime

Because they're lying idiots

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But hookers have STDs and tattoos.

We aren't that lucky.


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>Living in a country where you need a loicense for guns, cutlery, gardening tools, bird flipping, and opinions.

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>Why do "journalist" assume they are all experts on whatever topic?

I wish. i waste too much time here and it just makes me angry

quadrocheck activated



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I'm married


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>Implying we need a license to do anything other than drive a car and watch TV while the latter is actually just a misnamed tax.
So we are comparing your imagined Britain with the actual USA today?

All lefty retards think they are (((experts))) on shit they know nothing about. It goes with the ideoligical territory.

But they hit their limit.

Not one step further right bong?

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Using Jow Forums as an entity is embarassing and shows they have no idea what the fuck they're talking about

you need a loicense for banter as well? because you sound genuinely offended

You say this like it's a bad thing. It's a vital service to society.

>But hookers have STDs and tattoos.
Then hire a normie girl.

Incel discord

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exactly what the world needs

The stupidity in this whole thread (whole forum actually) is just too much.

#1 you are NOT "incels" - no one owes you sex, not even women
#2 "Society doesn't care about men's feelings" Whose. Fault. Do. You. Think. That. Is?

Feminism has been fighting FOR male feelings since pretty much its inception. Make men able to express their feelings. Tell boys it is ok to cry. Not feeling bad about not being some "macho" caricature. And so on.

Who is always fucking that up? MEN. Yes, MEN. Men are the ones who make fun of you for "not scoring". Men are the ones who call you a pussy if you express your feelings. Men are the ones that decided they should be strong, reliable, like a rock, and that not being able to do so equals failing as a man.

Women don't want to have sex with you? Well, I'm not surprised. If I was a slave and another slave blamed me for our master's shitty attitude, well, I wouldn't be a fan of that guy.

Do you want a positive change? THEN. CHANGE. MEN. Including yourselves. Maybe people won't find you so disgusting if you actually did some good for once.

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it is. its just pathetic that traditional values like families, hard work and patriotism are the counterculture

Slut detected.

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>Promoting degeneracy

You aren't Jow Forums and you should leave.

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Because they have to be experts on everything. I’ve had multiple friends ask me about it because they know I use Jow Forums. They get all pissy when I say incels are jus normal people who haven’t fucked. They think they are an actual gang or group. I’m not an incel but I get defensive of anyone who posts here because I get sick of retards pushing urban legends about his place.

>user I heard incels are a terrorist group from Jow Forums, have you ever talked to any of them
>yeah bitch they have great memes allah akbar

>American Working In England Is Suing His Colleagues For “Too Much Banter”
Banter is illegal in the USA like under-21 drinking and prostitution.

Yaaas queen SLAYYYYY.

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I've literally never seen the word incel being used here or on Jow Forums until the kikes started shouting it a week ago
Is it even a real word or is it made up like the "alt-X"

Are incels real? I thought it was just a meme.

You must go back

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t. roastie
Show your tits and we'll consider your opinion

Either this is bait or you need to go back to Tumblr.

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I've embraced financial security at 25 and have roasties blowing me up 24/7. Chadcel is the best way of life.

I honestly wonder how this would affect the world if the millions of faggots here get their shitposting outlet taken away. Consequences would be very interesting, probably not very pleasant, but interesting

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Why the fuck would you tell them the were normal people? Tell them they're a shadowy group of elite hackers with easy access to nuclear weapons.

It was used a lot a year or so ago. The feminists from reddit used it as an insult and then the neets on Jow Forums turned it into their nigga. It’s hardly ever used outside of Jow Forums though.


Because they read a Salon article by Lauren Leibowitz... duh.

It's a fucking reddit term.
There was a subreddit called r/incel for god's sake.
Fucking go and interview the moderators that shut down r/incel.

Because you are the normies and there's no use pretending.

>abloobloobloo men retain masculine traits even after our attempts to brainwash them

They donor believe me anyways, they think I’m covering for them. It’s just funny as fuck how scared they seem of a bunch of fucking autists.

We weren't far left, we were certainly less right though.

