ITT: things Generation Z will never understand

ITT: things Generation Z will never understand

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It was shitty. No one fucking enjoyed movie rental stores. You rosey tinted retard.

Not true. When I was a kid my local video rental store always had free soft pretzels.

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i'd much rather be able to go rent movies in person. going to blockbuster as a kid was always a highlight of weekends

This is why everyone is having trouble finding a sexual partner. Internet makes it where you have to be perfect which encourages people to alter their real likeness. It'd be better if the internet was only used for emailing, banking, online radio streaming or netflix. Everything else needs to be banned.

It was good at one point, but when they changed to OPs time limit image, it was total shit.

I remember being able to rent a Dreamcast and Nintendo 64 as a kid from Blockbuster, and the game rentals were a solid week long, without too constrictive late fees if you happen to go over. I imagine all the ape minorities probably abused that generosity, I'm sure plenty of consoles got destroyed, and games just got kept indefinitely, so they had to make the system trash.

You fix that by making a membership lile amazon prime to even be able to rent systems or physical games or books.

things millennials will never understand

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Excuse me, you’ve just reminded me of something I have to do.

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I know how to use a vcr, how to track, etc.

It's not that it's the whole shebang

>going to a VHS store
>knowing jack shit about any movie because no internet existed and all you had to go bye was how cool the cover was
>trying to sneak in the porno section when you are a teen
>being utterly terrified on the way to the store because you don't remember if you rewinded the movie or not

I did when I was 10
I'd watch old godzilla movies like a madman
the fuck you talking about no one enjoyed these

I know a lot about it. They had porno vhs shops in Germany when i lived there in the early 2000s

>I'd watch old godzilla movies like a madman
Wow, excellent taste.

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>going to blockbuster as a kid was always a highlight of weekends
You must've had a very boring life.

I used to go to sears on saturday mornings with my mom and play donkey kong at the super nintendo kiosk. 90s were comfy

If you're being ironic, I was only 10 at the time
and cmon old godzilla movies are some of the most enjoyable bad movies out there

It was truly a simpler time

like a fucking ruskie will ever understand American weekend optimism. all you guys had to look forward too on weekends is standing in line for toilet paper LMAO

Highlight of my weekend as a kid was going to the swimming pool, yeah i didnt play sports so what

I remember renting the dragon warrior role playing games on nes. God Damnit. I couldn't finish it in a week. Would just tkeep for months on end.

The selection process was more fun imo,you and all your friends would grab different dvds/tapes and you'd have to pick 1 maybe 2 of them. It was like a fucking U.N. security council meeting.

>hot snes game
>waiting like a jew wanting bread to rent it
>all copies rented out
>mom takes you to 3 different blockbusters
>finally get game

fuck yes

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I'm gen z

shit was still like this when i was a kid

At a gas station, were talking about blockbusters or hastings

I did though. And in the school holidays we used to rent games

>It was like a fucking U.N. security council meeting.
I chuckled, because nothing important ever happens at the U.N. Picking out the right VHS by the cover only and some short screeners/ads was way more important and tedious a decision than anything that gets done at the U.N. these days. Very sad.You didn't wanna come home with a dud, cause then you'd be stuck a weekend with your poor choice.

There were blockbusters until I was 12 and I'm 18 now

What was her name user? Mine was pic related.

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Blockbusters were ghetto, hastings was legit

>enjoying the little things is somehow bad

I vividly remember multiple weekends, as a family, arguing about which films to rent. Warm fuzzy feelings everytime I remember my parents.

can't trust the russians

Confirmed retard. There was nothing quite like going in and finding the perfect game/movie with a group of friends.

I had one within walking distance of my house when I was about 8, and the guy knew me pretty well. He would keep new games that came in for me, and actually expanded the anime section. He suggest both Akira and Ghost in The Shell to me. Great times.

browsing the computer and computer software isles (yes, entire isles of them) at Price Club while Mom went shopping through the rest of the store
I mean yes Steam is superior in many ways, but kids that have grown up recently will never understand how families used to shop

Nah, it was kinda special. It was exciting when you were taken to the rental store and there were hundreds of movies everywhere and you looked around and around at everything. This was a big deal before the internet really took off. Doesn't seem so special now that we can peruse thousands of titles on netflix or piratebay or wherever.

You were a child of good taste. I was the same.

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I vividly remember being a kid and hanging around the porno mag section to make the college guys too nervous to look at them, trolling is like genetic

It was part of my childhood, albeit only the really early years
Good times though, I was sad when Hollywood home video or whatever it was called went out of business, or at least the specific location I went to

At hastings*

going with your parents or friends parents and getting to see Every possible movie option or video game rental right in front of you .. nowadays its just sitting in front of a screen looking at shitty netflix original content

>tfw Dead to Rights was one of my favorite playstation games
>tfw lost my shit when I heard there was a sequel
>ended up being the worst most disappointing game I ever played
>returned it to blockbuster in the drop slot
>one week later I have $60 charge on my dads card
>they claim they never got it and charged me full price for it

fucking kikes

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video game industry would probably be dead if you could still rent games from video stores, most games are nothing but 10 hour movie games featuring strong black women with afros that can be beaten in one rental

Millenials started being born in 1982.

You dummy, the DVD wasn't a common household thing till the mid 2000s. Many millennial used the VRC.

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>you will never smell the scent of a video rental store again

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>Millennials grow up with VHS and later DVDs
>they somehow wouldn't understand this image

Are you intentionally stupid?