Why do Americans hate public transportation?

Why do Americans hate public transportation?

Attached: Flyover Los Angeles at Night (Raw HD 720p) [Original Full Video].webm (1280x720, 2.86M)


Why do meme flags love redundant threads?

This, nice neighborhoods fight any expansion of public transportation, and some neighborhoods don't even have sidewalks (seems to be very common in the Deep South come to think of it).

cities are too spread out.

I think they got that way for whites to avoid blacks.

the thing is, you go to europe even small towns have a historic city center, and the city is more or less around this city center and more packed. People can walk more easily from their house to businesses... In the US everything is much more spread out, houses have yards, there is a lot of separation between commercial and residential areas, it just doesn't work as well. Even if you take a bus somewhere, you can't just walking do everything you need to do.



Especially niggers. They attack people all the time.

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Because theyre full of niggers and drug addicts

Owning a car is freedom. You don
't have to travel on someone else's schedule, public transportation here is full of niggers, and the country is too big so any long trip takes forever. Also there are no public transportation options in nice neighborhoods, only inner cities.

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