Why do Americans hate public transportation?

Why do Americans hate public transportation?

Attached: Flyover Los Angeles at Night (Raw HD 720p) [Original Full Video].webm (1280x720, 2.86M)


Why do meme flags love redundant threads?

This, nice neighborhoods fight any expansion of public transportation, and some neighborhoods don't even have sidewalks (seems to be very common in the Deep South come to think of it).

cities are too spread out.

I think they got that way for whites to avoid blacks.

the thing is, you go to europe even small towns have a historic city center, and the city is more or less around this city center and more packed. People can walk more easily from their house to businesses... In the US everything is much more spread out, houses have yards, there is a lot of separation between commercial and residential areas, it just doesn't work as well. Even if you take a bus somewhere, you can't just walking do everything you need to do.



Especially niggers. They attack people all the time.

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Because theyre full of niggers and drug addicts

Owning a car is freedom. You don
't have to travel on someone else's schedule, public transportation here is full of niggers, and the country is too big so any long trip takes forever. Also there are no public transportation options in nice neighborhoods, only inner cities.

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I saw the same thing in Europe, and I think one factor is that the car lobby isn't as powerful there, and also the cities were built when the countries were more homogeneous, as I really do believe that the point of making America as un-walkable as possible is for whites to not have to be around poor non-whites.


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In Europe public transportation has been promoted as being the "modern" way... and in some EU countries the public transport is really good (not so much here, but ok I guess).

Imagine how nice public transport would be without niggers, pakis, Mexicans, single mommies and other low IQ drug-addicted scum.

A man can dream.

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Imagine being the only white person on a bus filled with niggers who think all of their lives misfortune was because of something you did.

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>ion options in nice neighborhoods, only inner cities.
> Anonymous (ID: +EXVSm9H) 05/04/18(Fri)15:34:10 No.170457102▶
>I saw the same thing in Europe, and I think one factor is that the car lobby isn't as powerful there, and also the cities were built when the countries were more homogeneous, as I really do believe that the point of making America as un-walkable as possible is for whites to not have to be around poor non-whites.
Owning a car is not freedom when you factor in maintenance, depreciating value over time, and the fact that you pay out the ASS on car insurance on top of everything else.

It is not a privilege or a luxury; Where I'm from, it was an absolute necessity to get anywhere or you were absolutely fucked in life. No public infrastructure, not even sidewalks beyond local streets. The only alternative is ride sharing or taxi in which you have to look out for yourself and keep constant awareness or risk being screwed over out of money/mugged/assaulted, or what have you.

And now I'm seriously spooked; How the fuck did that greentext get in that post?

da joos

>niggers screaming to themselves or to their phone
>gypsies that smell like shit
>no personal space
>taconiggers being taconiggers
>costs money
>white trash (canis) with fucking speakers playing reggaeton or trap

is this really a serious question?

It's no different whether it's public transportation or travelling by car, imo. True freedom is being able to get to where you want to go on your own two feet regardless of the distance, no upfront costs attached, but for various reasons including push back from the automotive industry and dealerships, it just isn't feasible.
If you want to walk between towns and cities, you'll be doing your walking through knee high grass swarming with nasty shit and thick underbrush on the side of some of our most dangerous highways and interstates. Even if you stay on "public" land you'll have to be careful that the police don't catch you resting or "camping" like a homeless person or vagrant during your trip.

I fucking hate this place for just that reason.

Not all americans hate it. The ones who do are in no position to use it (they live in a suburb) and they are just greedy faggots who dont want their tax money to pay for something they dont use, even though cityfags' taxes pay for suburbanite roads.

Like just travelling long distances by foot to see this country, other dangers aside, if you don't feel like paying up for a room at a motel/hotel/hostel, and you're just gonna keep to yourself through the day or night or god forbid prop up a tent temporarily in some obscured location, maybe pop into a gym for a shower on your way, it really is a legally gray area. "Public" land isn't actually ever public, and logistically doing something like that goes against ordinance.

I've actually had a lot of difficulty with this because I want to travel the country on foot at some point, be it a trail or just in and out of cities, or both, but the logistics of doing something like that is a nightmare and there aren't any protections it seems.

They practically force a tax on you for officially sanctioned, safe, secure, conventional travel with no readily visible alternatives despite the fact we fucking have legs.

Go on bike websites. They have a list of "stations" where you can set up camp. They're mostly people who have big properties who don't mind bikers passing through so long as they pick up. I did this going from Illinois to Minnesota by bike and two of my friends did it all the way to Florida.

sitting near other americans is fucking disgusting

...and spics


I'd found a couple of networks and have all the basic supplies I'd need; I'll check around the web for more of them. It's been a while, because I let myself get talked out of taking the plunge blindly a while back and just dealing with complications as they crop up having done my research prior. Self-sufficiency is the ultimate goal. But now that I'm talking about this again I know I need to get my butt in gear. Thanks for the tip.

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>Owning a car is freedom

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Mexicans every bus is filled with them.

>paying road tax while needing to travel within the lines
in that way stealing a car is extra more freedom, temporarily.
besides all metal is banned here.
our cars get made from jelly and lego
try commuting in a truck of peace made from gummy bears.
it's not a pretty sight.


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