My college is a fucking joke

How soft does this generation have to get? Im eating the fuck out of tacos on Saturday

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Multiculturalism apparently means importing a foreign culture, destroying yours, forbidding you to practice your own culture, then forbidding you from celebrating someone else's. Stand there in the corner, Mr. White Man. Empty your pockets of your valuables, apologize for made-up crimes, then sob pathetically while the invader horde cuts your throat.

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Remove all jews from the north american continent

This too from Hofstra University from debate 2016

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Lmao pussy ass libshits. I'm Mexican and if you want to wear a sombrero and eat tacos, I don't care. Also, Cinco de Mayo isn't even a big celebration in Mexico itself, why is it here?

This is good, cinco de mayo is about the only day regular people connect with beaners. Remove that and they become even more alien to us. Just the left doing our work for us again.

I feel you. My teacher went on a 30 minute lecture because word put a capital C in canada but not a capital M in mexico. "This is bullshit!" "racist tech!" "God damn white privilege"
>he's about 5'7, 300 pouds
>really disgusting goblin face
>a liberal

>acknowledge other cultures = cultural appropriation
>ignore other cultures = racism and exclusivity
>whites move out=white flight=racism
>whites move in=gentrification=racism
>whites ignore race=racism
>whites acknowledge race=racism
You can't win.

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Well, see, Americans have a right, given directly to us by God, of course, to party. My best guess is, some May 5th in the ancient American past, some place had an abundance of aforementioned tacos and tequila and they saw the date had something to do with Mexicans, so they said something along the lines of, "fuck it! Here's to the Mexicans!" And proceeded to get shithouse wasted. Again, under God's jurisdiction, of course. They had such a good time, I surmise, they agreed to then do it again the following year. As is, now, tradition.

God bless America.

don't play.

But beating the French in a battle isn't a big accomplishment, even for a bunch of Mexican peasants and conscripts being led by corrupt Criollo generals

The solution is to be aggressively white and to glorify your culture over all others.

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tequila, tacos, mexicostumes, and spic jokes comprise the only point cinco de mayo has EVER had here. are they on crack?

>the north american continent
Europe wants to get in on that as well

>we should celebrate our different cultures
>if we celebrate it’s cultural appreciation

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>You can't win.
That's the point.

haha it sucks here

If you don't go out walking around in a sombrero you're a faggot OP

It's also important to blast the salsa all day and also well into the wee hours of the night.

Sounds super fun. All the best party invitations come with a list of rules and the band controls fashion choices.

I always heard Conco de Mayo was promoted here in the States so Corona could sell their shitty beer.
And if you don’t agree Corona is shitty bear, you aren’t Mexican.