Because we are their perfect boogie man.
We are anonymous.
There is no central group
We are infamous enough to be aware of at least one raid we are responsible for.
They can say anything they like and most of the brainwashed sheep will simply believe it, and for the most part we couldn't give a shit what they say or do, so the most we do is make fun if them.
Those few faggots left who are brave enough to find us, take one look and run for the h..twitter, confirming to the rest of the sheep that its all true..
This is why they are all 'experts'

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The whole world relies on certain "In-Groups'' and to have ''In-Groups" you must have "Out-Groups" Jow Forums is successful because of this phenomena because you feel like you have discovered something, and you have! However, this is all born out of fear. They do not understand us so they seek to hurt us with derogatory terms and unpleasant ideas, but the truth of the matter is, we run this world.

Nobody here can be a normie even if you are a functioning adult.

Kek this has to be b8, I refuse to believe you are actually this retarded/ socially clueless

back in the bush days, not being what would be considered a RINO today made you a leftist, and since anonymous did things outside the public's eye, extremist

Yeah. Probably like whenever Jow Forums goes down for any period of time. Some people get lives; a lot of people go to another chan, others just go out into the comment sections of other sites. I comment on Slate from time to time, and I swear there's another commenter there from here.

a thinktank determined the best angle of attack again this and other sites like its' demograph is sex. they are attempting humiliation and dangling the sex carrot to lure or push people away. imhofalamam

Jesus christ, I honestly can't tell if this is bait or not.

I have a better idea - literal murder.

And you know what? History suggests I'm the one who's going to get my way, civilization IS going to end with bloodshed and fire and insanity. And I'll bet a dumb slut like you won't last two days in such an environment, without a man to protect you, you'll just get raped and killed for the convenience of the nearest thug.

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>moslems are 3-10% of the population of 'white' nations, 2-5% male
>one pops off with moslem-terror roughly each month
>isolated incidents, part and parcel, keep calm and carry on

>whites are 70%+ of white nations, 35% male
>one pops off with soggyknees-terror every 5 years or so

I am a normie in every aspect of life except for my ability to get laid.

nah nigga, das not rite

They're trying to control the narrative but I'm not sure it will work. It's easy for people to check Jow Forums for themselves and discover that we are the good guys.

You certainly have using Jow Forums as your personal blog down pat.

>1 incident
He was like at least the 7th murderer to post on or mention Jow Forums before, during, or after said crime.

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well, neither statement is true, but the media labeled us like that

Jow Forums is too varied a community to paint with a wide brush, perhaps the only common goal is freedom of expression


KYS whore.

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Thanks Rabbi!

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>we are the good guys
You havnt been here very long, have you?

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you dont speak for me mutt

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I think that we are not so much the good guys as we are just "the guys." There are no good guys or bad guys, only our guys and their guys.

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Is that what ((they)) say!

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>no one owes you sex
No one owes you safety.

because they're "journalists", they know everything and anything they write is a fact. Deal with it :^)

>A recently uncovered social media post by Alek Minassian, the suspected Toronto killer

There is ZERO proof he made this post, and even the post itself looked like a stupid joke. They nuked his entire social footprint
and haven't provided evidence of anything else he might have said. This is all FUCKING BULLSHIT organized by the cocksucking Canadian government and their counter-intelligence groups then spread by commie US media.
It's very clear the plan is to radicalize men into going on 'spree killings',
they think if they push this enough they can get outcasts to gun down school children and provide the media with clear-cut propaganda to push for more tyranny, less civil rights and open hostility towards white men. That's the goal with this "INCEL" media blitzkrieg.

It's not funny anymore, just yesterday I was watching TV personalities talk about Kanye West, saying that "he needs to be medicated" - basically a political dissident needs to be drugged or committed -- we're heading full-bore into a Stalinist nightmare. So many of these people need to be killed, starting yesterday. Start identifying and doxxing shill organizations, counter-intelligence groups ala "COINTELPRO" fame - identify media groups that are funded by outside sources and collude with bullshit stories that spread despair/discord and trace those sources as well as it's money. Identify these people and start killing them.

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